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Is your block overgrown with grass, weeds, and shrubs? At Slashing Services Sunshine Coast, we specialise in slashing and clearing large blocks. The condition of the block does not matter as we have the expertise and equipment to get the work done. We are never afraid to roll our sleeves to handle the weed and grass to leave your block clean, aesthetically appealing, and safe.

You block needs regular slashing and clearing for several reasons:

  • A clean block is less at risk of catching fire thereby keeping your home, family, and neighbors safe. Even when the grass looks plush, it can still catch fire wreaking so much havoc.
  • Control the overgrowth of weed, especially crawling weeds that can affect your crops.
  • To eradicate hiding places for snakes, creepers, mosquitos, and other crawlers that might come to your home.
  • Remove tree branches that might extend to power lines
  • Your block looks better with the grass slashed and the block cleared. Because you need the best slashing contractor Sunshine Coast, that is why we are here for you.

We advise that you seek slashing services Sunshine Coast when the grass is still short. Not only will you pay less but you ensure that there are never snakes or any other crawlers already in your home or garden.

When you need slashing Sunshine Coast services, we deliver to and beyond your expectations. We have a thorough approach to slashing with enough specialised equipment to get the job done in record time.

You can reach out to us today for a quote.


Slashing to Control Weed


Slashing is one way to control the weed that creeps into your block. By slashing your block regularly, you will reduce the rate of propagation of certain types of weed in your block. In some instances, you might eradicate the weed completely. We recommend that you seek our services when the weeds are still young before they mature and release seeds. Timely land clearing will see the weeds removed before they can produce and disperse seeds.

To effectively remove the weeds, we use special equipment that can handle the terrain, around creeks, and steep slopes. Once we eradicate the weeds, we offer regular mowing to ensure your black remains clean and well-maintained.


Slashing and Clearing to Maintain Public Safety


Tall grass and bushes pose a serious risk on public land. There are so many snakes around shores that may crawl to residential homes. Some bugs thrive well in tall grass and you should eradicate them too. If the grass is in an area where the public frequently visits, there is a high risk of poisoning from snakes and bugs.

Because it is challenging for most homeowners to manage grass and weed on large tracks or land, we work with local governments to deliver top quality commercial slashing services. This is in the interest of public safety.

Large areas of land require advanced equipment with specialised attachments. With our range of equipment, our work is not only easy but also safer and more efficient. Whether the weed and grass grow on sloping land, creeks, or any other difficult terrain, we have you covered.


Why Use Our Services


For a long time, we have delivered stellar slashing and clearing services including clearing undergrowth, commercial weed spraying, firebreaks and slashing, acreage slashing, and many other services in the Sunshine Coast. We are a respected firebreaks and slashing company with a team of experts and the right equipment to get the job done.

Our services include:

  1. Brush cutting and weed control
  2. Fire breaks and trail construction
  3. Commercial slashing
  4. Acreage mowing
  5. Additional services such as tree pruning and season cleanups

We will clear your black regardless of its size, slope, or condition. Our methods are tried-and-tested by hundreds of Sunshine Coast homeowners and businesses. Call us today and experience our services.


Our Equipment


The equipment we use depends on the nature and size of your block. We have small hand-held and pushed equipment for small residential yards to large tractors powerful enough to clear large areas. Our heavy machinery complies with all safety regulations to offer safe slashing services. With the machinery, we can manage scrub, overgrown paddocks, and regrowth. We also have special equipment such as the lantana removal equipment and the weed spraying equipment to facilitate speedy weed control. In everything we do, we focus on the safety of you, our client, your family, your pets, your home, and your neighbours.

We are always watching out for new technologies in grounds maintenance, slashing, and mowing to make our services more efficient. Some of the machinery and equipment we have include:

  • Tractors
  • Shift slashers
  • Mowers
  • Skid steers
  • Mulching slasher attachments
  • So many others

Our specialised machinery and equipment allow users to access areas that look almost impossible to access including steep slopes. We are also able to work during times when the weather is rough.


Our Team of Experts


Most of the machinery operators, weed specialists, and other professionals worked with us for a couple of years. In combination, our experts have more than 100 years of experience to bring to you unparalleled services. We will first inspect your block to know the tools to bring, give you a quote, and give an estimate of how long it will take. In most cases, we offer same-day services but if you have a large block with rough terrain, it may take more than a day.

All our professionals are guided by integrity, transparency, and commitment to duty. Granted, what we tell you is what we deliver.


Commercial Slashing Services

We offer commercial slashing services across Sunshine Coast working with councils, local government, commercial properties, and other owners of commercial properties. We manage grass and shrubs in sporting grounds, development properties, public recreational facilities, and commercial ranches and paddocks.

Our commercial services include mowing, slashing, weed removal, shrubs removal, tree pruning, and many more. Our goal is to leave your clock better than we found it. You can hire our services to clear your block today or let us routinely clean your block.

Call us today and speak to an expert.


About Us


Slashing Services Sunshine Coast has been in operation for more than five years now. Over the years, we have worked on hundreds of projects every year to ensure that every area in Sunshine Coast stays aesthetically appealing and safe for all residents.

I started the company to extend my love for clean and safe spaces to all the residents of Sunshine Coast. For a long time, I have always fancied the idea of living in a home where the yard is beautifully carpeted with short grass – a place where I can bask in the sun without fear that bugs or snakes will crawl out and bite me.

After struggling with weeds and shrubs, I finally started the company that helps me spread my love to so many people. Our company has devised new innovative ways of dealing with weeds, shrubs, tree overgrowths and other plants that make your block look deserted.

We pride in our team of experts and the advanced machinery and equipment that help us work efficiently at all times.

Slashing Services Sunshine Coast has grown so much over the years and we have expanded to offer more than 20 services in residential and commercial properties. We have also added so many tools, equipment, and experts, to ensure that services are delivered on time.

We are guided by:

  • Integrity – We deliver services that meet your expectations as per the contract.
  • Transparency – Although we may never be accurate, our price and time estimates are as close to the real figures as possible. We are always transparent and we work with you o establish the best way to maintain your block.
  • Commitment and professionalism – Every expert is committed to do their best work yet every day they step onto the machinery or hold any equipment. We handle your block better than everyone else and we listen to your insights.

Our mission is to make Sunshine coast aesthetically appealing and safe for all residents today and in the future. Talk to us today.


Contact Us


Do you feel like the weed and grass in your block are growing out of proportion? Call us today and talk to a professionals. We are always there for you when you need us most.


Consult with a professional

Not sure how to handle your block? Call us today and ask any questions you might have. We will walk you through our processes and help you find the right way to slash and clear your block. Regardless of how unique your block is, we are sure to help you find ways to clear. Whether you need weed or grass spraying or slashing, our expert will walk with you to find a solution that befits your block.


Get a Quote after an Inspection

You can call us today for a cost estimate. However, our experts collect your details and inspect your block before offering a quote. Our expert inspects the terrain and the size of your block to give you a near-perfect quote. Call us today.


Call for Routine Services

Currently, we work with homeowners and business owners offering them routine block and lawn maintenance. You can schedule an appointment by calling us today. We will work out a maintenance routine that fits in your schedule. Schedule an appointment today by calling out office.


Friendly Support

The person on the other end of the line understands everything about slashing and clearing. Guided by professionalism, our experts will offer the help you need in a friendly manner.

Call us today or write us an email and we will be there for you.


Service page number 1


Brush Cutting and Weed Control


Our brush cutting and weed control services keep Sunshine Coast and surrounding areas clean and safe. We have the machinery and equipment to handle dense vegetation including tall grasses, weed, saplings, and briars. Our goal is to maintain and cultivate a landscape that looks appealing and reducing the rate of weed and shrub regrowth.

If your residential, commercial, or public property has been neglected for a while, our brush cutting services will come in handy. We specialise in small and large areas including brush cutting in hiking and riding trails, shooting lanes, fence lines, right-of-ways, and hunting trails among others.

We eliminate invasive weeds, tall grass, and overgrown yards. Some of our services in this category include:

  • Clearing undergrowth
  • Clearing fence lines
  • Scrub maintenance
  • Lantana clearing
  • Commercial weed spraying
  • Whipper snipping
  • Long grass maintenance

Generally, if you have weed problems in Sunshine Coast, we are the people to call.

We have modern brush cutting equipment to ensure that your yard or commercial premises are well cleared. Our experts use the equipment and machinery to help you reclaim your terrain and create an eye-pleasing and usable space.


Why Should You Consider Brush Cutting and Weed Control?


Not every property requires brush cutting. However, if overgrown grass and bushes are turning your property into an eye-sore and acting as hide-out for critters, you need to consider our services. By investing in brush cutting and weed control services in Sunshine Coast, you will see a huge difference in your property. Some of the benefits you will realise with our brush cutting services include:

  • Removal of dead vegetation from your property to reduce hide-out areas for critters
  • Create room for future landscaping and yard projects
  • Creating an outdoor living space – with the weeds and bushes cleared, you can see your space and plan for it better
  • Remove overgrown plants that can block streams, hills, and pathways
  • Remove the bush that makes it difficult for you to navigate your property by foot or vehicle
  • Eliminate hide-out and breeding grounds for rodents, bugs, and other pests


What Does a Brush Cutter Do?


The work of a brush cutter is to eliminate tall grass, weed, and the vegetation that have outgrown your mower. In such a situation, you need brush hogging or brush cutting. Our brush cutting equipment come in different sizes to match your needs. These equipment are powerful enough to clear overgrown areas of your property efficiently.

For a small yard, we come with hand-held brush cutters. These allow us to cut the bushes and grass to precision in small areas. Relatively large residential and commercial areas require pushed brush cutters while very large blocks require ride-on cutters. We have these equipment ready when you call us.

A brushcutter works better than a mower thanks to the additional power and its metallic blade. Where a regular mower or trimmer fails, the brush cutter comes in. We have enough brush cutter attachments to ensure that we handle every terrain, slope of the creek.

Call us today if you residential or commercial property needs a facelift.

If you own a home, land, or commercial property in Sunshine Coast or surrounding areas, chances are you can use brush services once in a while. You do not have to wait until the grass gets tall to call us because we also offer mowing services.

We will help you control weed and overgrown vegetation to make your home look great, make your land more accessible, better the curb appeal, and reduce the risk of critters and pests infesting your property.

You can call us today and request a quote or talk to an expert about your property and how we can help you make it better.


Service page number 2


Fire Breaks and Trail Construction


Bushfires spread more where the vegetation is dense. That doesn’t have to be the case in your land or a public area near you when we have the skills to create a firebreak. Firebreaks are clear areas in a bush that acts as a barrier to the spread of fire. If you are a landowner in Sunshine Coast and surrounding areas, council or government official, we will help you create bush firebreaks.

Firebreaks and slashing services involve brush cutting in a wide area that cuts across the brush. This way, if one side of the bush catches fire, the fire will not have any medium to spread to the other side of the bush.

Besides bush clearing, we offer track and fire trail construction in national parks, private lands, and any other places that need trails. With our advanced machinery and equipment, we create trails and access roads for bikes, vehicles, and for hikers.

When construction trails and tracks for national parks and other public spaces, we conform to the national part standards and safety codes for trail construction as set by the Australian government and local governments.

We create tracks, trails and firebreaks on:

  • National parks and bushland
  • Large acreage properties
  • Local council and state government sites
  • Large commercial developments
  • Large residential properties
  • Properties near wetlands and waterways

If you would like to work with us today, call our professionals we will be happy to help you.


Our Trail Construction Services


We are firebreaks slashing contractors who also ensure that the trails and tracks are not overgrown with grass. Tracks and trails offer an easy time to visitors in parks to enjoy flora and fauna of Sunshine Coast. A dedicated trail makes parks accessible to the general public.

Our experts can create new trucks and trials, consolidate existing truck networks, and make the park more functional and accessible. We offer our services to council and local governments. We help create different types of trails including:

  • Natural earth trails
  • Graded tracks for many users
  • Walking tracks with a road base
  • Trail and track maintenance and upgrades

To construct the trails and tracks, we use a range of heavy machinery and equipment. Our skilled experts have created so many trails in Sunshine Coast for both residential, commercial, and government properties. We are always sure to cause minimum or no disturbance to the natural surroundings so the serenity of our parks still remains after we create trails.


Why Work with Our Skilled Experts?


Our experts have many years of experience in trail and tracks construction. This way, we can construct trails using a variety of materials. We have the machinery and the skills to get the job done with minimal effort.

Each of our heavy duty machinery is operated by an experienced, certified, and licensed technician to guarantee quality services. We have engaged in fire trail construction and to maintain firebreaks in environmentally sensitive areas and we know how to handle all terrains.

To work with our experts in firebreak slashing or trail construction in Sunshine Coast, call us today and schedule an inspection or get a free quote. We come with more than 100 years of combined experience to ensure you get the best services on time.


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Commercial Slashing


No matter how large your commercial property is, we have the skills and the tools to slash it. As your slashing contractor, we have specialised tools to handy difficult terrain. We are committed to safety and meeting the OH&S obligations to leave your property clean and safe.

If you need a trusted team of commercial lawn slashing professionals in Sunshine Coast and surrounding areas, we are here for you. Some of the services we offer for the commercial property include:

  • Acreage slashing
  • Paddock slashing
  • Block slashing
  • Mowing services


Why Seek Our Services Today?


Our commercial slashing services are meant for all commercial properties in Sunshine Coast. We specialise in long grass slashing, weed removal and brush cutting. If your yard or block has overgrown grass and bushes, you can request our services today.

We listen to you to create the environment you need for your commercial property. Most of the business owners we work with enlist our routine services so we can maintain their blocks every one or two months. This way, their blocks never get tall grass or bushes.

We focus on professionalism when we handle any project to ensure that you get the services that your block deserves. Our slashing services are geared towards eliminating weeds that creep from one part of the block and fill the entire area, such as lantana.


How We Do It


Our bushes and long grass slashing services are efficient and fast. We use a range of tools from brush cutters, mowers, trimmers, and many more to get the job done. Depending on the size of your property, our equipment might be hand-held, push, or ride-on.

We will start by inspecting your commercial block to identify its size and terrain, give you a quote and then show up with the experts and the machinery to slash your block. If you choose a different method of weed control, say spraying, we will give you that to and then slash off the dead weed. In everything we do, the safety of our employees and your safety as our client always comes first.

Our commercial slashing services cover both civil and council work and business premise. We have worked on mine sites, construction, sites, and roadwork sites among other areas. This has given us so much experience and helped us expand our specialised equipment to handle different terrains.

We have different attachments for our machinery to offer perfect services. During a commercial slashing project, we bring all the attachments to ensure we leave your block clean and ready for any work that you may need to carry out.


Environmental Friendly Slashing


You never have to burn bushes or grass in your block again. Our services are eco-friendly to ensure that your block or your land thrives after the slashing services. We also use eco-friendly disposal methods that keep your home safe. Whether you need us to clear land near a road, new business buildings, near a river or stream, we have to expertise to do it.

Schedule an appointment by calling us today. You can ask our experts any question you may have and they will be glad to answer you. Do not let long grass and shrubs affect the serenity of your commercial property.


Service Page Number 4


Acreage Mowing


If you need lawn mowing services for large block, call us today and we will help get your block in shape.

We offer acreage moving services to commercial properties in Sunshine Coast, councils, the local government, new developments, and sports grounds. We not only mow but also improve your lawn and maintain it to facility a great look.

Large lawns present headache to companies, governments, councils, and property developers. For starters, using the ordinary push mower or trimmer will take so much time and the mower may not clear large grass and shrubs. This is where our specialised equipment come in. As a developer, you understand the importance of maintaining the look of each block on a property before it sells. Because you may not have the tools and expertise to do it, we help you take care of it fast and efficiently.

We can offer you routine acreage maintenance or grounds maintenance per block – this way, you will always have each block maintained in autopilot.

Most large blocks have difficult-to-reach areas such as steep slopes, creeks, and areas that collect vegetative matter. Such areas require specialist skills and special equipment attachments to tackle. We have a collection of machinery, equipment, and attachments to take care of the entire block hassle-free.

We offer the following slashing and lawn care maintenance:

  • Grounds maintenance of acreages, estates, and commercial properties
  • Slashing and brush cutting overgrown development sites and estate blocks
  • Mowing and maintenance of commercial properties
  • Whipper snipping and mowing of the residential housing allotments
  • Mowing and maintenance of council land and government properties
  • Mowing and weed spraying for commercial blocks


Why Mow Commercial, Council, and Government Properties Often?


Commercial mowing practices influence the health and beauty of the lawn. When you mow often, you are able to eliminate weeds that make your property look abandoned. The kind of turn growing on your commercial property determines how often you should mow your lawn.

In Sunshine Coast, the most common turf on your lawn will be couch, Zoysia, and buffalo grass. During summer, the grass requires you to mow every two weeks. In colder months, you can mow every month. You can put your acreage mowing on autopilot by hiring our routine services.

When you allow us to do it right for you, our regular moving helps you eliminate weeds without ever having to use chemical sprays. This is especially important if you struggle with lantana. Large lawns are especially prone to diseases and drought if sufficient care is not taken.

We employ the best mowing and slashing techniques to facilitate optimal lawn care. We focus on caring for your large lawn so you can focus ion business. We have a range of specialised tools to allow us take care of different terrains.


Experts and Tools


We pride on our mowing experts and specialised equipment. Our experts not only understand how to operate the machinery and the equipment but they also have immense knowledge of grass and weeds. Granted, they will give your lawn the treatment it deserves. We know the right ground cover your lawn needs and the specific treatment to give to each type of weed. We specialise in the beauty of your lawn.

Call us today for professional acreage mowing services in Sunshine Coast and the surrounding areas. You can schedule an appointment or ask for a quote.


Service page number 5


Additional Services


Slashing and clearing services enhance the beauty and the curb appeal of your residential or commercial property. There are so many ways to keep your home free of bushes, long grass, and clutter. We specialise in ensuring that your property is:

  • Accessible by foot or vehicle
  • Free of snakes and critters that hide in tall grass
  • Eye-pleasing
  • Safe from fire with firebreaks
  • Follows safety regulations in Australia


Some of the additional services we offer include:


Tree Pruning


Tree overgrowths affect the effectiveness of fire breaks. Some trees in Sunshine Coast can spread so many meters from the trunk making them cross firebreaks. We prune the trees to maintain firebreaks and keep trails and tracks accessible.

When the branches of a tree overgrow in residential or commercial properties, it might interfere with power lines, drop leaves on roofs which might rot and affect the integrity of your roof, or affect other structures in the property.

We have the right power tools to trim the branches and to leave your home or business premises looking clean and accessible. Tree pruning comes in handy when you do not want to remove the tree.


Seasonal Cleanups


We care about the environment, which is why we strive to ensure the environment looks appealing without affecting natural areas. In everything we do, we ensure we do not harm the environment. We will help you with seasonal cleanups in an eco-friendly manner. Summer will so overgrowth of grass and weeds which we can help you remove. Winter will result to dead plants in your lawn which present a fire hazard. Like summer, Spring also results in overgrowth of weeds. Autumn will leave tree leaves all over your lawn.

Whatever problem different seasons present, we will be there to help you clean it up and have your lawn back to its original shape. It is important to get your lawn ready for the next season. For instance, you will spend a lot of time outdoors during the warm months which is why you need to have the lawn ready. During the warm months, weeds and grass will grow fast and you might need to enlist our services more often.


Taking Care of the Environment


As a local company in Sunshine Coast, we have the experience and knowledge of the local area. Granted, our experts can identify native weeds and plants and find eco-friendly ways to eradicate them. We have been involved in ecological restoration works and management of sensitive natural areas. By clearing your land, we help you manage it efficiently.

Often, council, local governments, and commercial property owners as for our advice on how to best maintain natural resources and reduce disturbances.


Bushland Maintenance


Bushland maintenance services help keep our parks and other natural areas intact. We help council and government clear unwanted vegetation, relocate native plants and trees, control the growth in open spaces, clear trails, boundaries, and service access, and many other services.

For a long time, we have been at the forefront in the fight against pollution of natural bushland areas in Sunshine Coast. We help create trails, tracks, and firebreaks so that visitors can enjoy the natural areas without pollution. We are also involved in creek bank stabilisation.


Why Work with Us?


Combined, our experts have more than 100 years of experience in operating machinery, managing weeds and grass, taking care of natural habitats, and constructing trails and firebreaks. Regardless of the size of your block, we have the machinery to take care of the overgrowth to leave your land clean. We serve residential, commercial, and public properties working with homeowners, private developers, council, and local governments.








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