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Homelessness in the US

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Homelessness in the US

Brush, Barbara L., Laura E. Gultekin, and Elizabeth C. Grim. “The data dilemma in family homelessness.” Journal of health care for the poor and underserved 27.3 (2016): 1046-1052.

The source of facts featured in this article are from National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAED) in their recent report about the State of Homelessness in America, United Way of Michigan Report on Asset Income Limited Constrained Employed (ALICE) families and United States of Housing and Urban Development(HUD). The paper shows the extent of homelessness in America, the causes of homelessness that include poverty and domestic violence and, provide recommendations of different measures and policies that can be undertaken to address issues of homelessness. The authors provide a case study of how underemployment and job losses from Detroit have affected homelessness.

I will use this article to express the magnitude of the problem. Accurate and specific data helps to create a precise picture of what is being referred to. This paper also helps me to show the feasibility of my solution.


Ortiz-Ospina, Esteban, and Max Roser. “Homelessness.” Our World in Data (2017).

This article provides a clear overview and the extent of homelessness in the United States. It offers available data and empirical evidence of homelessness and how it has led to economic deprivation. The article gives us useful data that can be used to link poverty to homelessness and evaluates policies that have been used to reduce homelessness. The data was collected from the Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress (AHARC).

This paper will guide me in possible ways in which can be used to reduce homelessness. The data provided will help me to explain my problem and show how serious it is. I intend to use this work to show the high linkage between poverty and homelessness and how employing poverty strategies could work to reduce homelessness.

Gultekin, Laura, and Barbara L. Brush. “In their own words: Exploring family pathways to housing instability.” Journal of family nursing 23.1 (2017): 90-115.

Housing is a major crisis that threatens the health stability and well-being of a vast population in the United States; however, there have been minimal housing trajectories carried out to identify families at risk. The authors conduct research that analyzes the applicable emergencies used to avoid homelessness. The study reveals that individuals who have experienced significant levels of trauma, broken marriages, early marriages, and system failures are at risk and exposed to housing issues.

The paper further addresses the multiple issues underlying homelessness and propose that these issues need to be addressed in other ways rather than temporary economic patches. This paper will help me address the magnitude of housing issues, as shown by other sources, and provide a feasible solution that is practical in the economy of the United States.


Jiang, Mengyi. System Dynamics Modelling for hidden family homelessness-A case study in Fort Collins, Colorado. MS thesis. The University of Bergen, 2017.

Homelessness continues to be a significant social problem that has piqued great concerns and interest not only in the United States but all over the world. Although substantial effort has been made to lift vulnerable families from the situation, evidence shows that the number of homeless families is increasing. Jiang looks into the factors that have led to the increasing numbers, unravels possible changes of hidden homeless families in the future, and proposes feasible strategies and policies in the form of a model that helps to address the problem.

This text provides significant information about the causal factors of the problem and also identifies strategies that can be used to provide conclusive solutions about the same. It is also efficient in determining the strategic policies that are applicable in mitigating homelessness issues.




Rossi, Peter H. Down, and Out in America: The Origins of Homelessness. The University of Chicago of Chicago P, 2013.

            Down and Out in America: The Origins of Homelessness is a book by Peter Rossi that gives an accurate and comprehensive picture of homelessness in the United States. The book provides a compelling explanation of the causes of homelessness and also proposes effective short-term and long-term solutions about the problem. The book also compares homelessness between the 1950’s and 1960s and addresses homelessness with the young generation that contains more women, children, and blacks.

           Homelessness in the United States is a social, economic, and political crisis in the country, and I intend to give it a lot of weight in my research. This book gives me a detailed scope of homelessness, its cause, and solutions. I will use this paper to explain homelessness in the United States and how it can be changed.




























































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