IBM Watson Health
IBM Watson Health is a system designed to solve some health challenges through data, analytics, and artificial intelligence. Implementing this system has proven to be of great help to the patients and the healthcare providers. The healthcare industry is susceptible because operations need real-time, a diagnosis should happen in the shortest time possible, and the treatment decisions should happen without any delay. The IBM Watson activities have gone a long way to work on the health sector’s challenges. The IBM Watson has helped solve the challenge that might come up due to a shortage in the workforce. The Watson-based system can collect massive information from many systems and different care providers. The Watson based systems also help in automation of operations, leading to efficiency in the delivery of healthcare services. The IBM Watson activities have helped patients who have diabetes manage the disease. Research shows that IBM Watson is using AI to manage diabetes effectively. This process will help in reducing the burden of diabetes to the patient and the health care providers. IBM Watson has also gone a long way in identifying advanced oncology care and treatment. Through the use of AI, IBM Watson’s solution has worked on improving the consistency and the quality of care that is given to cancer patients. This is a great relief to the healthcare providers and also to the patients. The process of drug discovery has always been a process that has taken a long time. The IBM Watson implementation in the healthcare sector is working on these by hastening drug discovery. The AI used by IBM Watson can work on massive volumes of research data, and hence this makes it possible to identify and discover new drugs that are introduced into the market. IBM Watson has led to significant changes in the healthcare industry, which has eventually led to a variety of impacts on the patients and healthcare professionals.