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he existence of an EKC for Total Coliforms but not BOD

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Our findings validate the existence of an EKC for Total Coliforms but not BOD. Coliform levels indicate the presence of pathogens and are essential in assessing the impact of human activity on the river. Some sources of total coliforms are? Open defecation and total coliforms are therefore directly linked.


In our analysis, a declining trend in total coliforms or the downturn of the curve is observable since 2014. This could be because of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan launched in 2014, which aimed at eliminating/ reducing open defecation. According to the Swachh Bharat Mission data, all districts in UP have become open defecation free in 2019. While this claim needs to be verified by independent research, there has been a decisive increase in toilet access.


The same could not be accomplished for BOD. Under the NAMAMI Ganga , CETP’s and STP’s have been sanctioned, but these are long term solutions with the average gestation of these treatment plants being three years.



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