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Human Resources Fundamentals

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Human Resources Fundamentals

Three Conditions of People With Disability

  • Mental or physical impairment that significantly limits them from role performances.
  • Substantially limited.
  • A record that proves that they are substantially limited (Steingold, 2017).

Three Steps That Determine If Disabled People are Qualified for a Job

  • An employer should ensure that the individual is qualified to work (Steingold, 2017).
  • The employer should determine whether the person can perform essential job functions (Steingold, 2017).
  • Employers should review employees’ role performance levels.

Three Situations When A Reasonable Accommodation is Required

Job Application

During job applications, an individual in a wheelchair may require accommodation if the interview site or hiring office does not guarantee accessibility through a wheelchair. In some cases, a person with poor eyesight might require assistance to complete the needed applications, which is an aspect that the hiring company should provide (Steingold, 2017).

Accessing Benefits

A firm may have to modify the existing schedules or facilities’ layout to ensure that these components are favorable for everyone, including the disabled. The firm should have unlimited access to meeting rooms, restrooms, and other services, such as health and social events.

Job Performance

People with disabilities may, at times, require substantial assistance to execute their tasks effectively. An earring impaired person could necessitate a unique phone to amplify voices while at work (Steingold, 2017). A person with a particular need must enjoy preferential treatment reasonably.

Five Management Tasks to Make Training “Stick?”

  1. Classroom-based training programs
  2. Interactive training
  • Online training services
  1. Social learning services to learn through modeling, imitating, and observation
  2. On-the-job training comprising employees participating in knowledge acquisition by exercising actively.

Habits Formed in Workplaces

At the workplace, the brain continually learns new patterns or skills. An employee adopts a novel behavior performance. The conduct later becomes their second nature with time because the brain cells involved do interconnect to develop a neural pathway, eventually adoption of a specific habit (Coates, 2014).

The Relationship of the Two Statements: Staff Development

The immediate supervisor plays a significant role within a nursing facility. This staff is the connecting agent between senior management and employee; thus, the individual acts as the primary information flow conveyance (Dale Carnegie Training, 2016). Dissatisfied workers with their immediate supervisors fail to identify with the nursing facility’s goals, which makes them exhibit poor role performance. Managers need to be role models for their subordinates to inspire and generate enthusiasm. Some nurses show inadequate performance due to limited knowledge of their role, disinterest in the task’s execution, or might lack sufficient resources to accomplish their daily errands (Coates, 2014). Immediate supervisors should guarantee the availability of required resources; they can train workers on how to perform various tasks or reassign them from carrying out other responsibilities after noticing personal attitudes towards particular workloads.

Three Elements of the Four Critical Components of a Staff Development Program

A staff development program is multifaceted in different critical components, which, in turn, have notable inherent elements that denote comprehensiveness in the management of human resources. The ingredients are managing, procedures, hiring, and organizational planning. The features of managing comprise employee training, performance, and evaluation. They symbolize how employees gain the relevant knowledge to operate within their jurisdiction. Additionally, the basics depict a manager’s commitment to a firm’s success.

Procedures and policies entail employee orientation. Here, staff members are aware of their rights, appropriate channels of reporting their concerns, and the work timeline. Hiring consists of the elements of a well-structured and detailed job description, job posting, and work development packages. Not only does this practice makes it easy for credible people to apply for available job positions, but it also facilitates the hiring department to establish an approach to conducting recruit. Organizational planning embraces ascertaining personnel awareness of an entity’s operations, a realization of personal accountabilities, and a corporate schedule.

Employee Success Plans and Resident Care Plans Comparison

Employee success and resident care plans compare in multifaceted dimensions. Regarding the former, an employee is assured of completing his or her medical residency program successfully. On the other hand, a resident care plan subjects a worker to specialized training. In another distinguishable aspect, in most resident programs, employees are exposed to competent practice and are expected to keep a list of learned procedures (Fried, Fottler, & Johnson, 2015).

Four Parts of Training

  • Detecting chemicals. It helps employees monitor appearances, devices, or odors to mitigate risks.
  • The health and physical hazards of chemicals enable individuals to know how to handle them (Steingold, 2017).
  • Safety measures educate employees concerning how to protect themselves for work safety.
  • A comprehensive labeling system.

 How an Effective Staff Development Program Supports Being an Employer of Choice

A staff development system is a guiding factor for managing human resources concerning their hiring and promotion. The program ascertains employees’ consciousness of what particular critical organization’s procedures and practices enable them to benefit from personal growth. Constantly enhancing employee skills and knowledge prompts a positive attitude towards role performance. Training and development stimulate personnel’s competences and capabilities to elevate their performance level and personal growth for human resources sustainability (Sal & Raja, 2016). Therefore, a staff development program motivates the employee’s firm’s selection to offer one’s services.




Coates, D. E. (2014). The dark secret of HRD: Four things you need to know to stop wasting money on training. Newport News, NA: Performance Support Systems, Inc. Retrieved from

Dale Carnegie Training. (2016, October 31). Enhancing employee engagement – The role of the immediate supervisor. Retrieved from

Fried, B., Fottler, M. D., & Johnson, J. A., (eds). (2015). Human resources in healthcare: Managing for success (4th ed.). Chicago, Illinois: Health Administration Press.

Sal, A., & Raja, M. (2016). The impact of training and development on employees’ performance and productivity. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 5(7), 36-70.

Steingold, F. (2017). The employer’s legal handbook (13th ed.). United States: Nolo.





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