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Improving emotional intelligence in workplaces

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Improving emotional intelligence in workplaces

In this case study, we focus on two individuals from Technico, a team leader, and a team member who has a negative behavioral attitude towards his peers. This case study purposes to help both Andy (with negative behavior) and Jane (the team leader). According to Petrides and Furnham (2000), Andy should reflect on his perception deeply.  Through self-reflection, he will learn and understand he has a poor attitude and how it affects the team and tries to fix it.

Jane has to develop methods to improve Andy’s attitude.  For instance, she should increase one on one engagement with Andy to understand the root causes of Andy’s behavior. Her leadership approach needs to change. She needs to focus more on people and ensure the involvement of everyone in decision making. She should also come up with a method to curb Andy’s behavior by rewarding good behavior or retrenching those affecting team performance.  The extra focus should be on Andy to ensure a mutually beneficial behavioral change for all parties involved (Ting, S. & Scisco, P. 2006).

The steps to be taken to improve Andy’s behavior by Jane are as follows.  First, Jane should research and attain all available information on Andy and the company’s approach to behavioral traits. Then, she needs to know the limits of her power and how to wield it effectively. After these steps, she has to engage Andy to formulate a remedy for his team’s poor attitude.


K.V. Petrides, A, Furnham. (2000). On the dimensional structure of emotional intelligence. Personality and individual differences.29(2).313-320.

Ting S., Scisco P. (2006). The CCL handbook of coaching: A guide for the leader coach. John Wiley & Sons. 20-23.

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