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GRP Profiles Product Category Page

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GRP Profiles Product Category Page

GRP pultruded profiles are the best alternative to traditional timber and steel. They offer cost-effective, long-lasting, and corrosion-resistant protection for essential industrial structures. The GRP profiles are uniquely strong and sturdy and can serve a range of purposes. They also come in different shapes and sizes to perfectly fit the task at hand. This article is for you if you are looking to know the features and benefits of GRP profiles.

Features and Benefits of GRP Pultruded Profiles

High Strength

GRP pultruded profiles boast high tensile strength that is much greater than steel profiles. Though lightweight, they have adequate strength-to-lightweight load-bearing performance that makes them stand out. The technology leverages high resin-glass ratios improved formulation that makes GRP products outlast and outperform the ordinary traditional materials.

High Resistance to Corrosion

These products offer the best corrosion resistance, which makes them the best choice for highly aggressive environments. They have a strong resistance to destructive elements such as chloride ion, and this makes them highly durable compared to traditional timber and steel. Compared to aluminum and timber, GRP pultruding profiles provide an excellent solution to inherent corrosion that bothers many industries today.

Easy To Fabricate

Unlike other materials, GRP products can be easily fabricated and cut onsite. They can be customized to perfectly match unique specifications and precisions, as well as complex layouts. You only need standard hand-tools such as circular saws to make them suit the task at hand, and the process does not take too long. Just ensure that the fabrication process is not done carefully so that the advantageous properties of GRP pultruded profiles are not compromised.


Compared to steel equivalent, these products are 75% lighter. This implies that you won’t spend a lot of money on transportation, and the application process is also made easier. Since they are lightweight, you won’t have a reason to use heavy lifting equipment. The fact that they can be lifted cut and maneuvered onsite, the chances of physical injuries are greatly reduced.

Low Maintenance

GRP is highly resilient and durable, and this makes it deliver exclusive benefits to various industries. One of the key benefits of this product is that it provides a very low maintenance solution. During its fifty-year lifespan, the product will require slight refurbishment or renovation, which helps industries cut back on production costs.

Non-conductive, non-soaking and inert

The fact that the GRP profiles are non-conducive makes them ideal for electrically hazardous sites. The products are electronically transparent and cannot be affected by radio wave frequencies or electromagnetic fields. Their non-sparking properties make them ideal for sites that might have combustible gases.

The Bottom Line

Today, industrial applications have gotten complex and a lot more susceptible to accidents. Therefore, there is a need to use products such as GRP profiles since they are non-conductors. Also, since they are lightweight and corrosion-resistant, they are the best alternative to timber and steel that tend to be corrosive and heavy. Besides being cost-effective, they are easily available and do not need special skills to customize.


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