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Joint Commission is an organization that grants healthcare organizations credentials to continuously improve the quality and safety of care provided to the public. It not only offer accreditations but it also health-related services that support performance improvement in any healthcare organization. The joint commission sets standards that should be followed by health care organizations so that they can remain accredited. The human resource management maintains all the policies and procedures for an organization to follow all the set standards by the Joint Commission. Thus, there is a direct effect of the Joint Commission on human resource management basic functions. The HRM must adhere to all the current position statements and set policies that are issued by the Joint Commission. In human resource management, the responsibility is not only to ensure quality and safe care to all, but it maintains that all patients have the right to access that care.

HRM should maintain effective communication standards for all stakeholders, and a good relationship should be promoted between care providers and patients. However, healthcare organizations that do not follow Joint Commission policies and procedures may experience challenges when providing quality care. The Joint Commission has significantly influenced the basic functions of HRM in various ways. It has been set in a way that it can ensure that hospitals recognize ethics disparities and can work with them in the provision of quality care. Communication is among the factors that increase disparities among various cultures. Joint Commission set standards that should be used by managers in a healthcare facility in the planning, coordinating, providing care and providing treatment in accordance t patient needs. The commission is also responsible for maintaining proper documents that are used towards a National Standards for culturally and Linguistic Appropriate Services. The Joint Commission will frequently visit the acute hospital to review their accreditation and ensure that HRM is responsible for employees’ functionality in the provision of quality care. The HRM also ensure that proper training of employees is promoted so that they comply with the policies and procedures set in a healthcare facility.

Any open position in an organization can be due to a problem; thus, human resource and department manager must work together so that they can fill the positions with the right set of candidates. When there are vacancies in an organization, steps and procedures are followed in order so that the position is advertised for relevant candidates to apply. For effective selection and hiring of employees, effective collaboration between human resource management and department managers is required. The department managers are the first to identify that a position will be vacated and the step they take is informing the human resource for the availability of the vacancy for relevant action to be taken. The HR, on the other hand, is responsible for confirming the available vacancy where they use papers and approvals for certainly. Communication between the HR department and the department managers should be effective so that they can select the most suitable candidate for the vacant position.

When filling open positions in an organization, the department manager may find an employee suitable for the position, but the HR department may disqualify it for some reasons. To avoid such cases, a collaboration between HR and the department manager is essential. The two can consider what is required of the applicant and what they will be basing their idea in when selecting the applicant. To get the right candidate, interviews are important and the interview date must be decided by the HR and the department managers so that the right questions based on the position can be included. The department manager can decide which employee is most suitable for a position in the organization but lack authority to hire the employee since that is the role of the human resource department. The steps and processes involved in the hiring of employees can sometimes be lengthy which require the department manager to assist in the process. Therefore, coordination of HR and department managers is essential for any available position in healthcare.

When devising a training program for managers, it should be comprehensive and should include relevant documents that will guide the planning and how the instructions will be delivered. The training program should factor in the goals of the organization which are the focus of not only the managers but also the employees in that organization. The goals should be well known to managers in the organization so that they can be the guide during the development of a successful training program. The training program should include the mission and vision statements of the organization as they are some of the important aspects that should be known by the manager. The plan should include what is required by the organization regarding the right pool of employees and the activities expected of them.

The program should start with an outline of what the company offers, and A training program for managers should consider who needs to be trained, what are the requirements of the training as well as the plan for training these individuals. The program is aimed to capture all the requirements of the company; therefore, managers should understand what is required in the organization so that they can be included in the interview process. The responsibilities of an employee should be included in the training program to make sure that employees understand their requirements while in the organization.

The interviewing techniques that should be used to help the managers in the identification of the ideal candidates include understanding the questions to be used and the questions that should be avoided during the interview. Therefore the manager should invest time in the planning of the questions and the proper techniques to be used during the interview. A framework for the interview should be developed. This calls for the right interview structure which should cover all the required questions within the limited timeframe and without overlooking some of the information. The structure should also be limited to sidetracking by a candidate. Managers should take time to review the resumes provided by the candidates. The resume includes qualifications of the candidate that can be used to determine if they are suitable for the organization. Listening is a good technique that should be adopted by managers during the interview. Listening techniques not only encourage conversation, but they allow the managers to focus on what they should say next.

Another technique during an interview is looking for non-verbal cues where the manager should be in a position to read the body language of the candidate. Such body languages are communicative and can guide the manager on the selection of the best pool of employees. The manager should keep the conversation focused in a way that they can collect all the information about the candidate. The manager must ensure that the interviewee is well prepared for the interviewee and that they are familiar with what the organization has to offer. Such techniques can be effective in the identification of the best candidate for a position in the organization.

Factors for Compensation and Benefit

A compensation strategy is used by organizations in viewing and managing the pay and benefits offered to employees. The strategy can be used as a guide to compensation in the organization, and it should be in a written form so that it can serve the purpose of compensation management in the organization. When developing the compensation and benefits plan, some of the factors that should be considered include retirement benefits, cost of health care benefits, bonuses, reimbursement and any other thing that is factored in during compensation. All the factors can have a significant impact on the compensation and benefits plan. Many employees think of compensation as just these salary and wages offered for the work, but they lack knowledge of other benefits that are offered by the organization.

The first thing to focus on a compensation strategy is a budget allocation that comprises an organizational approach for compensation of dollars as well as well as other benefits. Calculation on what the percentages of salary to that of the benefits and incentives should be well balanced for the company to have a balanced compensation strategy. Budget allocation enables easy division of the available resources to bonuses, salaries and health benefits.

To ensure a fair compensation plan, salary range should be developed which will make it comparable to other organizations offering similar services. The salary range set should be competitive in the market and should be based on the services offered in by the healthcare organization. In a determination of the salary ranges, the organization should compare its compensation rate to that of other organizations so that the average salary can be selected for that particular region. Human resource management is responsible for deciding the salary ranges based on the research conducted, both internally and externally. The salary range should also be dependent on each job description to maintain a fair compensation plan.

The other factor is the salary audit that should be conducted frequently so that it can fit the prevailing market. A salary audit is done to ensure that the compensation rate at any given time is confirming to the current market. This promotes fairness in the compensation as organization employees are paid according to the trending market. Salary audit helps in the retention of the best employees due to increased satisfaction of the compensation rates. Performance management system is also a factor that can promote compensation plan since it ensures that employees work according to corporate objective and performance is assessed regularly. The assessment of performance allows paying for performance which is fair to all employees. It also attracts the best candidates who are willing to work under the system due to the positive influence of the system. There is increased employee engagement when a performance management system is employed.

Legal compliance is another factor that should be considered for fair compensation and benefits. Incorporating legal requirements in the compensation and benefits plan allow fairness and reduce biases likely to occur during the hiring and making any other decision that is important for the organization. With legal compliance, the organizations are forced to adhere to the right compensation plan that is suitable for employees.

Performance Appraisal Method

Performance appraisal is used by organizations for assessing the present performance of employees. Appraisal allows managers to select the best candidates, use the human resource department appropriately and improve productivity. The best performance appraisal method that I would recommend is focused trait appraisal that promotes positive work ethics in an organization. This appraisal method not only does it promote a positive culture and ethics, but it also motivates employees to be competitive internally and externally. The appraisal method considers attributes such as dependability, punctuality and helpfulness as factors that determine appraisal by an organization. It is the best for an organization with demotivated employees as they are motivated through the appraisal. The culture of an organization using this method is promoted, and employees are willing to work together and assist each other in areas of difficulty. Since hospital are based on ethical conducts, focused trait appraisal can be the best as it allows identification of employees who are empathetic and caring to patients and fellow employees. The performance appraisal designed for any organization should focus on productivity and quality of services offered. Trait focused appraisal boost employee motivation, and the ultimate result is improved quality of care and productivity.

A strategy that can be used to manage both the performance and behavior of employees is getting appropriate employees and training them. Training of employees can be an effective strategy that will reduce employee problems and improve their performance while in the workplace. Training improves employees’ competency that prevents problems that are related to lack of competency in a certain work area. Frequent performance appraisal is important in managing employee problems improving their performance. The hospital should select the most suitable appraisal method that will create a culture of work and prevent problems likely to be aggravated by the compensation method. Counselling of employees is relevant from time to time as it creates a peaceful working environment that is free from conflicts and problems. Employee training is the most effective strategy that minimizes organization problems and promotes performance. Giving of incentives can also reduce motivate employees to have improved performance which will, in turn, reduce problems that are related to poor performance.






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