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Gun violence control and community safety act 2020

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Gun violence control and community safety act 2020 is a bill that details how can violence can be prevented and the same, leading to the creation of safer communities. The bill highlights all changes that the federal framework should ensure to give the possession, sale, and transfer of ammunition and firearms. Alongside the changes, the bill requires people to have a license to acquire ammunition and firearms and raises the number of years for an individual to license of purchasing firearms from 18 years to 21 years. The bill also establishes new universal background checks for firearms purchase transfer, possession between different parties. Moreover, the bill requires all relevant agencies to be notified in case of background checks on the transfer, ownership, and purchase of ammunition and firearms. The recommended actions that need to be taken under this bill to strengthen the law is ensuring that there are cultural gun safety and the implementation of sensible gun laws to ensure that the community is safe. The risk of gun violence is minimized.

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