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Importance of Visual Aids in Connecting With an Audience

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Importance of Visual Aids in Connecting With an Audience

Visual communication is a social process whereby people use visual symbols to intentionally send a message for others to interpret and respond to (Williams & Newton, 2007). Visual culture is becoming an increasingly part of our cultural identity in the 21st century. We regard the visual as an essential social and artistic expression. (Julier 2006).Visual presentations include a diversity of techniques such as highly literacy imagery, abstract images, diagrams, symbols and infographics. The inclusion of visual literacy makes complex concepts easy to understand, enhances the ability to think critically, improves communication and makes it engaging.

Visual elements present knowledge in an easy to digest format and makes complex concepts easy to understand. Use pictures appeal to the audience and aid in comprehension and retention of material, thereby creating a better understanding (Smiciklas, 2012). Use of visual materials enhances communication and makes it more engaging. The audience can hear as well as see, therefore creating a better learning experience. Moreover, the use of visual elements expands the audience thinking skills as they interpret and organize what they are seeing and enable them to accommodate new ideas.

However, communicators need to understand their audience when using visual elements. They need to recognize that visual elements have particular social, cultural, political and economic purposes. In conclusion, we see that graphic presentations have become an essential means for improving explanations and understanding several matters. We are more likely to encounter complex texts that contain elaborate visual images which makes it easy to understand.


William, R, & Newton, J.H. (2007).Visual Communication: Integrating media, art and science. New York, NY: Routledge.

Julier, G. (2006).From visual culture to design culture, Design issues, 22, 64-76.

Smiciklas, Mark. The power of infographics: Using pictures to communicate and connect with your audience. Indiana: QUE Publishing, 2012.

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