How to Stay Motivated During Dissertation Writing
It’s that time of the year as undergraduate or postgraduate, and you’re required to write a thesis. How do you concentrate instead of procrastinating? Lots of research and writing may be tedious, especially when everyone in college is so focused on completing their thesis in time.
Putting your thesis assignment aside until 2 days before submitting will leave you rushing things, and this will be nothing but overwhelming. For you to keep motivated when writing your dissertation, follow these guidelines.
Plan Decently
Should I first remind you that failure to plan is a plan to fail? Before starting your thesis, it is essential to note that it’s a task and will take you some days of hard work, lots of reading, writing, formatting, and editing.
That is why you need to plan well before. Your assigned tutor will help you in case you have questions or so. The bottom line is to stay organized and stick to your to-do-list.
Manage Your Time Properly
This is one great challenge students face when writing a treatise. As aforementioned, if you only remember you have some work to do when the due date is around the corner, then you’re likely to do shoddy work. Know what to do when and how to stick to your routine.
In case you have a fixed schedule, or have other urgent assignments to attend to, visit a reliable writing service company and hire an experienced writer to write your dissertation. If you know how to manage your time well, you will always have a way out.
Don’t Panic
This mostly happens to undergraduates. For postgraduates, it may scare them less because they have done it before. This is just like any other assignment you have done before; the only difference is this one is more intense. At some point, research can be uncertain, which creates fear among students.
The purpose of the research is to discover a new thing, so fearing not will help you stay motivated when times are tough.
Make Consistent Progress
Make a positive step every day. Write, research, or edit even if it is for a short period daily, this will keep you moving. Nothing motivates you more than knowing you’re making good progress. Establish a firm schedule and set aside time to attend to your thesis regularly.
Being consistent opens you up to new interpretations and ideas which highly help you to stay motivated in writing the thesis.
Even though the writing is tiresome and time-consuming, staying on the right path will keep you motivated until you’re done writing your thesis. Don’t rush yourself, don’t push it too hard, manage your time, engage your tutor, and be consistent with what you do, and finally, you’ll enjoy the process.