Glucose undergoes the process of glycolysis to produce energy that fuels the cells availed in the form of ATP. The brain cells run on glucose, and the New York Times’ conclusions carry the weight. Poor glycemic control mirrors mental health symptoms, such as irritability and anxiety. Inconsistencies in blood sugar levels, as seen among the persons living with diabetes, have been associated with drastic mood changes. The effect of sugar on the brain is not limited to persons living with diabetes. Healthy persons who consume loads of unrefined sugar can experience a spike in blood glucose levels. The sudden increase in the blood sugar levels may lead to an exaggerated insulin response that causes hypoglycemia. I do agree with the statements that have been made in the article. I have felt sudden mood changes due to hypoglycemia. The phenomenon takes place when I have not eaten and have consumed a beverage high in sugar levels. High-sugar beverages may induce depression due to exaggerated insulin response. Since mood is a biochemical process, changes in hormone levels may create sudden mood changes.
Some of the FDA-approved non-nutritive sweeteners include Neotame, Aspartame, Sucralose, and Saccharin. These sugars are 200 times sweeter than table sugar. My opinion regarding these products has not changed owing to the need to reduce sugar intake for good health. Furthermore, non-nutritive sweeteners are good options for insulin insensitivity and diabetes due to low glycemic effects. The NNS has a potential impact on the learned responses that play a role in controlling blood glucose. The sweet taste in the sweeteners may not elicit the cephalic responses needed for postprandial tolerance. I would not recommend non-nutritive sweeteners to patients attempting to manage their weight. Non-nutritive effects may be acceptable when attaining the caloric deficit, which is minimal; however, they may encourage caloric laden foods such as cakes. For these patients, I would encourage limiting the intake of sugars and encouraging nutritive eating foods that are fiber-rich. These foods would play a role in attaining the caloric deficit needed for weight loss. The use of non-nutritive sugars can induce changes in gut microbiota and further lead to glucose intolerance.