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How Health Indicators Support Quality

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Discussion: How Health Indicators Support Quality






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Assignment: Discussion




Submission: July, 2020

















Public health entities’ main objective and aim globally is to provide health care for individuals within a given community. Therefore there are policies that health personnel relies on in making sure that the goals and objective are achieved with specific reference to the expansion of health care for accessibility and affordability of those in need. According to Healthy People 2000 (USDHHS, 2020), addressing health issues is best when there is the motivation of communities. Furthermore, a comparison between motivation and health care profile data relies purely on time within the community and again comparisons made in response to national measurements. Opportunities experienced in the health care system are many involving identifying and investigating health hazards and issues in a population. Public health officers are responsible for providing community health services and at the same time develop policies and plans towards assisting individuals and community health workers as well (Gorsky, 2007). Therefore, as a public health care administrator on available opportunities, they face a lot of challenges. Organizations of public health care are at the forefront when it comes to excellent health care providers in the entire globe. Even though in every organization conflicts erupt within employees and management and ways of handling conflict also depend on the capability of the leader and leadership skills (White, 2002).

The main aim of using public health indicators is because it allows fewer mistakes that well-implemented accumulate to zero mistakes at all in both spending and budgeting. It is due to this reason that public health agencies with similar goals and priorities have a direct benefit from each other in a standardized means (Janecka, et al, 2018). In addition to that, skills, innovation, and knowledge of individuals are necessary when it comes to acquiring funding from various sources that may also include grand and well-wishers. This can only bear fruits in combination with a multi-skilled working team that involves public health agencies to see to it that funds are utilized appropriately which improves the quality of health-care.




















Meadows-Oliver, M., & Allen, P. L. J. (2012). Healthy People 2020: Implications for pediatric nurses. Pediatric Nursing38(2), 101-106.

White, N. D. (2002). The United Nations system: toward international justice. Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Kaczka, R. J., Spyt, B., Janecka, K., Beil, I., Büntgen, U., Scharnweber, T., … & Wilmking, M. (2018). Different maximum latewood density and blue intensity measurement techniques reveal similar results. Dendrochronologia49, 94-101.


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