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Impact of Digital Technology on Primary Education in the United Kingdom

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Impact of Digital Technology on Primary Education in the United Kingdom



A dissertation submitted to the University of Manchester for the degree

Of Master of Arts in Digital Technologies, Communication, and Education

In the Faculty of Humanities



Student ID10431890


School of Environment, Education, and Development














The main aim of this research is to establish the significant changes that have been brought to the education sector in the globe. The new methods of learning are slowly outshining the traditional methods of learning, whereby educations was mainly regarded as learning and teaching. Through the rapid growth rate of the communication and information technology sector, it is easier for the students to be able to study at home and do exams at home, on the other hand, the employees can easily be able to work conveniently from home. By the end of the research, it will be easy to establish the impacts of information technology on Education. Digital technology has outshined the old means of communication that was used. There are several impacts the use of technology has gradually brought to the primary schools in England and across the entire world. This research will aim towards establishing this kind of impact that digital technology, for instance, the use of mobile phones, the use of tablets, and the use of computers in the teaching process. These impacts are both positive and negative. By the end of this research, it will be easy to distinguish if the positive impacts are better for the economy of the United Kingdom. This digital technology has been propagated by the increased innovation and invention that occurs in the world. People who have numerous ideas have been able to come up with new methods to solve the problem of teaching children. Digital technology in learning institutions, for instance, the primary schools, is a great achievement to many. Students have improved their performance since the introduction of digital technology in schools. The research uses literature-based information to collect data to answer the research questions on the impact of digital technology in primary schools. The results obtained will form the basis supporting evidence on the impact of digital technology on the teachers, children, and the primary schools.




 Introduction: Background of digital technology…………………………………………5

  1. Literature review…………………………………………………………………………10

      1.1 Importance of digital technology in primary Education in the United Kingdom…….11

1.2 Changes in Delivery System Due To Information Technology……………………..14

1.3 Negative implications of digital technology for primary schools in the UK…………17

  1. Research design and Methods……………………………………………………………19

2.1 Methodology and methods analysis……………………………………………………………….21

2.2 Selection of the respondents …………………………………………………………22

2.3 Data collection method……………………………………………………………….22

  1. Findings……………………………………………………………………………………25

3.1 Teachers’ perception of digital technology in the education sector……………………26

3.2. What perception do the teachers have on how digital technology influences the


  1. Discussions……………………………………………………………………………….…31
  2. Conclusions…………………………………………………………………………….……42




Oliner and Sichel (2000) say that the purpose and the methods of Education have been greatly changed due to the impacts of information technology. The primary Education has  been impacted in a positive way that is worthy to the society at large. A lot of authors have argued on the changes that have been brought to the education sector some not agreeing up to what extent the changes have occurred, some not being able to establish the relevant changes that have been brought forward. The process of change is very much more far ahead and higher. How Education is always conducted will change entirely and more significant. New methods of learning will be adopted up to situations where students will not be attending the classes but instead will be studying from home being at ease. Information technology has in a significant way negatively and positively impacted the life the students (Turk and Jaklic, 1998). Poor students who cannot get access to phones which can be able to connect to the Internet are not able to learn through online platforms. This has an impact on the performance of the students who have come from poor backgrounds in society. The traditional objectives of Education can be easily achieved through most schools using the technologies to be able to deliver academic information to the students. The computer is seen as a means of delivering the components of instructional activity and a means of delivering intelligence to the students. This factor must be taken into a keen consideration (Oliner and Sichel, 2000).

Information technology is a means that could greatly help the students to be able to achieve more than they could if they relied on the use of classroom information only. The learners can fully achieve skills on how to deal with life. In the past, Education required individuals only to remember facts this however has gradually changed since now Education is considered as an act of gaining and transmitting knowledge. It is also described as a process of preserving and creating ideas. In the prior knowledge was regarded as unchangeable, but now knowledge is dynamic and keeps on changing from time to time. Many authors now see the knowledge as being pluralistic, individual, revisionary, and innovative. How we can fully construct the place for technology will in a great way to determine the expected future of Education. The current modern information technology will not determine the future of Education (Oliner and Sichel, 2000).

Lucey (2005) says that little attention is given to the fact that information technology has helped the students and the teachers in the learning process. This is despite many applications acknowledging this is the primary goal of information technology. This means a lot must be done to ensure that information technology can be fully developed in many institutions. More resources should be put forward to ensure that information technology can fully thrive. The Internet especially the web pages, have been so much crucial since it can provide a wide variety of data about all the necessary aspects of learning.

Wilkinson (1982) says that the benefits and the positive impacts of information technology are reflected in Education where there is a variety of tools and equipment that are available. There should be an e-learning expert in the primary schools who can help in the dissemination of information to the students and one who can help to support the faculty change. The e-learning experts should be hired in the primary schools to teach and guide the students on relevant knowledge. This will help much in growth and development in many primary schools in the United Kingdom. . This will, in a significant way be able to encourage quick and easy access to the online platforms and the tools of e-learning. When it comes to information technology a lot of information can be stolen from individuals therefore it is very much important that the validity and accuracy of the developers that are intellectual property rights of the individuals are secured from any changes as pointed out by  (Oliner and Sichel, 2000). This will encourage many students and the learners to be able to write their articles without fear that their articles will be stolen from them. This is a good measure since it will assist to propagate and enhance the growth of information technology in the current world.

Kozak (2005) suggests that the use of the Internet has allowed the working hours to be more flexible. And the location becomes more flexible. This has been possible through the use of web applications and the use of high-speed connections. There are several ways through which the Internet can be easily accessed. This can be through the use of mobile and portable internet devices. These small devices act as a means of receiving information adequately. The service providers most of the time regulate the kind of services that are offered and the wireless charges may at some times be significantly greater than other ways of access. Through the access of internet sites such as google scholar is clear that the materials meant for Education are online and they can be easily assessed to ensure that the information that is received is coherent. This information varies from the primary, level, secondary level, and finally from the tertiary level that is the university level. Other sources of information on the Internet are sites such as Wikipedia which tries to give historical information about a subject matter. This helps us to understand the potential assistance that the Internet plays to the educational sector. Internet sources have always been used as a source of reference for important information. This practical evidences from the Internet are a clear indication that the information technology is here to stay and it is going to cause a very big impact on the lives of many individuals mostly the students in the primary schools (State of the Internet 2019)


The implementation of some collaborative soft wares has in a great way helped to bake the collaborative work more easily, this is seen by the low cost and sharing of ideas that are connected to it. When the majority of the individuals are consistently working they can stay in touch through the use of free software programs such as Linux, Mozilla, and Firefox. This enhances the efficient delivery of services to the customers or the clients. The messages can be sent and received quickly through the use of email platforms such as and This kind of platform can also help in easy and convenient exchange of confidential files. Through this, human resource expenses are drastically reduced.

The use of the Internet is very important since it allows the users of the computers to be able to get access to the stores of information and computers anytime and anywhere all over the globe. The requirement to get access to information from other sources can be affected by the use of security pins and authentication depending on the companies’ policies in the organization. It influences the act of being able to work from home in a convenient way. The accountants can be able to trace financial transactions online and be able to prepare financial statements without necessarily going to the place of work of the industry that is involved. This and many examples can diligently form the basis of new uses of the Internet (State of the Internet 2019).

Jerman (1996) articulates that Human resource development is also referred to as employee development. This assessment is aimed to show the specific advantages of the usage of the Internet in employee development. The Internet helps to give the employees quick access to the technological and scientific innovations that occur due to the changes in technology. Through this then the output of the employee or the worker is greatly increased since the employee becomes able to cope with the current trends. The Internet helps employees to work more quickly and more efficiently. Information technology will continue thriving in enhancing employee development through socializing by the use of internet facilities. I developed aims and  objectives of the research based on primary Education in the United Kingdom. The reason as to why I selected the primary schools is to clearly show how the technology has brought changes in this sector. The changes vary from negative to positive changes. Primary Education is usually the first stage of formal education, coming after preschool and before secondary education. This stage of Education is aimed to give the children good skills and knowledge that can help them in the secondary Education. It a right of all children to pass through primary Education since it acts as a shaping stone. The primary Education further enhances proper development among children. In the United Kingdom as observed the primary Education has provided children with cultural, cognitive, social, physical and emotional skills. The research will further focus on the primary school teachers and the primary school students. The teachers are essential in enhancing proper learning of the children in the primary schools. The research will further show critical focus on the leaders and the policy makers since they are essential in implementing some primary education policies for instance, policy for implementation information technology. The policy makers have enhanced the development of primary education in the united kingdom.

Research Aims and Objectives

The research aims and objectives of this research proposal are:

The aim of this literature review is to explore the impact of digital technology on the primary education sector in the UK.  More specifically my objectives are to:

  • To show the Importance or positive implications of digital technology in primary Education in the United Kingdom.
  • To show the Changes in Delivery System Due To Information Technology in the primary education in the united kingdom.
  • Negative implications of digital technology for primary schools in the United Kingdom.




Importance of the Study

The research is very important in showing the relative advantages that have accrued to the United Kingdom in terms of digital technology. The traditional modes of teaching have been replaced with digital technology. This are numerous advantages to the economy of the united kingdom at large. If the government can consider putting more resources to digital technology then a lot of improvements will be easily attained on the long run. It is essential to know and realize the impact of digital technology in the primary education sector. The implications are both negative and positive. In realizing the negative implications of digital technology to primary Education, it will much easy to make, so policies to solve the negative implications. This will ensure that the digital technologies is used in an efficient manner and does not cause harm to the students. This will help in avoidance of issues of children watching pornographic articles while using the Internet. It is important to consider analyzing the impact of digital technology on the primary Education since it will help to improve knowledge, skills and cultural competence of the students.
















Rogan and de Kock (2005) articulates that digital technology can be described as the use of any computers and other types of physical devices, infrastructure, and processes to create, process, store, secure, and exchange all other forms of the data or information. This article will focus on the use of interactive whiteboards, the Internet, and iPods. The commercial use of the computer encompasses both computer technology and telephone. Berger (2003) articulates that Education is a very important aspect of the general development of an individual. This is because individuals can learn the general aspects of life. Through these primary schools in the United Kingdom are very important is enhancing that the students can acquire knowledge in their field of study. Education is defined by great scholars as to the procedure of facilitating learning, or knowledge acquisition, skills, habits, and positive beliefs. The education methods mainly involve training, teaching, doing storytelling, research, and engaging in discussion. Education is mostly compulsory for every student in the United Kingdom. Education is very important since it enhances individuals to be properly baked and able to gather more knowledge that can help in solving the problems in the world. Three main types of Education are formal, namely, informal and no-formal. This is a type of Education that is taught in learning institutions, they include the technical colleges and the schools. This type of Education has several themes that are attached to it (Broadbent, Weill, and St. Cal, 2014).

One key theme on which the researcher chose was to critically analyze the impact of digital technology on learning, teaching, and human resource management in the education sector. To be able to understand this theme in the educational sector. We need to ask ourselves some philosophical questions, that is what are the interests of the different stakeholders in the society this includes the employees and the government. Information in the current world is dynamic, it keeps on changing on a day to day basis. It has positively changed the learning and teaching structure in all over the globe. It is very much important to understand that Education is the core purpose of every student where the students should always aim towards achieving their very best in the education sector (Hicks, 1993). The evolution in the methods of studying due to the technology includes the use of e-learning platforms rather than the use of the classrooms to study. The act of teaching whereby in the past the teachers would use the chalk to be able to write on the chalkboard has gradually changed since the teachers nowadays use the slides through PowerPoint to be able to teach the students. The changes in technology is a very important aspect in the field of Education. Through this, it has been easy to be able to understand the role of Education in the current world and the methods that we can be able to use to be able to improve it. Technology has influenced human resource management throughout the entire globe. The ideas of Michael young have been of great impact when he says that the purpose of Education is to help the learner to able to get the knowledge that goes beyond the experience. The curriculum of the school is aimed towards equipping the learner with powerful knowledge (Hicks, 1993). This has been influenced by digital technological advancements.

1.1 Importance of digital technology in primary Education in the United Kingdom.

The education sector in the United Kingdom we will be able to focus on when it comes to information technology will be the primary school education in England. The changes in information technology that has largely influenced how Education takes place in schools. There is an easy provision of the skills and learning ability because of the changes in the level of technology. The students can be easily provided with the audio and visual Education at the comfort of their home without attending the classes in school. The resources of learning are gradually improving from time to time. Through this kind of dynamic improvement in the different fields of study, it is much clear and precise that the students should indulge themselves to make use of the computer as tools of learning. The new multimedia technologies can be used by the students and the teaching staff to act as a platform for sharing some relevant ideas about their coursework. The rate at which things such as computers and the use of multimedia are providing knowledge to the students is very much higher than as compared to old ways of learning. The learners can be able to receive information and knowledge from anywhere in the globe. The digital technology which has been introduced in different primary schools has changed how teachers engage and teach the students (Hicks, 1993).

Through the help of digital technology, it has been easier to be able to teach in several platforms and groups through the use of the projectors. These projectors didn’t exist before hence they were not used as a means of communication. The educational broadcasting in the new era has been made easy through and more efficient through the use of the recording systems and the use of the telephones. Quite a several children have been able to get access to the websites and the internet platforms, thus increasing their knowledge in their different fields of study. The audiovisual type of Education is very much significant in the current world. This has been always seen through the use of devices such as motion pictures, film strips, and the use of televisions. The audiovisual form of learning has been able to enhance growth in technological fields (Gopal and Gagnon, (1995).

Through some supporting evidence from psychology, it is clear enough that audio vision plays a great role in enhancing the good and proper learning of the individual in the society, this is a great form of advantage. The learning process is based upon perception whereby the students can trap information and knowledge from the environment. This happens through the use of the external and internal senses. The past experiences that the individual goes through helps the individual make a perception of what to listen to and what not to listen to. When the act of hearing and vision is equal it is easier and faster for the students and the learners to be able to receive more information about their fields of study. When the material content is well organized then it becomes easy for the learners to be able to receive information and accept it’s more easily. Audiovisual method of learning has in a great way assisted the concept of perception of more ideas and knowledge at large. Through the learners being able to have access to the Internet and television then it has been much easy for the learners to be able to have a wide pool of knowledge. Most homes now where children live will gradually turn into virtual classrooms through which information is generated (Hicks, 1993).

Underwood (2009) suggests that the use of the Internet is part of digital technology which helps in a great way in some operational services one of which is the online kind of library. The students can be able to fully obtain a variety of information about their field of study by the use of the online library. The learners can read e-books. Through this, the information content of the learners is improved in a great way without straining. The majority of the learners are fully encouraged to always consider the use of multimedia to give ideas and make a description of the projects. The students should always select the most favorable mode of delivery of the information. Digital technology has in a great way improve the lives of the disabled in the community, now the disabled can be able to get knowledge and skills through the use of braille which is an advanced machine that enables the blind to be able to get concepts and understand the world around them. Through the use of information technology, it has been much easy to develop some software that can be able to fully assist the disabled in society.

Berger (2003) says that information technology helps in giving deaf early training thus helping them to be able to learn how to communicate easily. Through the software developed it becomes easy for the deaf to be able to learn the sign language and being able to relate it fully with the surrounding. This has helped in a great way for the deaf to attain academic excellence. The quality in the educational system has been enhanced greatly through the use of information technology to deliver information to the students. This is a great breakthrough in the learning field. There is no short cut the students have to be more familiar with technology since very soon it is going to replace the conventional method of learning. The jobs in the forthcoming future will always depend on the use of digital technology. It is also a call to the teachers and the tutors that they should uphold and make use of the digital technology to make it more efficient and more effective among the students in the society (Sevillano-Garcia and Vázquez-Cano, 2015).

1.2 Changes in Delivery System Due To Information Technology In primary Education.

Dunne, Foster, and Troske (2000) argue that various evidence has been brought forwards on the impact of digital technology has caused on the organizational structure of primary schools in the United Kingdom. The computers completely affect the decision-making process and the organizational structure that is involved. They allow the schools to become more flexible when it comes to choosing the best and favorable organization structure that is supposed to be adopted. Computers have had a positive impact on the lives of most of the children in the world today. The children can easily efficiently obtain information. In most of the classrooms, the most adopted model of learning that has been adopted is the use of the projector to display information on the learning board. The teleconferencing form of relaying information to the students has been implemented in many learning institutions. This has helped in distance learning and many students. The educated elites have been able to interact with the students or the learners through the use of the televisions.  The use of YouTube also is very important since it provides the learner with audio and visual kinds of information thus making the learner be able to understand fully what is entailed. (Gopal and Gagnon, 1995).

In some remote areas, there is no great challenge in delivering information to the students, the flashes and the use of the CD-ROMS can be used to provide a visual and audio form of information to the students. This mostly happens in areas where the network coverage is very low, thus limiting efficient access to the Internet. Most leaners have been able to fully develop through the easy dissemination of academic knowledge with no strain (Sappey Dr and Relf, 2010).

Selwyn and Facer (2014) say that the Internet has been always a good and favorable means of imparting knowledge to the learners. Homes that have become virtual classrooms having the computers around can help the learners to be able to receive information through the websites. This has been fully enhanced through the launching of web television which acts as a guiding instrument to the students that are available in the learning institutions. By the constant use of multimedia, it has made it easy to be able to gather symbiotic benefits through the integration of various forms of information such as animation, clip art, and the use of the graphics which makes the delivery of the information more effective and first. The smart and digital form of multimedia has greatly elevated its core purpose to deliver information to the students involved in the different learning platforms that are involved. The use of the media and television as a source of academic knowledge has helped the learners to be updated in terms of trending news such as financial matters and political matters. This is a great way that can help the learners to keep track (Milne, 2006).

In a one-to-one situation is more efficient to use the multimedia computer in the learning process. This is because it is perceived to be a more and more easy source of information. This is because the multimedia computer can be able to relay instructions to the learners following their pace of understanding unlike the use of the TV which is just programmed to undertake a certain form of information. This helps to create a similar condition to the learner whereby the learner can be able to get aces to the same material and gradually be able to understand what is entailed. Mature personality is mostly shown among the majority of the students in that the learning through the computer helps to allow the learners to able to understand and to be able to grow in a good and proficient manner. In the concept of management discipline concept, it becomes more frequently easy for the tutors and the teachers to be able to concentrate and relax off their minds through making engagement in some research (Milne, 2006).

Rhodes (2005) Says that the changes in technology and implementation of information technology help in a great way to reduce the monotony of assembling in a classroom to study and get relevant kinds of knowledge with minimal wastage of time. It is clearer that the tools if digital technology is vet much important and significant than the old ways of sharing information through the use of the classrooms. The students now can access information from a lot of sources about the world with just sitting at home. This brings an emphasis on the usage of the computer in that it does not only share information but it also imbibes some relevant information to learners. This helps the learner to be able to interpret the information and on how it’s related to the files to study this the learner is studying. Examples of skills impacted in learners may include conceptual behavior and administrative kind of skills. The skills and knowledge that the learner can fully get help in the current business world in the concerns of managing the business activities (Milne, 2006).

The learners can get knowledge through information technology, they can use the knowledge to apply it in some hypothetical circumstances or real-life and practical situations. Different soft wares have been able to develop easily and enhancing that a lot of the educational literature can be published with a CD.  According to the previous research from different authors, it is clear to note that the performance has been positive in the primary schools. Through digital technology, the education system in the United Kingdom has greatly changed making the students more professional in their fields of study.

1.3 Negative implications of digital technology for primary schools in the United Kingdom.

Wilkinson (1982) articulates that digital Education has led to students acquiring some bad habits, for instance, poor methods of dressing due to the influence of social media. The children in the primary schools in the United Kingdom get exposure to watching pornographic materials on the Internet due to getting access to the use of computers and the use of mobile phones. Some children may lack socialization with other children since they are always concentrating on computers without interacting with other children. This may mostly cause a challenge for the children relating to other children when they grow up. Another negative implication of digital technology is that it usually focuses on learning from home which may sometimes cause monotony among the learners and boredom. This can cause a major challenge in the growth of the learners in terms of Education. Another negative effect is it has reduced the integration of digital technologies in the education sector. For example, it has been found out that digital technologies distort the social interaction between teachers and students (Tolga, 2015). Students can work in the comfort of their preferred places hence do not frequently interact with their teachers. This reduces teacher-student interaction that is important for the academic development of a student (Ridder, 2014).

Through the critical analysis of digital technology and its impacts on Education, it is clear that information technology is the current mother of Education. Without this digital technology is very hard to access some learning platforms. Even though digital technology has its effects it is good that the teachers uphold it in a more useful manner to impact Education to the children. Digital technology is not going anywhere and it is here to stay, it is the key to better education performance (Turk & Jaklic, 1998).

I order to be able to achieve the target of the research here are some of the questions to be able to tackle.

Research Questions

  • What are the types of digital technology that are used in primary schools?
  • What are the positive impacts of digital technology on schools in the United Kingdom?
  • What are the negative impacts of digital technology on schools in the United Kingdom?

These questions will give a guide to researching to establish the impact of digital technology on learning institutions.


2.0 Research design and Methods

This research will incorporate the use of literature-based analysis. The literature-based analysis involved the use of the already published books and journals to be able to relate the existing knowledge with the already existing knowledge. This kind of relationship that will be obtained will be the basis of the study. It helps in getting more information on the impact of digital technology on the primary schools in the United Kingdom. Various authors and researchers have carried out similar research to be able to establish the general impact that Education has caused to the education sector in the United Kingdom. This kind of methodology which the study used does not establish any new knowledge but rather is focuses on linking the existing knowledge to be able to clearly show the direct relationship that exists. I selected this kind of methodology since it is the most favorable taking into consideration it is venturing into what has already been researched. Making a discussion about the impact of digital technology on the education sectors in the United Kingdom. Another main advantage of this kind of research is that it will help much to take a look at the past on what has been happening present and further it will also help in forecasting the future that is expected to occur in the long run. Digital technology in the learning institutions in the United Kingdom and across the globe began in the early 20th century. It was a total revolution in the learning fields.

The research made use of the online sources for instance the use of Google to be able to extract the relevant information that is needed. The literature  review of some of the studies that have been carried out over the last decades will critically be analyzed to gather a lot of relevant information. The theoretical analysis is critical for this research because this kind of research over the years has been carried out by several authors. The theoretical perspectives of digital technology will be compared with the situation of the United Kingdom as much as digital technology is concerned. The research took consideration of the past, present, and future expected impacts of technology.

Digital technology in primary schools now continues to be experienced having been introduced during the 20th century. The research made the use of the articles which were published in the year 2000 to recent years. The research made use of a variety of materials across the entire globe to come up with appropriate answers for the research question that was developed in the proposals. The specific qualitative data analysis. That was used included content analysis and narrative type of analysis. The content analysis incorporates a situation where the documented information of the physical forms is analyzed. Narrative analysis is based on the experiences that are shared by individuals or people. The experiences in the context of the research topics are the effects of the education stakeholders.







2.1 Methodology and methods analysis.

Taking into consideration that the research used the literature-based analysis to come up with the results. The research incorporated the use of qualitative data analysis. The study made use of secondary data, data from journals, books, articles, etc. that are further interpreted to be able to give the correct and required answers to the research questions that were developed in the proposal for this research. This is the best kind of method that the research is going to make use of because the effects and the impacts of digital technology can be well obtained through the act of making observations o in the United Kingdom and on how the technology has impacted the learning institutions.

Looking at the recent past researches, it is evident that the use of interview form of collecting information about digital technology is the most appropriate form to use since the individuals who are to be interviewed are the ones who have been impacted by the use of the digital technology. The major aim of making use of the qualitative kind of study is that it helps interpret the outcomes that are obtained. The thoughts of the interviewees from the already done research are critical since they can be easily formulated to be able to give the correct information about the use of technology and its impact on the economy of the United Kingdom. The amount of time given to each individual is potentially able to lead to greater achievement of the required answers. Conducting more interviews is something that can easily lead to the achievement of the goals and the objectives of the intended study that is being conducted.

To be able to achieve valuable information relating to the impact of digital technology on the education sectors in the United Kingdom. Tolgo in his survey was carried out on several teachers in the primary schools and other learning institutions in the United Kingdom. This is to be able clearly to make relevant illustrations on the impact of digital technology on learning institutions. The target group for this study was the parents, teachers, and the students. This is the main target of the research since Education incorporates these three. The survey that was conducted among the teachers made use of the questionnaires which were both closed and open-ended. This survey involved being able to critically answer simple and complex questions as much as digital technology is concerned in the different learning institutions. Through making use of the questionnaires the individuals who are supposed to answer the questionnaires it may sometime be difficult to be able to obtain a uniform answer. The methods that Tolgo used to conduct the research are the survey and interviews. He selected the respondents.

2.2 Selection of the respondents

Tolgo articulates that the responses for the research involved the active working teachers in the primary and the secondary schools, the students, and the parents. The teachers were selected randomly from different schools in the United Kingdom. The respondents are the most suitable in the study due to their frequent interaction with the digital technology that is in place in the United Kingdom. The respondents were selected from different where there is poverty and where the individuals leave a good and suitable lifestyle. The choice of respondents in most cases where there is a survey that cannot be easily controlled. The survey was posted in different places that are inclusive of online platforms such as Google and Facebook. The respondents selected were professional, and the criteria of selection are that a high level of ethics was regarded to attain the best results.

2.3 Data collection method


Tolgo (2015) says the survey was anonymous hence it is not that easy to determine the specific places where the individuals were coming from. The survey contained closed and open-ended questionnaires to carry out the research. This allowed easy comparison of the answers given to be able to deduce the best-required information. The survey was very important since it was able to provide some quantitative information that is relevant for validation of the results that were involved. During the survey process, 621 teachers took part in the survey. These responses given were much suitable for being able to provide quantitative analysis for the research that was given. The data that was obtained through the survey method was divided into two groups. The teachers from the primary schools and the teachers from the secondary schools.

Literature analysis Interview

The interview  method is usually justified since first-hand information is obtained that is not biased. The information that is obtained is based on the views of the respondents. The information that is obtained contains the thoughts of the individuals. When the interview is taking place the thoughts and the opinions of the respondent usually act as a study object. The interviewer guides the response into answering the questions as required to be able to obtain the required information

The format of interviewing the respondent is usually very important and it should be well followed. This will help the respondent to be able to answer the questions coherently. The questions are subdivided from simpler to complex. This is to help the respondent to answer the questions appropriately. The research was able to collect information from 1500 individuals. This included teachers and students (Tolga, 2015).




3.0 Findings

Tolga in his research on the positive effects and negative effects of technology he illustrated the issues from various respondents who were interviewed.  The aspect of digital technology does not only affect the students, it has an impact on the learning institutions in general. The rate of accessibility to digital technology is very important to the students. Hence in a situation where digital technology for instance the use of the computer may end up affecting the general performance of a learning institution and the students. Through the research Poor response of the teachers to digital technology usually limits the success of digital technology to the learning institutions. Some teachers have a negative attitude to digital technology thus making the use of digital technology inefficient in some of the areas. These findings aim to illustrate how the teachers, the students, and parents react to digital technology. To be able to analyze the findings of the research then it is prudent enough to subdivide the impact into teachers, students, and learning institutions

3.1 Teachers’ perception of digital technology in the education sector.

3.1.1 Access

The main challenge that usually limits the teachers to digital technology is the level of accessibility. In some situations, the teachers cannot be able to fully adopt well-made smartphones and laptops to teach the students. Some of the primary schools  have very few computers or in some instances just one computer that is to be used for learning purposes. There are some contradictions on digital technology since different individuals have different perspective. In some areas, access to electricity is not easy hence making it a challenge in the delivery of information to the children. The teachers do not have the required amount of skills to be able to teach the children on the syllabus that is required. This makes it difficult for the students to be able to work by themselves on the computer.

This kind of limitation to the equipment of digital technology makes it difficult to teach the children. The children find it difficult to grasp the required content. This may make it a challenge for children who are in some areas which do not have good access to the use of technology. Secondary data was able to raise this concern of limitation to accessing the digital equipment. There were more suggestions that the government should consider increasing the learning equipment in the learning institutions. When it comes to getting access to the required, disks that can be used to learn it differs from one institution to another. Some institutions get easy access to the learning materials, results from interviews show that some teachers do not know where they can be able to get the learning materials to be used in the classes. This may sometimes hinder the quality of learning materials obtained as some of the teachers claimed during the research.

3.1.2 Ability and further training.

The knowledge of the teachers in teaching is critical as far as learning is concerned. The teachers lack decisive knowledge of digital technology. This hinders the delivery of the information to the students during the process of learning. The skills of a teacher are the key determinants if whether the learning activities through the use of digital technology will be successful or it may end up failing in the long run. There is a sharp division among teachers on whether they have enough skills or would they need more training skills in the future. The majority of the old teachers feel that the young teachers are the ones who are, ore effective in the move to adopt the technological changes. This is true since the young teachers have wide sources to be able to obtain information about digital teaching. Most of the teachers who are of old age claim that it usually becomes very strenuous for them to adapt to the technological changes that have been brought. They also face challenges of introduction to the new system of learning.

One of the challenges that would make it difficult for the process of digital technology among the teachers to take place is the lack of proper selective training programs for every individual. According to the majority of the sources; that is journals and articles, is clear to note that there are further leaning programs that have been initiated to ensure that the teachers can get appropriate skills that can help in properly teaching the students. This is aimed also to help the teachers to be able to adopt the digital technology that is involved. Results also indicate that there is a variety of courses that can be offered to the teachers to equip them with the skills that are required.

3.1.3 The attitude towards digital technology

Through the research, we were able to realize that there is constant pressure from the government that all the teachers should be able to fully make use of digital technology by using it to teach the students. Through the research, it was clear enough that some teachers are not usually interested in the use of digital technology to teach the students. Some of the teachers have a negative attitude towards digital technology hence they do not in most cases take a key consideration in it. The poor attitude towards digital technology poses a great challenge when it comes to the act of initiating digital Education to the individuals for instance the teachers. Some of the teachers usually view the use of digital technology as a complex thing which is technical, this makes some of the teachers to end up losing interest when trying to study and be able to understand the concepts. The research also shows that some of the teachers of a young age are frequently interested to know more about digital technology and how it can be efficiently used to the students.  The attitude usually matters in the success of any type of initiative.

3.1.4 Change caused by digital technology.

The introduction of digital technology in the United Kingdom led to the emergence of change in the administration and communication facilities of the learning institutions. Despite the fact, the use of digital technology has in a great way assisted in making some things simpler it has also complicated some things. Some of the negative implications that have occurred include an increase in the cost of operation. This is because money is needed to be able to purchase digital gadgets, for instance, computers, and tablets. To some individuals, it was much easy in the move to try to use the computer to store the office information easily. To other individuals, it is a challenge in the move to using the computer to store the relevant document information. In some situations, it causes chaos when it comes to making updates of documents to the computer system.

The level of success of the use of digital technology can be obtained by ensuring that all the necessary factors have been taken into key consideration. When it comes to teaching the majority of the teachers to claim it is true that most of the teaching has been made easier and more familiar. The teachers’ skills and experience are the basic components that usually facilitate the effectiveness of online teaching through the use of digital technology.

3.2. What perception do the teachers have on how digital technology influences the students?

Through taking a keen look at some of the literature-based articles for instance the journals, publications, and the internet websites we were able to realize the digital technology has a great impact on the lives of the students. Digital technology has caused a change in how students usually do their studies. The students do not write notes hence they make use of the laptops to read some of the soft copy notes that are entailed. This is a positive implication that the students do not strain, they can be able to study at any time. During the research on some of the schools located in the united kingdom, it came out clear that most of the students claimed that they are much overwhelmed by the use of digital technology to be able to carry out their studies. For the students, the act of learning has become very much easy unlike before where there was not any access to the computers and the laptops for the information.

3.2.1 Access

The levels of technology may vary among the students. The cause of this kind of variation is on the fact that the students come from different types of backgrounds hence making it difficult for them to be able to have the same amount of information. The students who have wide access to technology usually tend to benefit more than the students whose access to technology is limited. The physical interaction of the students and the teachers have been hindered. This is on the fact that in some instances it is difficult for the teacher to be able to analyze the performance of the students. This is one of the main challenges of digital technology on individuals. This sometimes. A gap has developed among the students in terms of knowledge due to the difference in the gadgets of conveying digital information.


3.2.2 Ability

The ability to operate computers and the use of laptops is high among the students. The students are highly proficient. The younger the students the faster they are when it comes to learning how to be able to operate the electronic digital gadgets. The children do not experience any type of challenge when engaging in the act of operating computers. The students who have access 24hr to the computers will be more proficient in operating the computers as compared to the students who have got limited access to computers and laptops.


  1. 2.3 Influence of digital technology on the students

Results show that research carried on some of the teachers of primary Education is prudent enough to be able to realize that the digital technology has played a great role in the general performance of the students in the class. The students have got access to a wide variety of information. This can ensure that students can thrive well. From the assessment of some empirical review written by great authors, it is clear that information technology has gradually led to a reduction of the contact that should exist between a teacher and the student. The teacher may it difficult to realize the problem or the challenge that the student is passing through. This may sometime make the students growing in a manner that he or she has weaknesses. The use of digital technology even though it has brought a lot of advantages it has got some negative implications in that some student’s early exposure to watching pornographic content. This has led to society becoming immoral in some situations.

The students in some incidences usually end up lacking some important aspects of relating to other children in the long run. This is because the children are engrossed in the computer, no time to play with other children. This is a challenge in the growth of the children. The impact of social media on the children may be serious thus affecting the habits of the children. From the research from the parents and the children, we realized that through digital technology a lot of children have experienced cyberbullying. Some of the students have been harassed. This lowers the self-esteem of the students.




  1. Discussions

Digital technology has always grown in the past years. It is improving every day through new techniques. There are several advantages that many individuals have been able to gain so far. The constant growth has been brought by many individuals around the globe who want their children to receive Education from home. This method of digital technology has reduced the cost of paying fees to schools since children can study from home (Korula, Mirrokni, and Nazerzadeh, 2015). Surveys on the relevance of digital technology prove its efficiency to ensure that the children can benefit well. This assessment aims to establish the features of digital technology and how it can be successfully be promulgated to the education sector. The use of the Internet has been propagated by the use of the television’s which is important in the delivery of information relating to Education (Downes and Greenstein, 2002). The interactive multimedia is constantly growing and also the use of digital audio and video are there main things that are increasing the demand for internet bandwidth. This research is one that aims at bridging the research on internet and engineering education together. The issues raised by digital technology have been always a familiar concern.  The economic growth of the United Kingdom has been influenced by the use of digital technology that has developed over the years. This kind of feature leads to direct and direct effects. The low cost of accessing the network has gradually led to an increase in the level of professionalism among the children. On the Internet, it is clear that information technology has grown to greater heights. Unlike before now children and the students can be able to do their assignments at home and correct the assignments through the use of grammar which is an online platform.  The students have access to turn tin site where they can check for any cases of plagiarism. This has the work of teachers easy. This is because digital sites help in marking the students’ work.   (Bailey, 1998).

The Internet helps in the reduction of the costs that are related to paying the fees expenses for the children. It is much easy to capture the concepts that are though by the use of the online platforms and it is also easier for the users to be able to access the potential advantages that are involved.   The research on the Internet as a form of digital technology mostly emphasized on the direct effects of the digital effects to the entire education system. There should be an e-learning expert who can help in the dissemination of information to the students and one who can help to support the faculty change. This will help much in growth and development in many institutions globally. This will in a great way be able to encourage quick and easy access to the online platforms and the tools of e-learning. When it comes to information technology a lot of information can be stolen from individuals therefore it is very much important that the validity and accuracy of the developers that are intellectual property rights of the individuals are secured from any changes. This will encourage many students and the learners to be able to write their articles without fear that their articles will be stolen from them. This is a good measure since it will assist to propagate and enhance the growth of information technology in the current world.

Kozak (2005) suggests that the use of the Internet has allowed the working hours to be more flexible. And the location becomes more flexible. This has been possible through the use of web applications and the use of high-speed connections. There are several ways through which the Internet can be easily accessed. This can be through the use of mobile and portable internet devices. These small devices act as a means of receiving information adequately. This assessment aims at coming up with the internet features that are reflected in the digital technology and how to improve the features that are involved (Drehmann, Oechssler, and Roider, 2005). The government needs to make a consideration of increasing the equipment such as computers to ensure that all the students and the children will have access to digital technology. Most of these online platforms are usually made in a way that ensures that the quality of proper Education is well attained (Drehmann, Oechssler, and Roider, 2005). The use of social media platforms for instance Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, and twitter are for very important in the delivery of some online information to the students. These platforms help the children to be well baked.

These activities usually involve a certain amount of learning to enhance perfection in handling online platforms (Drehmann, Oechssler, and Roider, 2005). While using the Internet the visitors can get search results that are tailored to the specific questions that relate to the subject of study. The behaviors of the users of the internet platforms and their activities are closely monitored by some of the internet platforms this ensures that some of the confidential information is protected from being licked. These internet platforms are very important in the provision of education facilities to the children and the students at large.  Various implications are connected to the user information and the potential advantages that accrue to the learning institutions (Drehmann, Oechssler, and Roider, 2005).

Innovation is another major feature of digital technology. Technology is dynamic it keeps on changing more frequently. Therefore digital technology has undergone a lot of innovation to be more perfect.  The Internet is always evolving due to the numerous changes and technology. This helps individuals to be very creative and coming up with new ideas that are the potential to enhance the growth of digital technologies. Through the effects of innovation and creativity, there are numerous changes in technology. The information is clearer about the learning materials and can be used efficiently. The cost of adaptation over time increases drastically (Spann and Skiera, 2003).

Over the last decades, digital technology has always been one of the most active areas in terms of research globally. This research concerns itself with technology growth. The internet exploration to get access to some important sites with good learning has been greatly facilitated by the presence of the online methods of payment such as the use of the MasterCard, the use of the crypto currency to be able to make the payments and also the use of the visa card. In the same way, the internet platforms also intermediate between the consumers and the merchants and the advertisers and the readers. The user base helps in a great way to create value between the users through their mode and way of interaction that they have. The platform strategy has different relevant implications that are connected by it (Strader and Shaw, 1999).

The main question in thinking about the platform competition is about is based on the effects of the network that will lead to the concentration of learning activities. Within the platforms, there is numerous competition that takes place as far as digital technology is concerned. The use of the Internet is important since it helps a lot in the adoption of several marketing strategies to propagate it to res which it has not fully developed. This is only possible due to the adoption of good marketing strategies that can be able to enhance the growth and proper development of digital technology.

Some theoretical concepts can be used to give more information on digital technology and how it came into existence. These concepts are important in forecasting future developments that are likely to occur. The predictions are not that tough to be able to comprehend. A good example is that good and strong positive network effects are aimed towards being able to favor good performance in the learning institutions in a great way. Some of the most obvious effects may be geographically local. It is very important to be able to keenly note that the empirical concept is required to be able to understand the rate at which network effects or any other factors for instance return increase in the platforms of the cost structure. Through being able to adapt this kind of strategies then it would be possible to achieve good results through the use of the online platform to be able to counter the challenges of poor performance among the students.

Ghosh (1998) suggests that the use of the Internet has allowed the study hours to be more flexible for primary school students who do online learning, that is six years to 11 years.  And the online programs become more flexible to access. This has been possible through the use of web applications and the use of high-speed connections. There are several ways through which the Internet can be easily accessed. This can be through the use of mobile and portable internet devices. These small devices act as a means of receiving information adequately. The service providers most of the time regulate the kind of services that are offered and the wireless charges may at some times be significantly greater than other ways of access. Through the access of internet sites such as Google, it is much easy to get information on the learning activities and they can be easily assessed to ensure that the information that is received is coherent. This information varies from the primary, level, secondary level, and finally from the tertiary level which can be only interpreted by the professionals. Other sources of information on the Internet are sites such as Wikipedia which tries to give historical information about a subject matter such as a viable learning activity. The young students can get access to information and knowledge through learning tablets which the parents can buy for them at a young age. The parents are the first teachers to the children therefore they should introduce the digital equipments to the children when young.  The implementation of some collaborative soft wares has in a great way helped to bake the collaborative work more easy, this is seen by the low cost and sharing of ideas that is connected to it. When majority of the individuals are consistently working they are able to stay in touch through the use of the free software programs such as Linux, Mozilla and Firefox. This enhances efficient delivery of services to the customers or the clients. The messages can be sent and received in a quick way through the use of the email platforms such as and This kind of platforms can also help in easy and convenient exchange of confidential files. Through this the human resource expenses are drastically reduced.

The use of the Internet is very important since it allows the users of the computers to be able to be able to get access to the stores of information and the computers anytime and anywhere all over the globe. The requirement to get access to information from other sources can be affected by use of security pins and authentication depending on the companies’ policies in the organization. This influences the act of being able to work from home in a convenient way. The accountants can be able to trace financial transactions online and be able to prepare financial statements without necessary going to the place of work of the industry that is involved. This and many numerous examples are able to diligently form the basis of modern uses of the Internet (State of the Internet 2009).

This helps us to understand the potential assistance that the Internet plays across the globe. The Internet has always been used as a source of reference for important information. This practical evidences from the Internet are a clear indication that digital technology is going to cause a very big impact on the lives of many individuals mostly the students and the entrepreneur who may be willing to invest in the business activities (Spiekermann. 2015).

The implementation of some collaborative soft wares has in a great way helped to make the collaborative work in learning easier, this is seen by the low cost and sharing of ideas that are connected to it. When the majority of the individuals are consistently working they can stay in touch through the use of free software programs such as Linux, Mozilla, and Firefox. These kinds of platforms act as sources of the information, this enhances the efficient delivery of services to the customers or the clients. The messages about online business activities can be sent and received quickly through the use of email platforms such as and This kind of platform can also help in an easy and convenient exchange of confidential files relating to internet online learning activities. Through this, human resource expenses are drastically reduced.

The use of the Internet is very important since it allows the users of the computers to be able to get access to the stores of information and the computers anytime and anywhere all over the globe thus keeping the individuals well updated about the learning system. The requirement to get access to information from other sources can be affected by the use of security pins and authentication depending on the companies’ policies in the organization. This influences the act of being able to work from home in a convenient way, and being able to control the learning activities in the institutions. The accountants can be able to trace financial transactions online and be able to prepare financial statements without necessarily going to the place of work of the industry that is involved. This has created accountability in the primary and secondary learning institutions.  This is very important thus helping the internet economics markets to be monitored easily from any kind of location without any kind of fear. This and many numerous examples can diligently form the basis of modern uses of the Internet in the education sectors (Spiekermann. 2015).

There is an easy provision of the skills and learning ability because of the changes in the level of technology. The individuals can be easily provided with the audio and visual information about the learning activities at the comfort of their home without physically being where the transactions are consistently taking place. This is well explained through the digital technology theories and their relative advantages that are involved altogether. The resources for getting internet information are gradually improving from time to time. Through this kind of dynamic improvement in the different fields of study, it is much clear and precise that individuals should indulge themselves to make use of the computer as tools for acquiring information. This will help a lot of individuals to be able to get information about Education and syllabus and be able to become very creative. Through this, it will be possible to come up with some new ideas on how to improve the internet markets in general.  The new multimedia technologies can be used by the working staff in schools to act as a platform for sharing some relevant ideas about their work. The rate at which things such as computers and the use of multimedia are providing knowledge to the majority of individuals is very much higher as compared to old ways of obtaining information about internet economics. Such old ways include obtaining information from the individuals which sometimes was not that accurate. The information technology which has been able to be introduced in different schools has not much changed on how individuals engage and do their work. In some incidences, the practices have always remained stable with little or no disruption (Spiekermann. 2015).

Through the help of information technology, it has been easier to be able to teach individuals on several platforms about the internet markets and groups through the use of the projectors. These projectors didn’t exist before hence they were not used as a means of communication. The flow of information in the new era has been made easy and more efficient through the use of the recording systems and the use of the telephones. Quite a several individuals have been able to get access to the websites and the internet platforms thus increasing their knowledge as much as Education is required. The audiovisual type of Education is very much significant in the current world. This has been always seen through the use of devices such as motion pictures, film strips, and the use of the televisions which have mostly helped in propagating the information about internet economics. The audiovisual form of learning has been able to enhance growth in the technological fields (Baye et al., 2006).

Through the above research, it is very much important to be able to recognize the great and specific importance of digital technology. However, there are very many specific areas that are supposed to be improved, to acquire uniformity in all the sectors of Education. The teachers should be given high recognition when it comes to the issue of being trained to meet the expectation of the students. Through the act of indulging it this, it will be much easy for digital technology to be propelled in the United Kingdom and being able to grow in a good manner.

Majority of the business investors are greatly and fully encouraged to always consider the use of multimedia to give ideas and make a description of the projects. The teachers should always select the most favorable mode of delivery of the information (Gayer and Shy, 2003).

There are several issues that are concerned with the habits and the behaviors of the students. The reduced costs of search have affected the purchasing behavior of the consumers. There are several ways through which the Internet tends to favor a variety of mechanisms for learning.

Lehr and McKnight (1999) says that little attention is given to the fact that information technology has helped the business investors and the companies in the obtaining information about the market, this is despite many applications acknowledging this is the main goal of information technology. This means a lot has to be done to ensure that information technology is able to be fully developed in many business organizations so as to be able to easily facilitate growth internet markets. More resources should be put forward to ensure that information technology is able to fully thrive. The Internet especially the web pages have been so much important since they are able to provide a wide variety of data about all the necessary aspects of the current society that we live in (Baye and Morgan, 2001).

Ellison and Fisher (2005) says that the benefits and the positive impacts of information technology is reflected in learning of the internet markets where there is variety of tools and equipment’s that are available. There should be an e- learning expert who can help in dissemination of information to the learning institutions and one who can help to support the changes brought forward. This will help much in growth and development in many institutions globally. This will in great way be able to encourage quick and easy access to the online platforms and the tools of e-learning. When it comes to information technology a lot of information can be stolen from individuals therefore it is very much important that the validity and accuracy of the developers that is intellectual property rights of the individuals are secured from any changes. This will encourage many individual interested to start up academies to be able to start since they are able to obtain information easily. This is a good measure since it will assist to propagate and enhance growth of the information technology in the current world. Through this innovation and creativity in the sector of internet economics market will be well enhanced.

Anshelevich and Sekar (2015) articulates that Human resource development is also referred as employee development. This assessment is aimed to show the specific advantages of the usage of the Internet in employee development in the sector of internet economics. The Internet helps to give the employees quick access to the technological and scientific innovations that occur due to the changes in technology. Through this then the output of the employee or the worker is greatly increased since the employee becomes able to cope with the current trends. This helps in acknowledging the different customer behaviors that occur in the due course of time. The Internet helps the employees to work more quick and more efficiently. This efficiency of work will be a great breakthrough towards boosting the growth of the online internet platforms. Information technology will continue thriving in enhancing employee development through socializing by use of the internet facilities (Ezra et al., 2018).

This paper has greatly employed the study of the digital technology in a great way. Through this it is much possible to be able to understand the significance importance of the internet economics. The development of the internet markets has helped in great way to learn and observe the advantages of the internet markets. It has also easy in being able to understand on how the changes in the technology affect the economy of the world. Many economies also are able to provide favorable environments to be able to apply and being able to test the digital technology theories that are much relevant to the economy. This theories basically focus on the design of the market and the competition that is mostly involved. The pace of growth of the internet learning is usually improving at a high rate thus encouraging good performance.















  1. Conclusions

In conclusion, the primary education sector as revealed through the literature review has grown more rapidly through the establishment of digital technology. The learners are able to receive learning material when at home, it is not a must for the learners to attend the classroom. The learners are able to get a more diverse knowledge from other cultures hence boosting their growth. Through learning the negative impacts of digital technology in the primary Education it is easy to develop ways to curb the negative implications.  The process of change is very much more far ahead and greater. How Education is always conducted will change completely and more significant. New methods of learning will be adopted up to situations where students will not be attending the classes but rather will be studying from home being at ease. Information technology has in a great way negatively and positively impacted the lives of the students. Poor students who cannot get access to phones which can be able to connect to the Internet are not able to learn through online platforms. This has an impact on the performance of the students who have come from poor backgrounds in society. The research found out that the aspect of digital technology does not only affect the students, but it also has an impact on the learning institutions in general. The rate of accessibility to digital technology is very important to the students. Hence in a situation where digital technology for instance the use of the computer may end up affecting the general performance of a learning institution and the students. Through the research Poor response of the teachers to digital technology usually limits the success of digital technology to the learning institutions. Some teachers have a negative attitude to digital technology thus making the use of digital technology inefficient in some of the areas.

Through the critical analysis of the digital technology and its impacts to Education it is clear that informations technology is the current mother of Education. Without this information technology is very hard to access some learning platforms. The individuals will not be well baked if they don’t make use of the digital technology. Majority of the firms have been able to adopt technological advancements hence technology is important factor to enhance better performance of the organizations and learning institutions. Through the use of the Internet we are able to realize that that the output of the employee or the human resource development is greatly and positively improved. I would make a key recommendation that all institutions must uphold and implement the concept of information technology in their operations. Through this maximum output will be achieved. Information technology is not going anywhere and it is here to stay, it is the key to better education performance.

Through the research, it was clear enough that some teachers are not usually interested in the use of digital technology to teach the students. Some of the teachers have a negative attitude towards digital technology hence they do not in most cases take a key consideration in it. The poor attitude towards digital technology poses a great challenge when it comes to the act of initiating digital Education to the individuals for instance the teachers. Some of the teachers usually view the use of digital technology as a complex thing which is technical, this makes some of the teachers to end up losing interest when trying to study and be able to understand the concepts. The research also shows that some of the teachers of a young age are frequently interested to know more about digital technology and how it can be efficiently used to the students. Despite the fact, the use of digital technology has in a great way assisted in making some things simpler it has also complicated some things. Some of the negative implications that have occurred include an increase in the cost of operation. This is because money is needed to be able to purchase digital gadgets, for instance, computers and tablets. To some individuals, it was much easy in the move to try to use the computer to store the office information easily. To other individuals, it is a challenge in the move to using the computer to store the relevant document information. From the assessment of some empirical review written by great authors, it is clear that information technology has gradually led to a reduction of the contact that should exist between a teacher and the student. The teacher may it difficult to realize the problem or the challenge that the student is passing through. This may sometime make the students growing in a manner that he or she has weaknesses. The use of digital technology even though it has brought a lot of advantages it has got some negative implications in that some student’s early exposure to watching pornographic content.

The use of the Internet has been propagated by the use of the television’s which are important in the delivery of information relating to Education. The interactive multimedia is constantly growing and also the use of digital audio and video are there main things that are increasing the demand for internet bandwidth. This research is one that aims at bridging the research on internet and engineering education together. The issues raised by digital technology have been always a familiar concern.  The economic growth of the United Kingdom has been influenced by the use of digital technology that has developed over the years. This kind of feature leads to direct and direct effects. The low cost of accessing the network has gradually led to an increase in the level of professionalism among the children. On the Internet, it is clear that information technology has grown to greater heights. Unlike before now children and the students can be able to do their assignments at home and correct the assignments through the use of grammar which is an online platform.








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