Google co. Social and Ethical Responsibility
Corporate social responsibility helps build trust, raise awareness, and as a way of encouraging change in society. Although many companies make it a part of their day to day business, some companies have been more successful and have resulted in achieving more excellent results that have impacted global change. A company like Google has had much success in corporate ethics andsocial responsibility. Google company is a limited liability company that was founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergery Brin. It serves the whole world in providing internet related services, including advertising, hardware, software, and search engine.
Google has gained popularity through standing up against social injustices affecting the world, like against minority sects and different races. Google has also been ranked highest in using less energy than other companies in the world and having an initiative that is environmentally friendly using its ‘Google Green’ initiative. Despite all that, Google has been a generous contributor to renewable energy projects amounting to more than a billion dollars to assist other companies in reducing impacts on the environment using services such as Google.
To govern google operators, Google has established a code of conduct that outlines the expectations of shareholders of acceptable ethical standards and laws (Van, 2019). Those who do not adhere to the set standards and rules have their relationship with google terminated. Every google is expected to do their very best in creating a workplace environment that is respectful, free from harassment, and discrimination.
Despite its involvement in ethical and social responsibility, Google has had several shortcomings. It has had significant tax avoidance cases, privacy concerns, and copyright issues. Also, concerns about censorship of google results have been an issue. However, not all hope is lost. Google can continue to adhere to the filters of the ‘Great Firewall of China,’ which would help block some foreign websites and slow internet traffic among boarders (Chandel e.t al, 2019).
Chandel, S., Jingji, Z., Yunnan, Y., Jingyao, S., &Zhipeng, Z. (2019, October). The Golden Shield Project of China: A Decade Later—An in-Depth Study of the Great Firewall. In 2019 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC) (pp. 111-119). IEEE.
Gargari, C., Bibbiani, C., Fantozzi, F., &Campiotti, C. A. (2016). Environmental impact of Green roofing: the contribute of a green roof to the sustainable use of natural resources in a life cycle approach. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, 8, 646-656.
Van Wee, B. (2019). The Need for a Code of Conduct for Research Funders. Science and Engineering Ethics, 25(6), 1657-1660.