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High Blood Pressure

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High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the blood force of the person pushing his artery walls (“MedlinePlus”, 2020). It pumps blood through the arteries every time the heartbeats. High blood pressure primarily has effects on the heart, brain, and kidneys. This condition can harden a person’s arteries, which may lead to other health problems. It can block blood and oxygen from getting to the brain, which may cause a stroke. Furthermore, the heart can fail, or a person may have a heart attack from the lack of oxygen. Therefore, it is essential to explore high blood pressure in the U.S; prevention measure as well as the challenges.

There are many potential hypertension risk factors, such as lack of exercise, high salt intake, obesity, and ethnicity. According to the CDC report, approximately one in three individuals in the USA-or, roughly 75 million people have high blood pressure. Moreover, In the United States, almost 30 percent of adults are at high risk for high blood pressure, which is caused by pre-hypertension. However, research has shown that high blood pressure is prevalent in various ethnic groups. The ethnic disparity in hypertension has long been identified with greater risks in African Americans. Moreover, the rates of blood pressure among African Americans have been rising steadily in contrast with other ethnic groups. According to Shen et al. (2017), studies have shown that a gene may exist among African Americans, which makes them so sensitive to salt, and hence, doctors have requested that they reduce sodium consumption.

In addition, it is also estimated that around 630 Americans die from heart disease. Heart diseases involve blocking blood vessels in the body, which is normally caused by high blood pressure. Those with high blood pressure pay nearly 2,000 dollars more health expenses annually than their healthy peers. The United States spends about $131 billion in health care and medicines for high blood pressure individuals (“Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,” 2020). This condition has affected every state in the U.S. As of 2019, In Oklahoma, 37.7% of adults have been told they have high blood pressure by a healthcare professional (“Statista”, 2019). The number keeps on increasing each year; hence the health profession should recommend those individuals with prevention measures.

The prevention of high blood pressure is an issue of significant concern and should be taken seriously. There are several strategies to prevent high blood pressure. First, eating healthy is important to control high blood pressure (“MedlinePlus,” 2020). If a person has blood pressure, they should consume a diet rich in whole grains, low-fat dairy products, fruits, and vegetables, which reduces HBP by up to eleven mm Hg. Secondly, individuals should engage in regular body exercise. Individuals who have HBP are recommended to regular physical activity of about 150 minutes per week or approximately 30 minutes per day, which in turn reduces blood pressure by about 5-8mm Hg (“Mayo Clinic”, 2020). However, it is essential to be consistent since blood pressure can rise if the individual stop exercising. Thirdly, individuals should consume a minimum amount of alcohol. It is important to note that alcohol can be good as well as bad for human health. If a person drinks alcohol moderately, they can potentially reduce blood pressure by approximately 4mm Hg (“Mayo Clinic”, 2020). On the contrary, consuming more than moderate can increase blood pressure. Therefore, it is crucial to adhere to these strategies as it will prevent high blood pressure.

In addition, high blood pressure presents a crucial challenge in the health sector. According to the CDC, high blood pressure is considered a “silent killer” since it usually does not show warning signs or symptoms, and most individuals are not aware if they have it. High blood pressure can often induce symptoms such as headaches or vomiting.  This presents a huge challenge since there are other diseases with related symptoms. Therefore, the only way to determine if someone has high blood pressure is by visiting a doctor.

Persons with high blood pressure require extra treatment and care. In the prevention of hypertension, technology for patient care is significant. Point of care testing helps identify patient analytics that allow better diagnosis, treatment, and control of the disease. Early diagnosis of diseases allows for early treatment. From the analysis, it is best to conclude that proper diet, smoking, physician medication as well as exercise can be used to treat Hypertension.

In conclusion, high blood pressure is a severe medical condition in the USA, as well as the rest of the world that needs attention. Every person should maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent hypertension. Moreover, it is crucial to maintain a healthy diet that includes eating healthy foods without cholesterol and regular exercise. Individuals ought to also often visit the health care center for evaluation to detect disease in the body.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Facts About Hypertension | (2020). Retrieved 24 August 2020, from

Mayo Clinic. 10 drug-free ways to control high blood pressure. (2020). Retrieved 24 August 2020, from

MedlinePlus. MedlinePlus;How to Prevent High Blood Pressure. (2020). Retrieved 24 August 2020, from,5%20Not%20smoking.%20…%206%20Managing%20stress.%20

Shen, L., Jhund, P. S., Petrie, M. C., Claggett, B. L., Barlera, S., Cleland, J. G.,.. & Latini, R. (2017). Declining risk of sudden death in heart failure. New England Journal of Medicine, 377(1), 41-51.

Statista. Adults with hypertension by U.S. state 2018 |. (2019). Retrieved 24 August 2020, from







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