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Executive summary

IKEA is one of the best enterprises in the world. According to statistics, it has an overall 300 retail stores across 35 countries that were by the year 2013. The retails have since grown to become bigger and better. It holds a record of about 583 million customers who have visited in the past year, a world record. However, in recent times, the company has been faced with customer rage over not sufficiently making smart furniture. This report has been developed to determine ways in which the company can invest in smart furniture. Smart furniture is one that can be controlled by apps or remote control to be used in smart houses and smart offices. The business report proposal begins by identifying the gap in the company and providing evidence for the same. The paper develops the problem through providing an insight. The insight is followed by a proposal that develops app manager that can be used for this specific purpose. The company’s financial plan and revenues is then assessed in trying to develop and see if the plan is feasible and viable within the context of the IKEA group company. After feasibility is assessed the plan is assessed for value. The report explains how the app adds value to the organization. Organizational performance is assessed clinically before a profound result is given on how the plan conforms to the organizational strategy in terms of environment and affordability. At the tail end a perfect recommendation is proposed on what the role of different stakeholder would be in ensuring the plan is a success. This report, therefore, compounds a solution to the problem of smart furniture introduction through the creation of the IKEA app. The IKEA app will have the ability to control a client’s furniture while also providing a communication portal of the company to the same client. The app will provide a solution to the customer problem of apps and the desire for smart furniture



The Problem to Be Solved

In recent times most of the family furniture is home automated. According to the Pew research center report (Larsson, 2016)36.6% of households preferred to use automated furniture that is remote control enabled. When the un-automated furniture wasn’t around, the homeowners preferred to use rented furniture, which is technology enabled. Technology enabled furniture is the main thing nowadays and has led to the IKEA furniture company to lose customers. The evidence that IKEA is losing can be seen from last half year customer service where their major rival wall mart which administered new 123000 customers (Matanga, 2018). The IKEA Company made the assumption that the customers who deserted them had to seek rental services from wall mart. Customers are looking for affordable and comfortable options. The use of automated furniture makes it more comfortable for customers, and it is precisely what the clients need. The shift of customer needs explains why there has been seen a growth in revenues of the companies rental services (McNamara & Descubes, 2016). The IKEA company main problem is to develop a way in which they should keep up with smart furniture for smart homes and smart offices. The current procedure used by the IKEA company is to employ technology in the design and marketing of the products that they have. However, this has not proved important enough in retaining the customers as seen in the data of the company in comparison to Walmart. The company is struggling to retain and attract the new generation of customer and clients that prefer using smart furniture, which by the way is the major trend in the market. The introduction of smart furniture has evidently changed the course of the customer. This is evidently seen from the beginning of August 2013. The retailers have since upgraded to a net architect in place that provides for them an e-commerce platform. Evidence is also seen on the rate at which site application selected which integrates the seamlessly into smart space platform. The platform has gained over 42 million platforms. The company has to find a way to create smart furniture. Smart furniture that uses technology in homes and houses as a way of reaching a new target and reducing the furniture was renting rates while increase furniture sales.


The Problem Insight

The research upon writing this report determined that failing to introduce technological change into the IKEA organization through adopting smart furniture has led to a different set of challenges to the company and the management (Marazzi, 2015).

There has been a reduction in clients buying furniture from the company. In the past six months, the company has recorded a drop in profit margins of about 6% in direct customer sales (Marazzi, 2015). The main reason for these financial drops has been realized as the failure of the company to adopt smart furniture products (Garnier, M., & Poncin, 2019). The company has good offers to its customers. The aspect of free delivery that saves on costs and transit time has since seen the attraction of many customers; however, the company is losing new customer and client generation that largely depend on technology.

The company’s core competency is based on innovation; their current innovation is based on product design which hasn’t happened in terms of adapting smart technology products (Tronvoll 2019). The company has remained innovative in designing the furniture according to customers demand and also according to styles that remain attractive to customers. However, the chief company strategists realize that there is a rather blank opportunity that exists since smart products are not being produced in the way that they should. The company has realized that it will soon drop its best sales and client to competitors who have integrated making furniture with technology so that they make smart furniture.

IKEA’s democratic design and 9500 style of furniture are unable to satisfy customer demand due to the kind of generation that is currently taking over. The generation X is largely unsatisfied with design mainly focuses on applications that make work easier for them. The smart furniture which uses remote control and app is one of the best options for the young generation rendering democratic design and 9500 style of furniture quite irrelevant in such perspective. IKEA is not able to introduce smart furniture due to the rigid culture of the organization. Organizational culture recommends that the smart innovations have to be launched through protocol which makes it quite difficult for them to be completed (Garnier & Poncin, 2019). A second reason is the IKEA product for many locations. Australia for example is served with a lot of products at the same time the way it is a huge region.

Generated Solution to the Idea

Future business potential

The company should begin thinking on making furniture that is technology enabled from big beds to small furniture office accessories. The mobile app and laptop app is growing faster than a bean stalk. The app industry is huge and there is no end to its sight. The mobile developer population is growing by the day. The report is therefore recommending that the development of smart furniture that uses app and remote control will have a great current and the future considering the potential revenue that it can accrue. Most studies including one by Forbes magazine report showed that the use of mobile and laptop apps will be the next key driver of the industrial and economic growth in the next year. It gives a clear suggestion that the app is positively feasible to the future.

Initial investment requirement

The report recommends the agile approach as the initial investment requirement towards the development of the smart furniture IKEA app. It will involve taking the quick and structured format where very little time is taken on the pre test while a lot of investment is put on the customer piloting. It will involve the company hiring a freelancer to develop a quick app that will be tested in less than a week before full implementation.

Customer desirability

From the initial test carried out by the report. The app will be customer desirable in the sense that the next generation is considered to invest heavily in smart tools. Smart tools that include; phones, appliances and furniture have received a huge backing and, therefore, making the plan choice customer desirable. Desirability is also proven through attribute. Previous UX attribute has enabled brands to charge well for their products since they receive a good number of customers. It is therefore, logical to go ahead and claim that development of the IKEA app for smart furniture product is customer desirable.

Technical feasibility

IKEA has an IT expert with 69% success rate in their operations. This success rate establishes how the project is feasible considering that there would be less integration with other technological firms. Mobile project for this organization will therefore, as recommended by this report be technically feasible. A further boost for technicality is the existing company IT infrastructure. The company IT infrastructure is undoubtedly the best considering the 69% success rate that has been recorded by the IT team so far.

Financial feasibility

The app might cost the company approximately $750000 which the company can afford in relation to the potential profit the organization makes every financial year. According to information from their site IKEA this financial year alone has generated global revenue which has exceeded 35 billion Euros. Extracting 750 thousand dollars from 35 million Euros is quite feasible. The plan is therefore financially feasible.

Sustainability and environment friendly

Mobile applications and smart furniture do not affect the environment in any way and are a perfect solution to sustainability. Additionally, smart furniture is renewable and therefore will not create any garbage to the environment. The garbage is collected by the company for renewal once they ware out from the customers.

Skill set required for development and implementation

The company might only be required as found out by the report a freelance app developer. A freelance app developer will help provide the advice needed to the existing technological team. All the necessary skills for maintenance and implementation are in existence.

Fit to the organization like IKEA

The plan is fit for the organization with the following reasons: IKEA is known for having durable house hold materials, the plan is to use this advantage to market technological furniture in the same way. The technological products combined with the company known market for durability will be a perfect solution towards ensuring that the customer are attracted once again.

The IKEA Company can also develop partnership with companies or an IT expert that can be the head of project of installing technology enabled devices into the furniture so that they become smart. The partnership might cost a lot of money but it will be worthwhile considering that the company will gain from the recent demand of smart furniture that can be remote controlled or app controlled.


Solution Selection Analysis

Effectiveness Analysis

Design benefits

Effectiveness analysis involves finding out from the solution the one whose performance criteria towards solving the problem will play both primary and secondary functions and enable the system to resume as normal. To determine a perfect pattern, the following are normally analyzed; safety, security, reliability, usability, and maintainability. Out of the solutions assessed the most effective analyzed using this criterion is the adaption of smart furniture through app installation using the assistance of an IT expert or a partnership program with an app company (Jin-Yuan, Miao & Xiao-Ming, 2016).


In terms of safeties, the strategy is safer compared to the rest. The installation of the app that can control furniture provides the furniture owner with authority to operate their furniture both in the office and at home. In terms of reliability and maintainability, the app system can be reviewed by the company’s technical team and by the owner of the furniture, making it quite maintainable to the company’s standards. The development of the app system is also the best since, unlike the rest of the solutions it can be upgraded. With the use of an app, it is easier to upgrade particular systems and engines so that failing systems can be made even better (Sung & Samuel, 2014).

Future analysis

It is expected that going into the future, the use of an app is very relevant to the company since it can be used to develop a bond between the clients and the company. A developed app can enable communication between the company and the owner of smart furniture. Frequent communication can help the two create a strong partnership. A controller app can also help in collecting numerical data the company in knowing what customers and clients need and what they don’t really like about the products.

  1. Business Model Description


Customer segment

It will be effective to use the advertising and sponsorship app business model out of three potential ones. The fermium app and the addictive models do not exactly fit into the system as the advertising and sponsorship do. The business plan is to involve all the customers through installing the IKEA Company that controls all the smart furniture made by the company. Important to note is that all the app will be installed in the clients phone making them the key stakeholders (McNamara & Descubes, 2016).

Key activities

The main plan as illustrated by the report is that the app is supposed to be installed to the customer’s phone and any other device for free. The app is to be done in a way that it can also be used to control the smart furniture. The app can also be used to advertise the products of IKEA, which is a way of marketing to new customers. To reduce the effects of advertisement alienating the user, the app should be developed in a way that it provides a removable option of the adverts (Ito et al. 2015).


The app will involve the following plan personnel during the same time: research analytics and wire framing for the first stage are the partners who will be involved. The second stage involves designers, stylist, brandishing, and installation partners into the different smart furniture products. During its development, there is the existence of back and front end development. After the app is fully developed and well known to the clients and customers, the last business plan is to provide quality assurance to the clients on how it works exceptionally well. All these processes are to be tested from the beginning to the end (Miller, 2015). Quality assurance will be given by the government of the different nations. The government is, therefore, one of the key partners in the new business plan involving app installation.

Cost and revenue structure

In terms of the cost and revenue structure the report endorsed the freemium model of revenue. Freemium is a revenue model where the IKEA app is offered to the clients and customers with no pay. However, they are limited to what they can access. When they need further access to the tool they have to pay for they access. This form of revenue is collected from the app each and every time the client updates the features of the app. The startup financial cost of the company, however, costs the company revenue of about 750 thousand dollars as mentioned in the earlier stages of the report (Tronvoll, Edvardsson, Möllerskov-Jonzon & Innlande, 2019).

Value proposition development and delivery


Value of the app of smart furniture to the IKEA organization

The rise in brand value

An app would be the best way to impress any customers (Larsson & Gadde, 2016). Through the use of leveraging internet technology while making smart furniture and delivering to different customers, the brand value will increase. The app can also be used for marketing through advertising. When advertising is done through the mobile app, it will be a pivotal growth to the furniture business. Making the app idea of smart furniture is quite valuable to the IKEA Company.

  1. 2. Easy and quick update

Using the app is easy to follow the latest market designs of smart furniture that have since developed. Some of these designs might have been proposed by the customers. The app might also enable the company to update their office and home clients on the latest smart furniture designs that are available for the market. The app, therefore, creates a perfect media for regular communication.

The app can also offer e-commerce and facility integration

The app adds value to sale through ensuring that the sale is increased. The app can be used as a site of not only controlling smart furniture but also ordering for new ones. A feature in the app can be enabled so that the customers can quote what they want in the manner that they wish to before it is delivered by the company to them. The app solution indirectly contributes to an increase in the sale of the goods and the extent to which it delivers is undoubtedly perfect (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart & Wright, 2017).

Value to the customers of the IKEA organization

The app creates a platform where the customers can communicate directly to the managers of the different teams in the country. There is no better way to build customer relationship than one-to-one interaction. The one to one interaction method is created by the app that also directs smart furniture.

Use of an app to direct smart furniture also provides the clients with the opportunity to control their furniture from wherever they are. Control in this context means monitoring, evaluating and recording any miss faults that might be happening within the smart furniture developed by the IKEA Company.


Financial value analysis

The benefit of the smart furniture business has financially shown. This is seen through the application of smart rental furniture business and negative rental growth of non smart furniture. The 2.5% increase and 8.0% drop is evidence enough that the permanent development of smart furniture will lead to perfect furniture development. The introduction of the IKEA online mobile app will potentially generate 50 000 thousand dollars (Tronvoll, Edvardsson, Möllerskov-Jonzon, & i Innlandet, 2019).

The cost of the new idea is approximately $750 000. $120000 of the finance is used as operational dollars that cater for legal, accounting and comparable fees. In the opening first 12 months $35000 will be used every month to build the standard team size of the app. Standard team time means a standard time where the app is improved each time to cater for increased customer and client access (Tronvoll, Edvardsson, Möllerskov-Jonzon & Innlandet, 2019).

If the app is to be improved to other places of IKEA that have potential of accessing clients but with reduced possibilities of accessing, it would out rightly mean that an expansion has to be done. The expansion is not within the objective of the report but might be needed in due time, if there will be need to expand.

The company currently spends costs for manufacturing, logistics and delivering. All these costs put together costs the company about 450 thousand dollars. However, with the new business plan the company might reduce the cost to half. The company revenue might be reduced to half considering that most of the logistics and delivery cost shall have been made smart and therefore reduced.

Strategic Fit

This solution fits to IKEA strategy to a large extent. In terms of quantification almost 100% fit. Every individual including those both at home and in the offices are able to get smart furniture like they have ever wanted. The price is also affordable to all these individuals since the app is awarded to all the clients and customers freely at the time they acquire any furniture from IKEA (Larsson, 2016). Smart furniture is then provided for all with all the designs they would wish for.

The app can be used to address climate change and environmental issues. Inside the app and the smart furniture there is a segment developed to pop-up advertisements and notices that educate the clients about keeping the environment clean and making the earth a better place to stay. The process of climate change shall have been catered for once the environmental information educates the client and the customers about climate. This is enough proof that the app and the smart furniture is strategic fit.

Recommendation for deliverability

The first recommendation is to hire a free lancer app developer to help in the piloting of connecting a mobile app to the smart furniture that can be used in smart homes and smart offices.

The second recommendation is to engage partnership with appstore and play store which will play host to the IKEA smart furniture app. The same app can also be used for advertisement for other products making it open for further business ideas.


It is recommended that the development of the app is done in faces. The faces should be in order of the urgency. Probably develop the implementation plan of smart offices before smart homes. This should be developed prior to management.


App management can be done by the very able IT of the organization. With their 69% success rate there in nothing more that can deter them from providing proper management of the app system.


The IKEA app for smart furniture should commence as soon as will be passed by the board of director and first piloting process should be done within the first six months.











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