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Importance of Written Communication

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Importance of Written Communication

Question 1:What are some of the most valuable skills you look for while recruiting new employees in your company?

Response: there are three most essential qualities I always look for in my new employees. The employee should have an adequate level of leadership skills because they will be tasked with leadership roles in their operation fields. Apart from being a leader, I will also prefer an employee who can work effectively as a team member so that they may cooperate reasonably with friends to give the company high output. Another critical skill which is the third in what I look for during recruitment has strong communication skills. This one is critical in all positions of employees within the company. We all know that it is impossible to perform company functions successfully without effective communication. Moreover, being a leader and having the ability to fit effectively in a team demands an employee to communicate effectively.

Question 2: what is the importance of written communication in the workplace from your experience?

Response: written information creates room for accountability. An employee with a high level of written communication skills can define goals, identify problems, and arrive at solutions. From the years I have been working, written communication is an essential aspect of any business. Employees who hold higher positions will have to write memos clearly so that the staff will understand without confusing.

Question 3: What do you think is the role of writing in the professional world?

Response: writing work is common across all professions. Professional writing makes the people you work with understand a message you wish to deliver. In the professional world, good writing guarantees effectiveness in conveying points.

Question 4: what is your experience with an employee who lacks written communication skills?

Response: it is probably the most embarrassing experience throughout my career. An employee who lacks such skills may cause a lot of frustrations in the workplace. Poor communications will confuse not only to the individual but to all other associated workers. One of the negative results of poor communication is that there will be a tense environment where people will not have enough motivation to unite and get productive.

Question 5: what are some of the reasons why young employees need better-written communication skills?

Response: when an employee communicates during recruitment or in their initial days in the company, they shape their seniors’ perception about who they are and what they are capable of doing. It is very dangerous when an employee has poor writing skills because they might overlook the other abilities.


There are several essential things to learn from the interview with the director of human resources in Quaresma Companies ltd. As a young employee, my communication skills will tell my employers the type of person I am and what I can contribute to the company. Although there are other essential qualities of an employee, such as having the ability to fit and work in a team and become a team leader, communication skills determine the efficiency of the said two qualities. As a team leader, I will require written communication skills so that I can express my points and pass instructions clearly in a way that does not cause confusion or frustrations within the workplace. The lessons I learned from the interview will help me in the future after completing my degree. I feel that if I work on my skills in written communication, I will have what it takes to venture competitively in the job market.

I will start working on my written communication skills to be fit for recruitment in the job market upon completion of my degree. As a young employee, I will consider quality communication skills to deliver my duties well and therefore place myself in a favorable position to accelerate ranks in my career smoothly. The interview generally enables me to learn something I never heard before. The interviewee shared facts from their work experience that will help me educate my peers and coursemates on the importance and how to fit in the job market after completing the degree.

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