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Greek And Roman Civilizations

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Greek And Roman Civilizations

Discuss the contribution of Greek and Roman civilizations in the world

The core foundations of the current society can be traced back to Greek and Roman civilizations. Greek and Roman civilizations have had a tremendous impact on today’s world in various ways. These civilizations have impacted the fields of modern-day philosophy, mathematics, drama, medicine, architecture, military organization, democracy, the legal system and critical thinking (Bondanella, 2017). Therefore, Greek and Roman influence on the current world cannot be underestimated as discussed in the subsequent paragraphs.

The period between 735BC and 476AD marked the establishment and the dissolution of the Roman Empire (Bondanella, 2017). This period was characterized by accelerated thinking, increased social awareness and creativity. Romans contributed to the creation of newspapers which have become a common form of a news outlet in the world.  Written communication was introduced by Julius Ceaser in 59BC in the form of Acta Diruna which shared upcoming events (Bondanella, 2017). Additionally, Romans contributed to the establishment of the legal system which was established by Galus. The Roman legal system remains the basis for European and American legal systems (Bondanella, 2017). Also, in today’s’ world, the Roman alphabet system is still used all over the world. Romans also contributed to the aqueduct, the three-course meal and mass entertainment.

Conversely, Greeks contributed to the creation of modern-day democracy through the chronological advancement of the city of Athens from a monarchy to a democracy (Haarmann, 2014). Also, the Greek alphabet which featured distinct consonants and vowels consisting of 24 letters, was the first alphabet in the western world (Haarmann, 2014). Modern-day alphabets originate from Greek alphabets; alpha and beta. Greece was also the origin of great scientists and philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Eratosthenes, Archimedes, and many others (Haarmann, 2014).  Furthermore, the contemporary world still coexists with the ancient Greek Architecture such as Parthenon. Also, today’s pillars and columns have some aspects of Greek architectural design (Haarmann, 2014).   Lastly, Greek civilizations contributed to standardized medicine, the current law system and drama.




Bondanella, P. (2017). The Eternal City: Roman Images in the Modern World. UNC Press Books.

Haarmann, H. (2014). Roots of ancient Greek civilization: The influence of Old Europe. McFarland.

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