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 How do you envisage to develop yourself as a STEAM education professional through this course?

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 How do you envisage to develop yourself as a STEAM education professional through this course? 

In responding to this journaling task, you may refer to specific views about different facets of STEAM education that you may develop during this course work. Such facets may be considered as, but not limited to, the nature of science and mathematics, science and mathematics curriculum, science and mathematics pedagogy and assessment strategies do you expect to develop out of this course?

STEAM is a new educational approach in our society, I think, even in South Asia. As an Instructional Technology trainer, I have been providing support to educators in using ICT in the teaching and learning process from the last ten years. To gain 21st-century learning skills, ICT has become an integrated component as a supportive role. I empower educators of different subjects such as Science, Mathematics, Linguistics, Social Studies, etc. and motivate them to use technology in their pedagogical practices. As per my knowledge, this is a kind of STEAM integration, to some extent. In the very beginning, when I heard that Kathmandu University is starting M.Phil. in STEAM education, I was very excited to pursue the course. Unfortunately, I could not make it in the first batch due to some personal constraints. I set the target for next year. Now, I am in the first semester. As an M.Phil. Scholar of a very early stage, I realize the STEAM approach is more than what I thought. It’s a broad and new approach. As a tech coach, whatever I am doing here in my country, is also a new practice. I am introducing new tools and technologies in the educational domain of Nepal. After joining this course and attending a few classes at Kathmandu University, I brought myself in the enormous scope and thought that I could do more in the broader spectrum.

Still, I am very new to this STEAM approach. As per the best of my knowledge, STEAM approaches help students to be problem solvers as well as critical by opening up new ways of seeing, thinking, and learning (Ghanbari, 2015) though STEAM is not limited only to these areas). Not only students but also empowers teachers to introduce different teaching techniques under the roof of STEAM. I am very much hoping that I can explore myself in a new educational dimension with a new degree.

I have found some possibilities in Nepal as a STEAM education professional. As it’s a new approach in Nepal, I can do various research on this area along with a good team. Based on the outcomes of this researches, we can develop different programs to introduce this STEAM approach to Nepalese educational institutions as per our local demands. So, I think I can blend my previous professional area with this new approach and will be able to bring some positive educational transformation in Nepal. Furthermore, I will be focusing again on integrating ICT in education with new skills and pedagogical knowledge. After the degree, the following will be my new areas of working:

  • There are many uncovered areas related to the study on STEAM education in Nepal despite some initiatives taken by Kathmandu University and other private institutions (Belbase, 2019). I will do pedagogical research on implementing the STEAM approach in Nepalese Educational Domain/Context  so that we can apply the STEAM approach from the grassroots level in the local flavor. There is still confusion about the model of STEAM learning and curriculum (Falls, 2019). I will explore the possibilities of developing STEAM curriculum, standards, pedagogy and potential research in collaboration with other scholars applicable to the Nepalese educational context.
  • Introduce STEAM approaches in Nepalese educational institutions with some tailored professional courses, which might be mostly online and on-site workshops as well. For example, as I am from a technology background, my focus will include the meaningful introduction of ICT in education.
  • Give continuity to integrating ICT in education with new STEAM-blended ideas and skills. For instance, I will explore how ICT can be used as a significant supportive role to carry out different learning approaches, such as inquiry-based learning, project-based learning. I will also try to find the best ideas and methods of integrating ICT in authentic and active learning.

The national framework (National Education Curriculum Framework 2076 ) includes an integrated curriculum from Grade I to III and a separate track curriculum for primary education from Grade I to VIII and secondary education from Grade IX to XII. This is the first step towards STEAM education at the school level in Nepal. The awareness about STEAM education is at an introductory level in Nepal (Belbase, 2019). I will also explore the possibilities of establishing an online STEAM resource center for all the educators and students of Nepal. The research papers, lesson plans, learning materials and other STEAM-related resources will be made available. Though we are in the process of educational transformation, our curriculum is still based on rote learning. I am also a member of the task force of the Curriculum Development Center (CDC), Nepal Government. With the new skills and concepts of STEAM education, I hope to contribute a lot towards building a progressive educational environment in Nepal.



Belbase, S. (2019). STEAM Education Initiatives in Nepal. The STEAM Journal4(1), 7.

National Education Curriculum Framework 2076


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