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How people respond to death of artist and singers

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Emotions are strong feelings that come from one’s mood circumstances and their relationship with others. They are also instincts and intuitions which are brought by feelings through reasoning. Different people react differently to the issues or events that they come across in day to day life. People perceive events differently depending on the nature of the event and the impact it has on their life be it political, economical or even social-cultural. In the contemporary world, people have shown different emotions towards events that have occurred recently in America. This paper addresses emotions in the modern era, i.e. it points out some significant events that have shaped people emotions such making people angered, and have love, fear or evens hatred. To be specific, the paper swill focuses on three major events which involve; how people respond to deaths of the famous artist as well as singers, how different individuals, communities and nations react to violence in the public space and how does the global community address the Syrian refugee crisis.

How people respond to death of artist and singers

According to famous journal “USA TODAY”, the death of the 67-year-old David Cassidy made many people to erect different emotions which were experienced in the social media vie hashtag #RIP David Cassidy on twitter. The artist was a renowned for his live musical performance and his sensational songs which were loved by many people ( Pihkala and Panu.pp250). Many people express sad emotions on the demise of the artist. For instance, his younger half-brother expressed how he was shocked when learned that his brother was no more. He indicated that he was a very hand working person who always focuses on his career progress. Cassidy brother expresses the funny and extraordinary moments they used to share with him.He seemed angered due to this loss and was sad why it happened when he needed his brother most.

According to a sign of love was expressed by musician across the world when Amy Winehouse died. Many people particularly her fellow musicians, peers business collaborators as well as fans expressed their grief and went ahead to share their words of condolences to the singer’s friends and families. A good example is artist Tony Bennett who had initially recorded a duet with singer Winehouse who said that she was an extra ordinally musician who had rare vocals. Tony indicated that he was devastated that the singer’s extra ordinally talent came to an end and it was a sad state of affair.

In 2016 the death of multi-talented artist David Bowie made many people to react on social media. People took to social media o share their sadness. Some pointed the impact that David had in the contemporary music industry for the past 50 years. Most celebrities and leaders pointed out different occasions they had with the artist before his demise. For instance, on Twitter, one of the celebrities indicated that David was his friends and was the light of his life. He father indicated how grieved and aggressive he was when he learnt about the death of the musician. All the above cases suggest how people express emotions in the contemporary era mainly when they learn of the death of a famous musician




How individuals, communities and nation respond to the violence in public space.

According to (Springer and Simon .pp73) Violence involves imposing physical force with intention to hurt damage or even kill someone. Most of urban areas in America have experienced violence that may be inflicted by either America citizen or even police. People have reacted differently to cases of violence particular when specific incidences come into the limelight through media. People have expressed sadness when they learn about a specific incident of violence. Other seems to enjoy when peoples right is being violated and go on social media to ‘appreciate’ those who are interfering with people’s right which is very sarcastic.

For instance violence on women and children as well as sexual harassment in public space are everyday occurrences in America. Most women in urban areas express various types of emotions such as fear particularly when their rights are being interfered with. An example of sexual violence was realized when Gretchen Carlson a former Fox News anchor who sued former Fox News chief Roger Ailes for cases of sexual violence. In a discussion held by CNN, most people expressed sad emotions and fear when learnt that such a reputable boss could be involved in such an act which violates human rights.

Cases of racism and police brutality are also other forms of violence that triggers different emotions on the public. In a research carried out in America states, it linked to police violence and poor health of black people. Most black people fall victim to the trigger-happy white police who are racist and refer to black people as thugs. When such cases are reported, they raise the eyebrows of many citizens who take to social media to express their emotions (Crawford & Evans pp. 800). Most of the people show the love that they have on black American via hashtag #Black Live matters, and condemn any form of violence targeting black people. It is unfortunate that there are those who don’t see it as an issue when a black man’s rights are violated which is sarcastic as indicated above. This as well shows the position of emotions in the contemporary world and how such events shape emotions in history.

How the global community addresses the Syrian refugee crisis.

A recent case which triggered different emotions is the increased number of Syrian refugees in America and another part of Europe. The fact that over 750,000 refugees entered these countries raised fear on how they got into the state, the security status of the American. There has been unrest in the country. People have been wondering how to deal with the situation. Most of the peoples expressed dissatisfying emotions on social media indicating how they fear for American security. Some have gone to social media to enlighten people on how the government would handle the case. Journals, magazines haves been used to show a picture of the situation in Syria which make the American citizen have sad emotions and pity the Syrian citizens.

The fact that different lobby groups are concerned about the situation Syria shows the love they have for these people and the need to embrace the sense of humanity. Through the help of the United Nation High Commissioners for Refugees (UNHCR), most people have volunteered to go Syria to assist the war victims to access basic needs such as food and clothing The love emotions are expressed by such act which shows that the global community is concerned, and where there is human right violation, there will be people to sacrifice and give their hand on effort to rescue Syria from the hands of the ISIS.




From the above analysis of the specific events, it is clear that those emotions have its place in determination of human behavior. Anger, hatred, love and fear are some of the emotions that have defined the course of the above discussed events in America. Emotions have shaped how different nation’s handles things be it political, social or economical which indicates that they are significant components of historical cannon. Social media and print media has played major role in the determinations of the emotions that people expresses when a famous musician dies from the above illustrations it is seen how different people expresses their sad emotions when they learn an artist has passed on which supports efforts of emotions in determination of social-cultural life.

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