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Health Education Class

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Health Education Class

The audience’s comments reflect their honest understanding of the indicators of health; how it is closely tied to cultural beliefs and lifestyles. Misconception on health issues is engraved in this community (Piza et al., 2019). Therefore, the task is to present factual evidence to properly educate on evidence-based practice, focusing on necessary to more complex information on health. This paper explains how to guide the discussion, describe disease processes in older adults, and describe ego integrity.

Alluding to the cultural practices and lifestyle’s role in health is significant to understand that you recognize the audience’s conception of health. Introduce a discussion on the topic you want to address, and at the end of every discussion, point out what are write and what is wrong by providing compelling evidence (Jyväkorpi et al., 2020). Use local examples that the audience can identify with to enhance their understanding. Command some order by controlling time and channeling of contributions.

Aging is a natural process of growth where individuals’ immune systems reduce, their physical strength wane, and certain non-communicable chronic diseases set in (Jyväkorpi et al., 2020). Thus, deliberate actions are warranted to ensure risks to these diseases are alleviated, and even more, management is done efficiently. For instance, heart diseases and diabetes require a change of lifestyle to more physical activity, reduced sugar and salt consumption, and reduced alcohol intake.

The ego integrity concept is of greater importance as part of the psychosocial development in elderly persons. The individuals should be educated to enable them to understand their health to make sense of their quality of life (van der Kaap-Deeder et al., 2020). Failure to do this is most likely to build a feeling of despair, low self-efficacy, and lack of hope in interventions to restore good health. Ego integrity boosts a healthy lifestyle, necessary as a preventive and management practice of most chronic diseases.

It has been seen how important to appreciate the cultural beliefs in the provision of health education. Moreover, the condition of evidential support to claims is critical in health education to address misconceptions. Further, ego integrity is essential in the prevention and management of certain chronic diseases.




Jyväkorpi, S. K., Urtamo, A., Kivimäki, M., Salomaa, V., & Strandberg, T. E. (2020). Association of midlife body composition with old-age health-related quality of life, mortality, and reaching 90 years of age: a 32-year follow-up of a male cohort. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Piza, F., Kesselheim, J. C., Perzhinsky, J., Drowos, J., Gillis, R., Moscovici, K., & Gooding, H. (2019). Awareness and usage of evidence-based learning strategies among health professions students and faculty. Medical teacher41(12), 1411-1418.

van der Kaap-Deeder, J., Soenens, B., Van Petegem, S., Neyrinck, B., De Pauw, S., Raemdonck, E., & Vansteenkiste, M. (2020). Live well and die with inner peace: The importance of retrospective need-based experiences, ego integrity, and despair for late adults’ death attitudes. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics91, 104184.


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