Health Service Administration Career Outlook
Character Traits Required To Pursue a Career in Healthcare
A prosperous career in healthcare requires more than just an excellent degree. There are various soft qualities or skills that one needs to have a successful career in the healthcare departments, these are;
Empathy; Individuals visiting the various health centers are usually thwarted with feelings of fear, despair, depression, and anxiety. They require healthcare workers to empathize with them.
Friendly; Healthcare workers will meet patients of all ages, including children and elderly individuals. Holding a friendly conversation with the patients will help him/her recover from anxiety or fear. Healthcare services tend to be stressful at some point; making friends with coworkers might help reduce the stress level.
Responsible; this trait plays a key in maintaining the condition of patients. Irresponsible may lead to the amounting of work, which could cause job burnout in overworked healthcare workers. Inferior service could lead to the death of patients or the worsening of their conditions.
Highly Motivated; a worker is self-motivated will not give in to any challenge that may occur in the line of duty. Passion plays an important role in building self-motivation.This job goes beyond getting up each day and going to work(Zerden, 2020).
It requires the individual to be passionate about the job. It will help enhance his/her commitment to helping patients and coworkers. The position is sometimes demanding and tiresome; for instance, doctors and nurses may be involved in a surgery that takes more than 15 hours.
Matching Qualities with the Characteristics of various Healthcare workers
A healthcare worker is required to be a good team player. Doctors and nurses must work together peacefully in helping the patient recover (Rishel & Hartnett, 2017). Some activities in healthcare centers, such as surgery, require a large number of health workers to pull it through. Coordination is a key factor. Failure to which may cause severe damage to the patient.
Good health workers should be a good communicator. Communication is key in this field.A good care worker should be able to communicate effectively. It is a paramount quality, especially for doctors and nurses, when they are conducting surgeries. Poor communication between them may lead to loss of life. This quality is essential when passing information to a patient. It helps the patient understand better his/her situation. It is also required to create the right working environment for the health workers, thus enhancing teamwork (Zerden, 2020).
A doctor is usually proactive and able to multitask. These characteristics are acquired since the doctor possesses essential skills, such as a passion for the job. Adaptability also helps the doctor and nurses respond to emergencies. A good health worker also listens to patients carefully to administer the correct medication or treatment. Psychologists, physiotherapists, and Counsellors can help a patient quickly if the patient trusts them. The trust is acquired through empathizing with the patients.
Educational Requirement
There are various professionals in the health care sector. These professionals require slightly different degree programs. In most cases, they are required to have a complete undergraduate degree in the field. Some of the undergraduate degrees required include Health science, psychology, nursing, anatomy, and biology. The majority of the better paying and high-status health care jobs need postgraduate training. These careers include Surgeon, public health expert, speech pathology, and medical consultants. They require a master’s or a doctoral degree. There are various standardized exams that one is needed to do before qualifying for a healthcare worker. After that, the individuals are given a license to practice medicine. They are also issued with certificates which show that they have met the required standards of educations. Every healthcare worker must have a license. The steps of becoming certified differ from one specialty to another, but there is a minimum requirement (Dressner, 2017).
Salary Range
Healthcare workers’ salary varies with different specialties. Averagely a health care worker earns $ 26.00 per hour. An anesthesiologist earns around $ 108.49, which is considered to be the highest salary. Home health aides earn $ 10.24, which is the lowest salary.
Facilities Where Health Care Workers Can Be Employed
Healthcare workers can be employed in various facilities; these are hospitals, laboratories, clinics, outpatient care centers, psychiatric care centers, and learning institutions. Health care workers play a crucial role in almost every sector in the community.
Job Outlook
Health care is one of the largest industries in the world. It creates a large number of employment opportunities. Studies have shown that healthcare careers are projected to increase to 15% from last year to 2030. Health care is one of the fast-growing industry. More specialties are created every single day. The various specialties in health care include doctors, Nurse, Psychologists, Counsellors, Social workers, and therapists.
Ross, A. M., & de Saxe Zerden, L. (2020). Prevention, health promotion, and social work: Aligning health and human service systems through a healthcare workforce. American Journal of Public Health, 110(S2), S186-S190.
Dressner, M. A. (2017). Hospital workers: an assessment of occupational injuries and illnesses. Monthly Lab. Rev., 140, 1.
Wang, H., Jin, Y., Wang, D., Zhao, S., Sang, X., & Yuan, B. (2020). Job satisfaction, burnout, and turnover intention among primary care providers in rural China result from structural equation modeling. BMC Family Practice, 21(1), 12.