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Spelman Strait coastal waters are coastal waters that are rich in coral reefs and reef fish resources. Reef fish resources are needed for sustainable fisheries management, ecologically, socially, economically, and institutionally. One form of management that is owned by local fishermen is local knowledge about reef fishing based on two fishing seasons (west season and east season). The research objective is to identify local knowledge as a form of sustainable management of coral fisheries in the Pereira coast of Spelman Strait, Central Buton Regency, in support of development. The results obtained, the management of coral fisheries based on local knowledge (west season and east season) with the use of different fishing hooks, where the west season uses fishing hooks number 5-8 with the target family Serranidae and Lutjanidae (export quality) and large size, while the season east of the use of fishing line numbers 15-17 with the target of all reef fish and the size of the catch is relatively small. The phenomenon of differences in fishing patterns can be used as sustainable management of coral fisheries.


Keywords: small scale fishermen, coral reefs, local knowledge, fishing season




The initial concept of sustainable fisheries is the availability of fishing/harvesting resources at a sustainable level (Directorate of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Ministry of PPN / Bappenas, 2014). One of the fisheries resources of concern is coral fisheries resources. In the coastal waters of the Spelman Strait are coral fisheries that require a form of sustainable management. Sustainable resources, ecologically sustainable, socially sustainable, and economically sustainable. The Spelman Strait coastal waters have coral reef ecosystem resources, which are the livelihoods of fishermen in meeting their households’ economic needs. Muis et al. (2020); Muis et al. (2019), the coral reefs of the Spelman Strait coastal waters have high biodiversity of coral fisheries, supported by water parameters that are following the coral reef ecosystem growth criteria (Muis et al. 2019).

Spelman Strait coastal fishers are mostly small scale fishermen who mostly work as reef fishermen. The utilization of the coastal waters of the Spelman Strait is carried out throughout the year. Based on reef fishermen’s existing conditions, the fishing season divides the fishing season into two fishing seasons. The west monsoon is identical to the wind and waves entering the Strait; the east monsoon is identical with relatively dark waters. The west season occurs in the middle of December to the end of April, and the east season occurs from May to November. Reef fish fishermen use the condition of the season difference as local knowledge, wherein the west season, the target catches are the Serranidae and Lutjanidae family fish, which are large and have export value.

In contrast, in the east season, the target catches are all reef fish and are usually of relative size small. Local knowledge of these fishermen makes its culture and culture in shaping patterns and behavior in utilizing reef fish resources. Therefore local knowledge is intellectual property that is still preserved, and it is very important to be followed up by stakeholders as a form of management of coral fisheries. According to Ridwan (2007), a region’s local knowledge is a cultural diversity that continues to be passed on as intellectual property.

Research on coral fisheries in the Strait coastline waters aims to identify local knowledge as a basis for sustainable management of reef fisheries to support the development of Central Buton Regency as a coastal and oceanic area. This research is also the first time formulating a form of management of local knowledge-based reef fisheries in the Central Buton Regency.

Forms of resource management have been carried out in Indonesia, including foreign countries, including the development of fisheries based on local wisdom in the management of sustainable marine resources in Bengkulu (Ambarini et al. 2018), local wisdom in the utilization and preservation of coastal and marine resources in Sabang City ( Armi et al. 2018), the relationship between perception and community participation in the management of capture fisheries resources based on local wisdom (Bekti et al. 2019), strengthening local wisdom as the cornerstone of the management of mainland waters in Sumatra (Oktaviani et al. 2016), local wisdom in capture fisheries activity in Sabangau Area, Central Kalimantan (Elbaar and Limantara 2019), Local wisdom Mane’e and its impact on fish resources and environment in Nanusa Island, North Sulawesi (Reppie 2015), Role of local wisdom in utilization of resource of fish in the Aceh District (Chaliluddin et al. 2015), Local wisdom in the environmental protection and management ement (Jundiani 2018), Local wisdom, environmental protection and community development: the clam farmers in Tambon Bangkhunsal, Phetchaburi Province (Kamonthip and Kongprasertamorn 2007), Local wisdom functionalization for regional law enforcement of fisheries management (Monteiro 2017), capture fisheries policy interactions and local wisdom in the northern waters of Aceh (Rizqi et al. 2017), fisheries management policies based on local wisdom in Aceh (Sulaiman 2010), the role of traditional knowledge in fisheries management: a case study of Commander Laot (sea commander) in the Aceh (Utomo 2010).


Material and Method


Data collection uses direct interviews with experienced fishers, and their entire lives work as reef fishermen (key actors). The time of the study was carried out for three months, from April to June 2020. The total number of respondents was 53 people and settled along the Spelman Strait (purposive sampling). The coastal villages are located in Mawasangka District, Central Buton Regency, consisting of Mawasangka Village, Watolo Village, Wakambungara Village, Kancebungi Village, and Gumanano Village (Figure 1). Interviews conducted in-depth, digging information so that the pattern of arrest can be used as a basis for the formation of local wisdom. This study’s method uses a purely qualitative approach and phenomenology (Moleong 2010; Tebaiy and Manuputty 2017). Moleong (2010), a qualitative approach, truly explores the potential of the lives of respondents. In contrast, a phenomenology is an event that is felt without any outside intervention (Moustakas, 1994; Creswell, 2007; Irianto and Subandi, 2015).


Results and Discussion


Arrest Pattern


Reef fishing conducted by fishermen in the Spelman Strait coastal waters has been carried out for generations. The knowledge of the arrest pattern is based on the experience that was passed so long. The analysis results are based on interviews with key actors that, during certain seasons, fishers catch reef fish. These times occur during the west and east seasons. Strong winds characterize the west season, and the east monsoon is relatively shady.

Fishermen’s knowledge of wind changes in the Spelman Strait coastal waters will affect coral fishing patterns. During the western season, fishers catch reef fish that have a substantial economic value of export quality. The fish are from the Serranidae and Lutjanidae family groups, while in the eastern season, the target fish are all reef fish species. The knowledge possessed by the fishermen is implemented with the use of hooks. Fishing hooks in the west season use numbers 5-8 and, in the east season, use fishing lines numbers 15-17. We already know that hand fishing lines are a type of traditional fishing gear commonly used by small-scale fishermen. The fishing line or hand line is also environmentally friendly and selective fishing gear. As reported by Irnawati (2012), to preserve grouper fish in the Karimunjawa conservation area requires stretching rods.

The opinion of fishers about using different fishing rods during the west and east seasons is an implementation of the experience of being a reef fisherman. The experience made a phenomenon in shaping the culture of coral fishing patterns. The analysis of coral fishing patterns that are applied based on the season and the use of different fishing lines have a positive impact on fishermen households’ economies in meeting their daily needs. The fishers’ opinion that in the western season, the reef fishes caught are large fish, whereas reef fish caught during the east season are relatively small in size. The following is the fishermen’s opinion about the pattern of catching both seasons: (“During the west season large coral fish come out looking for food, influenced by waves and waves from the Flores Sea so that the fish take refuge in the Strait. Unlike during the east season, fish caught are relatively small, influenced by current relatively calm “).

Based on the knowledge of the catching pattern of the western and eastern monsoons that occur in the Spelman Strait coastal waters, it is possible to serve as local wisdom in the management of coral fisheries.


West and East Season Wind Patterns


Wind patterns in the coastal waters of the Spelman Strait in the west and east seasons cause the formation and character of coral fisheries fishers. This character occurs naturally, obtained from life experience while utilizing coral fishery resources. The results of an in-depth analysis of key actors, when linked to local fishermen’s knowledge and actual events, have a positive correlation (Figure 2).


Figure 2 Current patterns in the waters of the Spelman Strait, December 2018 (Copernicus 2020)


Figure 3 Current patterns in the waters of the Spelman Strait, early January 2019 (Copernicus 2020)


Figure 4 Current patterns in the waters of the Spelman Strait, end of January 2019 (Copernicus 2020)


Figure 5 Current patterns in the waters of the Spelman Strait in May 2019 (Copernicus 2020)


Figure 5 Current patterns in the waters of the Spelman Strait, June 2019 (Copernicus 2020)


Figure 6 Current patterns in the waters of the Spelman Strait, July 2019 (Copernicus 2020)


West monsoon patterns cause currents and waves to form. The current and wave patterns are thought to cause nutrient enrichment in the Spelman Strait coastal waters, thus increasing the fertility of the waters. According to Loupatty (2013), currents are caused by water movement caused by wind and blowing continuously for a long time, thus forming waves and towards the coastline. Figures 2, 3, and 4 wind patterns from the Flores Sea and the Gulf of Bone, causing surface currents towards the Spelman Strait. The dynamics of the two drinks of water make the Spelman Strait have a dynamic water mass to affect the oceanographic characteristics. The mixing of the two water masses has a positive impact on the quality of the water mass of the Spelman Strait waters, such as an increase in nutrient content (nutrient), chlorophyll, phytoplankton, and seston (Adnan 2003), which causes a high energy flow and food chain in the waters (Mann and lazier 2006; Lalli and Parsons 1997; Thorp et al. 2008).

Mid-December 2018 (Figure 11), the pattern of powerful currents entering the Spelman Strait waters so that in that month, fishers have not conducted coral fishing activities. Reef fishing activities begin in January until the end of April. Based on Figures 3 and 4, the current pattern starts to change outward and starts to weaken. In contrast to the east monsoon, the current pattern is relatively calm, as shown in Figures 5, 6, and 7. Both of these seasonal patterns are local knowledge of fishermen in utilizing the Spelman Strait coastal waters.

The local knowledge of reef fishermen in the coastal waters of the Spelman Strait has an excellent opportunity to be used as a basis for management so that they can regulate the lives of fishers through rules agreed and institutionalized by the local government as a form of sustainable coral fisheries management. As reported by Utomo (2010); Chaliluddin et al. (2015), local knowledge in Aceh with its Panglima Laot, stipulates customary law in fishing.

According to Ibad (2017), local knowledge must be concerned with environmental sustainability. However, it does not rule out the possibility that the culture can be managed with a management concept that is not based on local wisdom. According to (Anon 2014), an ecosystem approach is needed in sustainable fisheries management so that the recovery of fish resources can provide added value to improve food security. (Kathijotes 2013) also explained that farmers and fishers still pay attention to the sustainability of the ecosystem to sustain business and livelihoods.

According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia, No. 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management interpreted as noble values ​​that apply in the life order of the community, among others, used to protect and manage the environment in a sustainable manner. These noble values ​​will serve as benchmarks for the sustainability of the conservation of coral reef ecosystem resources in the Spelman Strait coastal waters because the basic principle of sustainable fisheries is to integrate ecological, social, economic, and institutional goals. Therefore local knowledge is needed by the local government policy to be used as a form of sustainable coral fisheries management in supporting the vision and mission of the development of Central Buton Regency as a coastal and oceanic area.






Local knowledge of reef fishing based on two fishing seasons (west and east seasons) and the use of different fishing rods applied by Spelman Strait coastal fishermen can be a benchmark for sustainable coral fisheries management.




Further research is needed on the alleged upwelling in the west season in the coastal waters of the Spelman Strait in support of sustainable coral fisheries management efforts.




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