Can we justify that the employment of hackers in different corporations is a solution to computer and cyber-crime? The term hacker is simply an individual with a brilliant mind in the computer field. Moreover, hackers use their computers and the networking skills available to overcome hardware and software computer problems. Besides, the majority of hackers use their computer skills and knowledge to commit cybercrime. Notably, there are three different brands of a hacker; we have the grey hacker, the hat hacker, and the black hart hacker. Moreover, all these hackers, with their skill and competence, do their hacking for different reasons.
Why hackers think that the term “hacker” does not refer to criminals.
Besides, hackers take their work of hacking as a solution to computer problems and their security systems. Moreover, hackers have their manifesto that governs their specialization (Silic, & Lowry, 2019). Notably, the brainchild behind hacking manifesto was Loyd Blankenship, but he was arrested in 1986 for cybercrime (Cecil, 2016). Moreover, hacker feels that Loyd Blankenship’s crime didn’t warrant arrest because hackers are the solution to the current advance computer safety structure.
Why corporations should employ hackers to taste their computer security system
Notably, companies and different corporations are advised to employ ethical hackers to resolve their computer systems vulnerability to fix them before by unscrupulous guys invaded it (Perlroth, 2013). Moreover, corporations should hire a white-hat hacker to keep their computers safe to ensure the company’s and the corporation data is in safe hands.
Moreover, corporations with ethical hackers boost their computer system security where vulnerable hackers are detected; thus the corporation can prevent future computer attacks. Besides, Google and other big companies do hire hackers to ensure their data is confidential from competitors and other hackers with bad ideas.
Cecil, A. (2016). A summary of hacking organizations, conferences, publications, and effects on society.
Perlroth, N. (2013). Hackers in China attacked The Times for the last four months. NY Times, Jan, 30.
Silic, M., & Lowry, P. B. (2019). Breaking bad in cyberspace: Understanding why and how black hat hackers manage their nerves to commit their virtual crimes. Information Systems Frontiers, 1-13.