Human beings acquire the skills to live as productive and functioning members of society through socialization. Socialization begins at birth and through adulthood. People identify themselves through gender, cultural, and group socialization. Cooley developed the sociological idea of looking-glass self as a concept of socialization that people use to create their own personal identities and learn how to have empathy towards others. Cooley implied that an individual’s self develops from social interactions and the perceptions they have of others. Cooley explained that our imaginations of our appearance to others, and the imaginations of the societal judgments on our appearance help us create our identity. This is true because in most cases, we use the judgments of the society to create our identity. Mead believed that social communication which is the main component of socialization informed self to many people. Mead believed that social interactions create impressions on the mind of an individual and the mind one is able to direct actions of an individual which is the premise for self. Goffman also believed that symbolic interaction shaped the capacity for a human being to develop self and social behavior.
Socialization is a process that starts from birth and continues to develop as we become adults. my family has socialized me to become the responsible person I am. My parents and siblings have taught me the values and beliefs that identify me. Moreover, the schools I have attended have taught me social and life skills through the interactions of my teachers and fellow students. My friends and peers have socialized me the virtue of hard work and made me a better person.
I am a socializing agent because I ensure my actions and how I carry myself inspire those around me.