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I would like to express the deepest appreciation to my committee chair Professor _________, who has the attitude and the substance of a genius: he continually and convincingly conveyed a spirit of adventure in regard to research and scholarship, and an excitement in regard to teaching. Without his guidance and persistent help this dissertation would not have been possible.


I would like to thank my committee members, Professor _______ and Professor _______, whose work demonstrated to me that concern for global affairs supported by an “engagement” in comparative literature and modern technology, should always transcend academia and provide a quest for our times.

List of figures

Figure 4.1 Stresses in Workplace 25

Figure 4.2 Workplace Balance 26

Figure 4.3 Age Wise Stress 27

Figure 4.4 Workplace Support 28

Figure 4.5 Stress Management 29

Figure 4.6 Chances of heart disease 30

Figure 4.7 Employees suffering 31




List of Abbreviations

FT Full Time

IT Information Technology

SM Stress management




Table of Contents

Abstract: 1

1.a Purpose: 1

1.b: Methods 1

  1. c Results: 1

1.d: Conclusion 2

Chapter 1: Introduction 10

1.0 Introduction 10

Research Hypothesis 12

Chapter 2: Literature Review 14

2.1 Introduction 14

2.2 Effect of Stress in Health: 14

2.3 Job stress for the employees in financial organizations: 16

2.4 Importance of stress management in the organizations: 18

2.5 Reducing the risks of cardiovascular diseases due to stress: 20

2.6 Identifying the risks which can bring stress: 22

2.7 Literature Gap 22

2.8 Summary: 23

Chapter 3. Methodology: 24

Research Philosophy: 24

Scope of the research: 25

Justification: 25

Methods: 25

Data collection process: 26

Data analysis process: 27

  1. Data analysis and findings: 28

4.1 Introduction: 28

4.2 Quantitative analysis: 28

4.3 Qualitative analysis: 36

4.1 Conclusions: 39

5.0 Conclusions and recommendations: 40

5.1 Conclusions: 40

5.2 Linking objectives: 40

5.2 Recommendation: 41

5.2.1 Limitations of the study: 43

5.2.2 Future scope: 43

6.0 References: 44





People’s risk of heart disease can differ based on their professions, according to report, the workers in service and blue collared occupations are at an increased risk of heart attack. Organizations are now taking up numerous numbers of projects, complicated tasks and huge amount of works in order to increase the profit margins and sales revenues. This is resulting in added work pressure for the employees working in these organizations. This research will be based on the growing significance of cardiovascular diseases among employees in high stress work place.


1.a Purpose:

The aim of the research is to highlight the causes of increases stress and percentage of heart attack in different job sectors especially in the financial sector.

1.b: Methods

In the methodology part research design, positivism philosophy, Inductive research method has been used to conduct the research. Data analysis has been done in both quantitative and quantitative form as it justifies the result to a fruitful outcome.

In this method, 25 employees from 5 different industries will be the part of the survey and they will also include 2 aged employees, 2 female employees and one young employee from each of the different 5 industries of UK. In this quantitative analysis, 2 management professionals from organizations of five different industries have been approached


  1. c Results:

From the quantitative and qualitative research, it is analyzed that most of the employees are subjected to high stress in the workplace and also are suffering from either major or minor heart diseases. Moreover, the management of most of the organizations have also not implemented any suitable stress management sessions in order to help the employees get rid of stress.


1.d: Conclusion

The last chapter is the conclusion and recommendation where recommendation based on the findings are provided, such as a separate stresses management unit needs to be present in the office for better stress management. However there are certain gaps in the research that has been identified, in the next research the researcher will aim to focus on those areas.



Chapter 1: Introduction

1.0 Introduction

With the increase of competitions in all the industries around the world, employees of the organizations are incurred with huge work pressures that are bringing in tensions and anxieties in them (Sonnentag et al. 2014). These in turn are also resulting in huge stress which is creating low blood pressure among the employees. Therefore, in the last few years, many of the working individuals around the world are facing the issues of heart related diseases which are even causing deaths to many of them. On the other hand, many organizations are giving priority to stress management which are helping the managers to reduce the stress in the employees and making them satisfied in their work. Moreover, motivations and support for the employees are also extremely beneficial in order to make them feel tension free and get inspired for increasing their productivities and maintain their work life balance as well. However, number of such organizations is still on the lower side and this is bringing huge concerns among the employees around the world.

Background of the research:


According to a report, about 11,000 civil servants of Britain are exposed to risk of heart disorders due to being employed in jobs with low control. People working in the factories also get prone to these heart disorders due to immense work pressures and long working hour (“Worked to death? 10 jobs that may hurt your heart”, 2018). In order to sustain in the industry and gain competitive advantage, the work pressures in the factories for the employees are high and thus in order to cope up with the work pressure, the factory workers get stressed out and thus with long expose to stress, risks of cardiovascular disease increases significantly. Due to the fact that there has been stiff rise on competitions among the organizations of different industries and added to the changes in consumer behaviour, these organizations are struggling to maintain their sustainability and thus focusing on increasing the business revenues. Therefore, the employers are creating the strategies which require high workload for the employees and even they are required to meet up with tight deadlines. This overall is creating huge pressures for these employees. Many of them are able to cope up with this additional pressure and on the other hand others are failing to do so. These failures are adding up to tensions and worries for the employees. In many organizations, employers tend to terminate those employees who have less efficiencies and having issues on coping up with the work pressure and they are being replaced with young employees who are more hardworking and able to deal with pressure. Therefore, for fear of insecure job, huge stress and tension are becoming part of the life of the employees. Heart related disorders are also increasing in the employees who are employed in the financial, nursing and retail industry (Moen et al. 2016). Therefore, this is creating a growing concern around the world. The problem is higher in the case of middle aged and aged employees. Moreover, due to changes in the business processes and advancement of technologies, these people are facing huge challenges on adapting with the new knowledge and skills. Therefore, this is also creating fear on their mind in addition of fear for losing the job. If proper steps are not implemented by the organizations around the world on reducing the work pressures of the employees, then these issues will increase day by day and on the aim to earn their livelihood, more people will face the effects of heart disorders.


Research aim and objective

The main aims of this research are as following:

To find out the impact that stress creates on occurrence of heart diseases among the financial professionals and people with high stressed jobs.

To identify the causes for this stress

The main objectives of this research are as following:

To analyze the impact of stress in the heart of the human beings

To understand the issues that can result in cardiovascular diseases

To analyze the reasons of increasing stress in the workplace

To provide mitigating solutions for reducing stress in the workplace.


Research Question

P (Population)

I (Indicator)

C (Comparison)

O (Outcome)


High demand job which requires long working hours. Most affected employees are from finances, retail sectors and nursing

Jobs that provide low stress and strong work life balance. These jobs include education sector and insurance sector.

Decreasing the risks that lead to cardiovascular diseases.

Research question

How the rate of heart disease in financial professional and people with high stressed jobs?


Research Hypothesis

H0: Stress brings in cardiovascular and other hearth related diseases among the employees

H1: Stress does not brings in cardiovascular and other hearth related diseases among the employees


Research Rationale

Significance of the study:

This study aims in providing important steps which is required to mitigate the issues depicted in the research. In this study, focus will be given on the reasons of occurrence of the cardiovascular diseases and the method these diseases can be avoided and cured with proper steps. In this study, priority will be given on deriving the procedures or methods which can help in reducing the stress of the employees and on the methods by which the employees can deal with the high work pressure and lower their stress.



This part thus helped in introducing the main study of this research and further helped in identifying the problems which are going to be analyzed and researched. The objectives of the research will help in completing the research by following them effectively.


Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

This section focuses in collecting theories and relating them with the proposed topic. This will involve collecting relevant information on the current issues and further on the steps by which proper strategies can be created in order to mitigate the issues.


2.2 Effect of Stress in Health:

In the financial sectors such as banks, employees require meeting up with various queries of the customers and also they are required to meet the requirements of a large number of customers (Bhatti et al. 2016). Moreover due to the fact that this an extremely critical sector, therefore; any minute mistake can result in huge losses for both customers and the banks. Therefore, these employees require being patient as well as are highly focused on their respective tasks. Therefore, in order meet up with these expectations they end up losing their work life balance and end up getting highly stressed. In the banking organizations, employees of the risk management are subjected to high job stress due to the fact they always need to deal with the tasks which require protection of the bank from any internal or external risks (Butcher, Tuttle, Butcher & Tuttle, 2018). Any negligence from their part can result in huge losses for these banks and thus they can be held responsible for the outcomes. Therefore, these employees always require dealing with high pressures from the work place and fear of job security.

On the other hand, stress is also highly present in the healthcare organizations, where the nurses and the staffs are required dealing with the health care of numerous patients (d’Ettore & Greco, 2015). Even at many times, they are require to skip their holidays at the time of emergencies and this results in loss of work motivation and also their work life balance gets highly reduced. Moreover, due to changing business models of the healthcare organizations, these nurses and staffs mostly struggle to cope up with the changes. Therefore, a fear of failure always gets stuck in their mind, which in turn results in additional stress among them. Moreover, in many healthcare organizations, these nurses and staffs are also not provided with the required training and knowledge about the new models of healthcare. It is also difficult to manage the diverse patients as many of them have different needs and expectations from these nurses. Therefore, if these nurses fail to satisfy with the needs of the patients, they are subjected to various complaints against them. This also results in their termination and additionally they feel fear of job insecurity in the workplace.

In the case of employees of retail sectors, these problems are equally prevalent. This is because in order to cope up with the high competitions in this industry, the employers of the retail organizations tend to increase the working hours of the employees and thus they are left with no chance of maintaining their work life balance (Huang & Gamble, 2015). Moreover, in the retail industry, payments of most of these employees are on the lower side and therefore they fail to become financially satisfied. Due to this low remuneration, these employees lose the motivation to enhance their performances and get committed with their jobs. Along with this, these employees are also requiring to deal with the pressures of serving the customers efficiently and to meet with their demands. Any negative feedbacks from the customers against them can act as a backfire and thus they event gets terminated from the workplace. Overall, these factors bring in huge stress and thus this affects their health as well. According to the authors Karimi et al. (2014), the emotional labours in the retail sector and other industries are regarded as those who receive high stress based tasks. The organizations of the retail industry always levy pressure on these labours to make the customers convince of buying the products and are given specific targets to ensure that the sales revenues of the business are high. Moreover, with the growing popularity of the e-commerce companies, the retails companies are also facing huge challenges to sustain in the market. Therefore, they require the staffs, which can help them in business growth and help increasing their sales. According to authors Zafar et al. (2015), this additional pressure results in job stress and this also affects the performances of the employees. This is because when the job stress makes them emotionally down and thus they tend to lose their motivation to enhance their performance. Along with this, low wages and insufficient rewards add up to the concerns of these employees. Moreover, lack of proper support and communication from the management results in lack of motivation. Thus, prolonged suffering from stress results in various cardiovascular diseases and even many of them ends to dying due to heart related diseases.

2.3 Job stress for the employees in financial organizations:

In the financial organization, employees need to take note of all the financial transactions along with maintaining the record with success. Any mistake from the part of employees can result in huge losses for these organizations. According to authors Backer & Demerouti (2017), financial jobs require high resources and are highly complicated to conduct and therefore, the focus and commitment of the employees need to be higher. Long term expose to these jobs naturally brings in huge stress for the employees. This can be lower if there is enough support and help from the higher authorities and if these people of the higher authority focus on reducing the work stress of these employees. However, in order to compete with other organizations in the same sector, it becomes extremely difficult to lower the work pressures for the employees. Along with this, due to changes in the process of business operations, many of these employees lack the required competencies and knowledge for performing them with success. Thus, the fear of failure also brings in the stress among them significantly. According to authors Wang, Lu & Siu (2015), many organizations lack the strategy on engaging the employees in the workplace and this also results in lack of proper understanding between the management and the employees. Therefore, due to lack of coordination, these employees are unable to express their issues to the higher authority. This result in higher stress and the motivational factors get diminished.

Authors Cascio & Montealegre (2016) highlight the impact of technologies on reducing the work stress for the employee in the financial organizations. According to them, with the use of modern technologies, employees are being able to reduce their work loads and for this they are able to increase their individual work life balance more effectively. However, it is a fact that even with the use of latest technologies, working in the financial organizations is relatively difficult and this is because the tasks in these organizations require long working hours and to manage the financial data of the customers with patience and without errors. This problem is even bigger in the private financial organizations because of the high competitions between each other. Moreover, due to higher percentage of risks in the banking organizations, it is extremely important to maintain the security of the data and to cope up with the negative impacts of different factors of external environment.

In order to reduce the risks and the business costs, many banking organizations end up reducing their cost of human resources. According to a report Bank of America has plan to reduce the mortgage positions and this can result in loss of job of about 30,000 employees (“Individuals working banking jobs experience high stress rates – OneWire Resources”, 2018). The bank has already cut off about 90000 employees from the job recently and this shows the fear of losing out on the job among these bank employees. This further result in tensions and additional stress and their personal life also gets badly affected. This issue is also getting prevalent in other banking organizations as well. According to the authors Floyd & Skinner (2015), during the economic crisis of the year 2008, most of the banking organizations around the world reduced their workforces and thus resulted in loss of job for a significant number of employees. Thus this fear of economic crisis in the future is also prevalent among the employees of the banking industry. Further, in order to get revived from the economic crisis, many baking organizations also implied additional work pressures among the employees which naturally affected their work life balance and increased the stress amount in them. According to a report, during the demonetization of 2016 in India, the job stress for the banking employees got huge and they also even worked in the holidays in addition to serving working hours of about 12 to 13 hours a day. The reason was to serve the public during the cash crunch and this long working hours resulted in huge stress for these banking employees in India (Lele, 2018). This is only a few of the examples of the situation that bring in huge stress among the banking employees. Even the bank managers are also not speared on additional work pressures.

Authors Fu & Deshpande (2014) highlight the growing job stress among the employees of insurance sectors. According to them, due to high financial targets and aspect of customer satisfaction, the insurance agents are levied with high work pressures and additionally they are also implied with tensions due to pressures of fulfilling the targets given to them by their organizations. Moreover, the competitions between the private insurance organizations are also high and for this, they need to create strategies and meet up with the demands of the diverse customers. Along with managing the profit values is also difficult due to the fact that other insurance organizations create strategies that make the customers satisfied along with reducing their investment cost along with increasing the return value. Therefore, the managers of these insurance agencies also provided with high work pressures which in turn result in high stress and tensions. Authors Belias & Koustelios (2014) highlighted the importance of strong organizational culture in order to support the employees and motivate them to be satisfied with their jobs. According to the authors many of the banking and insurance organizations lacks this proper organization culture and further this results in loss of motivation and support for the employees. Moreover, due to lack of employee engagement and proper reward management, the issues of the employees become higher and sometimes get intolerable for them as well.

Therefore, these problems are keeping on increasing and with the increase of competitions in this sector, the problems of stress will also increase among the employees if proper solutions are not derived.

2.4 Importance of stress management in the organizations:

According to the authors Holman, Johnson & O’Connor (2018), stress management in the organizations is extremely important in order to help the employees reduce their stress and get motivated for accepting the challenging workplace. These authors further state that, in order to make the stress management stronger, it is important to conduct health check up and hire professional councillors to help the employees to express their issues and for providing them with the solutions of mitigating their stress related problems. Authors Hansen et al (2018) highlights the importance of stress management in order to reduce the heat related issues on performing tasks for the labours in Australia. With the help of proper stress management, these labours can be motivated to get adapted with the work place condition and provide their best performances in order to help in business growth with success.

According to authors Allexandre et al (2016), stress management is extremely important to reduce the tensions and stress among the employees of call centres. In many call centres around the world, the employees need to work in the night and they are given difficult targets to fulfil and moreover, due to this they are levied with high work pressures and due to presence of unsupportive managers or individuals of higher authorities, these employees begin loosing the motivation to fulfil their targets. This even results in lower wages and even termination from the workplace. All these issues result in tensions and high stress. Therefore, in order to reduce this stress and to lend support to these employees, presence of proper stress management is extremely important in these call centres. This also helps in increasing their productivity and thus naturally increases the sales revenues as well. Authors Einarsen et al (2018) highlight the importance of stress management on helping the employees to reduce the effect of workplace bullying and discrimination in the work place. In such scenarios, the professionals involved in stress management can understand the problems that these employees are facing and thus by discussing with the management of the organizations, they can derive proper solutions to eliminate the occurrence of workplace bullying to the employees.

Authors Li, Gundel & Angerer (2016) illustrate the use of stress management to reduce the health related problems among the employees. According to them, high stress in the workplace results in different diseases and by incorporating stress management along with regular medical checkups, the possibilities of these diseases among these employees reduces significantly and along with this, stress management also helps the organizations to help the employees work effectively and curb out all the possibilities of stress to enhance their respective performance in the business with success. Authors Tetrick & Winslow (2015) add that health promotion is an important part of stress management in the organizations and with the help of health promotions, these employees are made aware of the steps that they can implement in order to reduce the health related issues due to workplace stress. With the help of health promotions, the employers of the organizations are also made aware of the methods they can incorporate on the employees for ensuring that they would not suffer from health related issues due to stress in the workplace.

Authors Haque & Aston (2016) state that stress management are also beneficial in the IT sectors. This is due to the fact that the employees of the IT sectors are levies with huge work pressures and due to this many of them are unable to cope up with the stress. Along with this, in order to be successful in the IT sector, they also require to regularly update their knowledge and skills and get adapted with the modern technologies. Many of them successfully get adjusted with the changes whereas others fail to do so. Therefore, these failure leads to them get affected with hypertension and even cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, with the help of successful stress management, these issues can be mitigated and proper solutions can be provided to them to get adapted with the changes in the business operations. Authors Chia & Chu (2016) highlights the importance of stress management in the hospitality sector. According to their perspectives, the employees working in the hotels are required to make the customers satisfy and they also require getting adapted with the various demands of these customers. Therefore, huge work pressures are levied on them as well and at many times, these work pressures become extremely difficult to be adapted with.

Authors Sharma & Rush (2014) state the importance of stress management in the workplace in order to reduce the depressions and anxiety among the employees. Authors further illustrate that by using stress management, it is possible to help the employees to get rid of cardiovascular diseases that occur due to high stress and anxieties. Moreover, it is also essential to increase the coordination among the employees so that they can help and support each other on reducing the work related issues and further work as a team to solve the challenging tasks with success. Author Chhabra (2017) illustrate the growing stress and cardiovascular diseases among the working women. With the increase in the numbers of working employees, it has become essential to understand their issues and provide them with required solutions to mitigate them with success. In many organizations, women are subjected low pay, discriminations and even sexual harassments and for these, these women tend to feel stressed and even feel discriminated. Therefore, stress management should focus on solving all these issues and provide the employees with safer workplace by discussing with the higher authorities of the organizations. Therefore, by eliminating these issues, it is possible to inspire more women to get into corporate life and enhance their performances as well. Moreover, it is also important to provide them with required work life balance. This is because in case of married working women, they also require to balance between work and family. Therefore, if they are levied with long working hours, then this naturally affects their personal life and in return this can increase stress among them as well.

Authors Pignata et al. (2017) illustrate that in order to improve the reputation of the workplace according to perceptions of the employees, it is extremely important to assure that their expectations from the workplace is met with and for ensuring that all of them are happy and satisfied with the respective jobs. Thus, stress management can be extremely beneficial to reduce the stress and for keeping the employees motivated all through.

2.5 Reducing the risks of cardiovascular diseases due to stress:

According to authors Lehrer & Gevirtz (2014), along with the organizations, the employees should also help themselves to reduce their stress. The authors highlighted the use of self-confidence and self-motivation in order to reduce their stress and anxieties. This can be conducted by choosing the jobs that can bring in self-satisfaction and also match with the competencies that are required to be successful. Author Akgunduz (2015) illustrate the importance and influence of self-efficacy in order to reduce personal stress among the employees. According to the authors, the employees should focus on self-satisfaction from their respective careers. If the job can give the self-satisfaction, then the additional stress also cannot affect the productivity in the work place. Therefore, it is important to love their own job and get self-motivated in order to learn new competencies and knowledge based on those required for being successful in the job.

In the IT sectors, employees are required to learn new skills and get adapted with the new technologies. Therefore, if these employees find own way of pleasure on learning new things, then despite of high pressures in the workplace, they do not get stressed and feel satisfied in their jobs. Authors Malinowski & Lim (2015), analyze that those employees who are not affected by any external factors in the work place, generally tend to be happier and satisfied in their own job. Along with this, presence of positive attitudes and being interested to take up challenging tasks also help the employees to reduce all the effects from the internal or external factors. Therefore, despite of tight work schedules and pressures, they tend to remain positive and enhance their performances to receive the appreciation from the senior employees. According to authors Nielsen et al (2017), if the employers are able to provide the employees with all the resources required for performing their tasks with success, then the employees begin to feel positive and despite of additional work pressure they tend to remain motivated and happier in the workplace. Along with this, timely disbarment of salaries and fun games in the workplace also helps in reducing the stress of the employees with success. Many organizations conduct leisure programmes and various activities which help the employees to get out of stress. Along with this, the employees should also make plans on hanging out with each other and go for different tours as a team in order to give themselves break from the stressful jobs. Cooperation among the employees is extremely important in order to get the self-satisfaction and for ensuring that they can receive required support at the time of any kind of problems related to work.

Authors Chen, Sparrow & Cooper (2016), highlight the importance of increasing person-organization fit in order to keep the employees motivated and satisfied. According to the perspectives of the authors, focus should be given on ensuring that all employees are fit with the policies and regulations of the organization. This helps in eliminating any kind of conflicts between the employees and the management of the organizations and further helps in maintaining a healthy workplace with success. Therefore, the policies should be created in such a way that those meet with the benefits of all the employees. In order to create specific policies for the workplace, it is important to assure that the policies do not affect the rights of the employees. Along with this, any discriminations or unethical conduct with the employees should be eliminated as well. This can help in assuring that the employees are satisfied with the regulations of the workplace and thus their stress can be reduced significantly.

2.6 Identifying the risks which can bring stress:

Along with identifying the business risks, it is also essential to identify the risks which can bring in stress among the employees. Risks can derive from the factors which can bring in motivational issues for the employees. For example, a workplace where the junior employees are treated with bad behaviour by the senior employees can bring in problems of anxieties among the junior employees (“Policy on the prevention and management of work-related stress, Personnel Services site”, 2018). Therefore, it is important to eliminate this risk so that unethical conducts to the junior employees are prevented and they are provided with equal rights in the workplace. According to authors Moen et al (2016), it is important for the organizations to take initiative on managing the well being of the employees and efforts should be given on fair treatment for all irrespective of the diversities and behaviour. Therefore, strong organizational behaviour and culture have huge impact on enhancing the job satisfaction for the employees and can also help in creating positive environment which can help in enhancing the performance of the employees. This can overall reduce the stress of the employees and in turn can also reduce of impact of stress on the heart related problems of the employees with success.

2.7 Literature Gap

In this research, focus has only being given on the effect of high stress on the health of the employees. However, this study has not highlighted the factors which result in deaths of the employees due to cardiovascular diseases. Moreover, data will be not taken from the hospitals and medical professionals which will depict the causes that result in such deaths and other cardiovascular diseases due to stress.


2.8 Summary:

The literature review thus collected important and relevant data based on the effect of workplace stress on the health of the employees. The literature review part analyzed the importance of stress management along with deriving information on the risks that can result in stress among the employees. Therefore, with this literature review, proper justification has been done on conducting secondary researchers and this will be helpful for further progress of this research.


Chapter 3. Methodology:

According to the studies regarding the research and doctrinal concept of a topic, research methodology is an important part. It helps to collect the relevant information for conducting the research and thoroughly understand the issues related to it. In this part, different kinds of approaches and methods are applied with an intention to identify the various aspects of the research topic and give proper details of the research topic. The present report is discussing with the increasing rate of heart disease in the finance-based professions and in high stressed jobs. Therefore, an attempt has been made to understand the proper reason of this and effective recommendation has been made to this effect. However, there are certain criticism exist in this case. In the words of Levine, various parts and concepts of the research methodology has created complication and posed as a threat to the point to point discussion on the topic. In spite of all these allegations, research methodology helps to identify the opportunities and threat of the topic. Various points like research philosophy, scope, justification of the research, various methods and the data collection process help to discuss and analyse every single part of the topic in a concise way.

Research Philosophy:

There are various points consisting in the research methodology and the part of research philosophy plays a significant role. The objectives of the research can be achieved through this philosophy and this part gives a detail of the research proposals. A proper detail is required regarding the current topic as it is a burning topic and therefore, this topic falls under the provision of the doctrinal approach and criticisms of the topic could attract the provision of drafting methodology. It has been observed by various medical practitioners and psychiatrists that stress is one of the important source of heart disease and it causes havoc excitements within the patients and most of the time they could not cure from that. According to various studies, it has been observed that in various IT and financial sector, hard target, deadlines and over time job cause stress and Holmes has stated that the high rate of musculoskeletal disease among the employees proves the fact that professional stress is an important source of heart disease. According to the contents of the research philosophy, analyse and criticism of the topic could make the reader able to understand the topic properly.

Scope of the research:

Scopes of the research topic will able the reader to understand the topic from different portions and relevant research techniques could avail related information on the topic. Most of the IT and financial professionals are affected by the immense side effects of private profession jobs. All these have caused great stress within the employees and they are suffering from various cardio-vascular diseases. Further, negative impact of the globalisation has played an important role here. It has been clarified from various reports and researches that the rate of heart disease among the employees are gradually increasing and most of the employees are attacked by heart problems, strokes or nerve attack. There are wide scopes to discuss about the problems and recommend solution to this effect.


According to the statement of Zoppei (2017), the term research methodology could be divided in three parts such as inductive methodology, deductive methodology and adductive methodology. However, proper justification is required here to determine the scope and applicability of various kinds of methodology in this topic. These methodologies could be renamed as investigative approach. Further, the types of methodologies could be classified in two parts such as quantitative and subjective investigation. These help the reader to understand the essential elements of the current topic and a diversification regarding the goal of the research could be done in this respect. The ultimate objective of the research proposal could be understood in this manner.


It is clear from the above mentioned paragraphs that research methodology helps to achieve the objectives of the research topic and helps to identify the recommendation material for the problems. In this current topic, it has been observed that various headings are there to understand the nature and character of the topic. Research methods or approaches are important to ensure the various sides of proposed programs and it helps to adopt reliable information with an intention to recommend relevant data and conclude the matter in effective way.

It is imperative to build up the hypothetical and the methodological knowledge in regards to the specific subject with a view to think about the negative impression of the demonstrations identifying with the health related emergency and attempt to kill the equivalent for the advancement of the global premium. Moreover, the strategies will stroll through a deliberate methodology in order to translate definitive discoveries through a significant way (Helgesson, and Mörth, 2016).

The primary issue in regards to the theme is to battle against the health related emergency exercises to battle against the defilement efficiently. It has been known from various doctoral reports that work stress has helped to increase the heart related issues by 23%. This case is breaking down the proposals taken by various workshops and their working criteria, their methodologies towards the employees and the other ground staffs that affected various portion of their health and they could not able to get rid of this problem. Therefore, specific and broad examination is required in this case to reduce the rate of heart disease. There are positive confinements sprung up with respect to the equivalent (Mugarura, 2016). The theme covers the part of relation between the heart disease and work stress in the private sector. Nonetheless, suggestion has been made in such manner with an aim to distinguish all parts of the exploration point.

A detailed study on the workplace stresses reveals that the daily life style of the employees are quite unhealthy and they could not maintain the proper diet chart or life style criteria due to massive workloads and over whelming job necessities. The amount of smoking and drinking imposed great negative impacts on the health of the individuals. All these are liable to cause heart disease, high cholesterol level, chronic stresses and physical inactivity. Further, cardiovascular diseases caused the death of various employees of different ages. The blood vessels are also getting narrowed and rate of coronary artery diseases have been increased. Therefore, the occupational risk factors are required to be identified and resolved. Research methods will help to ensure the success of the job.

Data collection process:

It is clear from the definition of the research methodology that it helps to collect relevant data from various sources regarding the research topic and therefore, it is no doubt to mention that data collection process is an inevitable part of research methodology. In this research, a detailed analysis has been made on the causes of heart attack among employees of IT and financial sector. It is noticed that massive work pressures have created negative impacts on the professionals and an interview has been taken on five such professionals who have revealed their stress related problems during their working hours. Two administration experts from five distinct callings will be met dependent on the strategies for dealing with their representatives in the associations. Further, the representatives will incorporate 3 unique socioeconomics which will be the female workers, youthful representatives and matured workers. Further, Gomm et al. (2000) spoke to that fundamental data are helpful in social event rough data that can be clearly given sustenance as indicated by need of the investigation point. The immediate data amassing in any case needs illustration of faithful quality and authenticity. On the off chance that there ought to emerge an event of helper sources, data are used as enlarging research topic that moreover enables better examination of the subject as it incorporates more data and portrayal.

Data analysis process:

In the part of the justification portion, it has been observed that a research investigation has two sides; one is called quantitative and the other is known as subjective part. Subjective investigation is also known as qualitative process. In qualitative process, an understanding on the reasons and motivation of the chapters are rectified. It is used to uncover the opinions and thoughts and semi-structured techniques are adopted to verify the information.

On the other hand, quantitative process helps to identify the base of the problems through different data and statistics. It is more structural compare to the qualitative process and data collection method is quite reformatory in nature. It generates factual information and provides blended methodology with an effect to observe various aspects of the research topic. Certain secondary resources have also used here to complete the research. It is also required to be stated that the chapter of research design and philosophy play a significant role here.



  1. Data analysis and findings:

4.1 Introduction:

The data analysis part is the most significant method to derive the findings of the research. This section will focus on conducting quantitative and qualitative analysis and will involve active participation of the individuals who are important part of the research. Authors Palinkas et al (2015) highlight the importance of data analysis method to collect and analyze the data according to the perspectives of the participants and on their views on the research problem. Therefore, by analyzing their views, the main problem that they are facing and the apt solutions can be derived. In this research, both quantitative and qualitative data will be the part of the primary research and will be extremely important for successful conclusion of the research.

4.2 Quantitative analysis:

Authors Bell, Bryman & Harley (2018) state the importance of quantitative analysis as a method of collecting the perception of the participants in a shorter method. Therefore, close-ended questions will be used as the part of survey and further, analysis will be made on the perception of the participants after each survey question. In this method, 25 employees from 5 different industries will be the part of the survey and they will also include 2 aged employees, 2 female employees and one young employee from each of the different 5 industries of UK. The survey questions that have been asked to the participants are:

  1. Do you feel stressed in your workplace?

Among 25 employees 18 of them said yes out of which 7 were females, 9 were aged people and other 3 were young employees. 4 of them said no and 3 of them said partially.


Figure 4.1 Stresses in Workplace

(Source: Self Developed)

Finding and analysis:

This survey demonstrates that most of the employees are either fully or partially stressed and only 4 of them are satisfied with their job and do not feel stressed.

  1. Are you able to maintain work life balance?

In this survey, 16 employees said no, 3 of them said yes and 6 of them said partially no.

Out of them 5 female employees, 3 aged employees and 8 young employees said that they are not able to maintain proper work life balance.



Figure 4.2 Workplace Balance

(Source: Self Developed)

Finding and analysis:

This survey thus shows that most of the employees are not able to maintain their work life balance and only few of them are fully satisfied with their work life.


Figure 4.3 Age Wise Stress

(Source: Self Developed)


Thus, it shows that young employees are subjected with most work pressures and for the female employees, this is prevalent however lesser than that of the young employees. The work pressure is relatively lower in the case of aged employees and this shows that most of the organizations spear them from long working hours. However, it is also required to be kept aware that females are also part of both the group of aged and young employees. Therefore, work place stress are not too less for the female as well.

  1. Do the management of your organization support you to relieve the stress?

Among the 25 employees, only 3 employees agreed with this. On the other hand 2 employees said partially yes and other 20 employees said no. According to the employees who said no, after the completion of training at the initial stage, no support is provided to them.



Figure 4.4 Workplace Support

(Source: Self Developed)


Finding and analysis:

This shows that in most of the companies, managements do not provide the mental support to the employees which results in increased stress among them.

  1. Does your company conducts stress management sessions?

Among the 25 employees, only 2 of them said yes, 4 of them said that although it was started however; it is not continued now and the other 19 employees said there are no such sessions conducted in their organizations.


Figure 4.5 Stress Management

(Source: Self Developed)


Finding and analysis:

This survey shows that in most of the organizations stress management is not conducted and thus, this shows the reasons for increasing work place stress among the employees.

  1. Are you suffering from any heart disease due to workplace stress?

Out of the 25 employees, 14 of them said yes and 4 of them said no. On the other hand 7 of them said that due to high stress, they go through anxiety and tensions and these are affecting them with minor heart related problems. Among the 21 of the employees who agreed to this problem, 10 of them were the aged people, 7 were female and 3 were young employees. Therefore, all the aged employees said yes to this survey question.


Figure 4.7 Chances of heart disease

(Source: Self Developed)


Finding and analysis:

Thus this survey shows that the heart related problems due to workplace stress are prevalent among the employees and only few of them are spared of these problems.


Figure 4.7 Employees suffering

(Source: Self Developed)


This shows that all the aged employees suffer from the problems of heart diseases due to work place stress. Therefore, they are not able to deal with the huge pressures that are incurred on them and due to the fear of loss of job due to increasing importance given on hiring the young employees. Problems of heart diseases due to workplace stress are also prevalent in the female employees and even the young employees are also suffering from minor heart problems due to stress.

  1. Which industries are you from?

Among the 21 employees, who said yes and partially yes on suffering due to workplace stress, 8 of them are from financial sector, 6 of them are from nursing, 4 are from hospitality sector and 3 of them are from retail industry.


Figure 4.8 Industry

(Source: Self Developed)


Finding and analysis:

This shows that employees of financial and nursing sector are mostly stressed in their workplace. On the other hand, workplace is also prevalent in the hospitality and the retail sector as well.

Thus after conducting the surveys, it can be analyzed that most of the employees are highly stressed in their workplace and the aged employees and the female are the most affected by workplace stress. Along with this, the financial sector and nursing sector are mostly involved on incurring stress to the employees.

4.3 Qualitative analysis:

According to authors Elo et al (2014), qualitative analysis is significant in a research for collecting detailed information and perspectives of the participants and this also helps in finding the information in a descriptive manner. In this research, PRISMA tool has been used for conduction interview with the participants. In this analysis, 2 management professionals from organizations of five different industries have been approached. These industries include banking, healthcare, retail, hotel and IT.

The questions that were asked in the interviews and the respective view of the management professionals are as following:

  1. What do you think about the workplace stress of your employees?

According to the perspective of the manager of the banking, healthcare, retail and hotel sector, due to the fact that their organizations need to deal with a diverse range of customers or clients, therefore; it is natural that the staffs will have to put significant efforts to meet up with the demands of these customers. According the manager of the banking organization, with the growing number of customers, it does become difficult for the staffs to manage them with effectiveness. In many situations, they need to work continuously without taking any breaks or so. Even, in some days they need to stay for longer hours in the office for completing all the pending works. These do result in increase of stress however; in order to satisfy the needs of the customers, they are bound to put additional work pressure for the employees. On the other hand, according to the manager of the healthcare organization, with the increase of population in the area, the number of patients is also on the rise. Therefore, in order to provide quality care to all the patients, the nurses of the organization require taking up additional work pressures and needing work for long hours. Due to the fact that the healthcare sector is extremely critical one, therefore; it is the responsibility of the manager to ensure that none of the patient is treated with negligence. He also agreed that this additional work pressure do increase the stress among the nurses and even some of the nurses left the job as they felt to deal with the stress. However, in order to meet up with the demands, they are forced to work for long hours.

On the other hand, the managers of retail and hotel sectors illustrated that their organizations always focus on providing the customers with high quality service, therefore; focus has always been given on enhancing the performances of the staffs so that none of them receive any negative feedbacks from the customers. The manager of the hotel organization further stated that the staffs are given scheduled holidays and sufficient breaks during the working hours, however; during the peak hours the work pressure gets huge on them and this has promoted some of the staffs to leave their job and even some of them had fallen sick due to excessive stress.

Lastly, the manager of the IT organization highlighted the increase of stress among the employees is mainly due to the pressure of competitions from other competitors and for which they are required to meet up with the deadline of the clients. According to the manager, due to the fact that employees of the IT sector regularly need to update their skills and knowledge on modern technologies, therefore; they are bound to get stressed. However; the organization provides weekly holiday for the employees on which no additional work is provided to them without any case of emergencies.

  1. What steps have you implemented till now on reducing the stress of the staffs?

According to the manager of the banking organization, his organization conducts weekly meetings with all the staffs in which all the problems regarding the work are listened from each of the employees and further, suitable solutions are derived for each of the problems. Along with this, staffs are also allowed to have a sick leave once a month and additional holidays are provided according to the requirements of respective employees. However, no such initiatives such as stress management sessions are being implemented till now.

On the other the manager of the healthcare organization highlighted that due to huge work pressure and increasing number of patients, the organization has not been able to start any initiative to conduct sessions on managing the stress of the nurse. However, these nurses are always given the opportunity to share their problems with the management and suitable solutions are given after assessing their problems.

The managers of the retail and hospital organizations stated that although they have not conducted in stress management sessions till now, however; the staffs are given breaks to have team outings and also the organizations offer some activities and fun programmes to keep them motivated. Even they are provided with sufficient rewards after they complete their given targets. However, due to the fact that the remunerations are low for maximum staffs, therefore; they do feel stressed and the focus has been given on increasing their wages a little more very soon.

Lastly, the manager of the IT organization highlighted that stress management sessions are conducted with the employees once in every 6 months, where the Directors of the organization conduct meetings with them and their problems are listened and with fun games and activities, efforts are made to reduce their stress.

  1. What are your future initiatives on reducing the stress for the employees?

All the managers agreed on taking initiative on reducing the stress of the employees and also agreed to the fact that high stress does results in heart diseases for the employees. They have expressed their wish to start stress management sessions by hiring councillors who can help in providing the employees with the steps which can help them to reduce their stress. Along with this, the manager of the banking organization highlighted about the plan on conducting a monthly outing session for all the staffs which can act as a stress buster for them.

4.1 Conclusions:

Therefore, from the quantitative and qualitative research, it is analyzed that most of the employees are subjected to high stress in the workplace and also are suffering from either major or minor heart diseases. Moreover, the management of most of the organizations have also not implemented any suitable stress management sessions in order to help the employees get rid of stress. Although, these organizations are aware of the effect of stress and the growing work pressure on the employees, however; they are yet to take suitable strategies to mitigate them. This can get bigger if proper steps are not taken to mitigate the problems of the employees.


5.0 Conclusions and recommendations:

5.1 Conclusions:

This research has been based on the growing impact of workplace stress on the heart related problems of the employees. After conducting the data analysis, it has been found that most of the employees of different industries are suffering from heart related problems due to excessive stress in their workplace. Most of them reported to not having the work life balance and huge pressures are being incurred to them by the management of the organizations. This is creating negative effects on the hearts along with bringing in anxieties and tensions. The research in this study thus have successful able to analyze the perspectives of the participants and derived proper findings for each of the survey conducted with success. It has also been derived that workplace stress also results in cardiovascular diseases for the employees and the issue is more prevalent on the aged employees. Even the young employees are also suffering from stress related problems.

Therefore, after completion of the research, it will be important to find if all the objectives of this research were met or not.

5.2 Linking objectives:

At the start of this research, some objectives were set by following which the rest part of the research were conducted.

Linking objective 1:

To analyze the impact of stress in the heart of the human beings:

This objective was met in the literature review part, where it has been found that stress has huge impact on causing cardiovascular diseases and due to increase of anxiety and tensions due to stress, blood pressure of the human beings also increases highly which in turn causes heart related problems.

Linking objective 2:

To understand the issues that can result in cardiovascular diseases:

This objective was met in the literature review part as well in which different articles from internet were analyzed and they proved link between stress and cardiovascular diseases.

Linking objective 3:

To analyze the reasons of increasing stress in the workplace:

This objective was part of both primary and secondary researches in this study. From the secondary research, different articles cited the reasons. On the other hand from the primary research, the perspectives of the participants in both qualitative and quantitative analysis cited the reason as increasing work pressure, low wages and low work life balance which result in stress in the workplace.

Linking objective 4:

To provide mitigating solutions for reducing stress in the workplace:

This objective was met from the literature review part and from the qualitative analysis. These parts illustrated the use of suitable wages, support from the management and proper work life balance on mitigating the problems of stress in the workplace.

Thus after completing the research, it can be stated that all the objectives are successfully met and the proper findings have also been derived after the completion.

5.2 Recommendation:

It is therefore observed from the above noted paragraphs that more stress in the financial and IT related workplaces have caused various diseases among the employees. A brief research has been made to this effect and after that research; certain recommendations are made to resolve the problem to certain extent. The possible recommendations are as follows:

It is recommended to the employers and the management staffs to idealise the stress so that no negative effect can be imposed on the health of the employees.

A change is required to determine the schedule and completion of the allocated works in the private sector;

Much time is required to be provided to the employees so that they could maintain the time management in proper way;

Processes are required to be taken to reduce the work stress and anxieties among the employees;

Proper time is required to be given to the employees to maintain proper dietary system and proper psychological therapies are required to be available for them;

It is important to maintain healthy weight for all the employees and consultation from the doctors are necessary;

Every company should have their own medication system so that the employees could get their basic check up in the company. Such process is also helpful to reduce the depression among the employees and they can get reasonable hours to relax their mind and body.

Every company should have to determine proper and effective working hour and they should provide much opportunities to the employees in case of over time in the work place.

Reasonable break time is required to be provided to the employees and no additional pressure should be created on the employees to do any specific job;

A thorough observation is required to be given on the health condition of the employees and it is the duty of the management staffs to give much concentration on the workability of the employees.

According to the statements of various nutritionist and psychologists that too much working could create stress on the employees and their physical stamina could be destroyed and reduced by this. Therefore, it is recommended that the employer is restrained to impose huge working loads on the employees;

Little sleep can be posed as a great threat for the employees and it is thereby recommended to the employees to take positive and reasonable nap in a day so that they could get proper energy to complete the works.

Drinking water is an important thing and the employees and the employers are recommended to get much water so that their body could be hydrated and their body and mind can be refreshed.

Initiative must be taken to generate stress management classes within the working sector and the employees are requested to abide by the suggestions given to them during the class.

The employees are recommended not to involve in multitasking and they should do one job at a time. This will help them to reduce the work stress during the office hour.

Proper changes in the behaviour could help the employees to deal with any serious issue and they should restrain them from any additional liabilities during the office hours.

5.2.1 Limitations of the study:

This study involved participation of individuals of 5 major industries in the world; however, due to limited budget and time, other stress issues of employees of other employees were not analyzed. Moreover, the numbers of participants also were limited and therefore, perspectives of other section of employees such as labours were not analyzed.

5.2.2 Future scope:

This research derived the effect of work place of the heart of the employees and the solutions for mitigating the issues of stress were derived. However, it will be also important to assess if these solutions are feasible or not. Therefore, in the future, further researches can be conducted to analyze the effect of these solutions on the employees of these industries.

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Main activities/ stages

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Topic Selection








Data collection from secondary sources








Creating layout








Literature review








Formation of the research Plan








Selection of the Appropriate Research Techniques








Primary data collection








Analysis & Interpretation of Data Collection








Findings of the Data








Conclusion of the Study








Formation of Rough Draft








Submission of Final Work









Time horizon

(Source: self developed)




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