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In the construction of bridges in Indonesia

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In the construction of bridges in Indonesia



In accordance with the curriculum of the Strata 1 Program in the Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Muhammadiyah University, North Sumatra, requires every student to complete assignments as a condition for attending lectures. Therefore the author makes an assignment with the title “Design of Repair of Karangsari Medan Polonia Bridge”.




The development of transportation facilities has an important role, because it is realized that an increasing number of road users will use these facilities. Current or not transportation will have a considerable impact on people’s lives.

The repair and construction of the Karangsari Medan Medan Polonia Bridge in Medan is expected to bring progress in various fields, so that the government is always working to improve transportation services. Considering that most bridge buildings are old and not in accordance with the current traffic conditions, it is necessary to repair and build new bridges to improve existing transportation facilities




Location: Karangsari street

District: Medan Polonia, Kota Medan, North Sumatra

Condition: Damaged / not feasible


















Academically the writing of this task has the following objectives:


  • To complete the requirements for college gems in the Strata Program of the Faculty of Engineering, Muhammadiyah University, North Sumatra.
  • To realize the actual application of engineering courses in an integrated, planned, scientific and systematic manner.
  • Train and enhance creativity and the ability to develop ideas.
  • As an exercise and initial step for planning other civil constructions.





In the construction of bridges in Indonesia we know various types of bridge structures, including:

  1. Arch Bridge
  2. Gelagar Bridge
  3. Cable Bridge
  4. Suspension bridge
  5. Order Bridge
  6. Prestressed Concrete Bridge
  7. Box Girder Bridge

We have encountered many types of bridges with these structures on roads in various provinces in Indonesia. In this article, we will try to review the Karang Sari bridge planning problem, with the Beam Bridge Structure.

This Beam Bridge has the following advantages:


  1. Strength is more uniform in various directions


  1. Can be used to increase strength and increase material hardness


  1. High reduced construction, so as to save costs


  1. Light weight and corrosion resistant


From the comparison of existing data, using a composite bridge has cost savings of 10% – 20%, when compared to non composite bridges.






In this writing the writing method is based on:


  1. Field observation


In this observation is used to obtain data related to the analysis discussed.

  1. The Library Method


Used to get references from books and reference journals.





To be more directed to the problem and make order in the preparation then made in the following chapters:



Contains: Overview, Background, Writing Objectives, Problem Limitation, Compilation Method and Writing Systematics.





Contains: General Review (Feasibility Study Phase, Observation and Research Stage and Planning Phase) and Engineering Review (Structure system, General Loading and Structure Control).





Contains: Sidewalk Calculation, Bridge Floor Plate Calculation, Longitudinal Girder Calculation, Shear Influence Calculation, Diaphragm Calculation (Stiffness) and Andas Calculation (Placement), And Others – Others



Contains: Conclusions and Suggestions































In an effort to implement a building that is efficient and effective, careful planning and accountability are needed, so that with good planning and analysis benefits will be obtained, including:

  1. The smooth progress of the development so that the project can be completed on time.
  2. Efficiency of all supporters of building construction such as building materials, procurement of equipment and personnel so that the cost of implementing project construction can be reduced to a minimum.
  3. With the amount of costs in accordance with the plan obtained good quality work results and can cause comfort and usefulness of users of transportation facilities.

However, to realize the building as we had hoped together through the following stages:




2.1.1 Feasibility Study Phase


It is an important study in an effort to make a decision to make better investment choices. The review was conducted from various aspects, namely:

  1. The technical side addresses technical issues, such as the choice of construction types, general requirements, materials and work as well as the possibility of gradual and increasing construction work.
  2. The management aspect discusses the procedures for managing the project during the service period, including the procedures for maintaining the project.
  3. The financial aspect discusses the costs used for development and subsequent management.
  4. Economic aspects discuss the profit and loss aspects that need to be calculated.


The social and cultural situation of the local community is an aspect that needs attention and needs to be studied during the observation. In this stage alternative designs can be obtained, so we get an idea to choose the most economical plan.



2.1.2 Observation and Research Stage


At this stage a series of observations are held to determine the type of construction to be used, through:

  1. Field Survey


  • Observe the growth of traffic on the road or bridge in order to have the appropriate class of roads and bridges.




  • Look for river data concerning river bed elevation, normal water level elevation, flood water level elevation. This data is used to determine the bridge peil, the span of the bridge, the peil on the abutment and the position of the bridge against river water and others.
  • Collect soil data around the site to plan the type of foundation that will be used. Soil data was obtained from field investigations which included sonder and booring work. The sonder results are needed to determine the carrying capacity of the land around the location. While boring results are used to determine the position of the ground water level. All results obtained in the field for further research / selection in soil mechanics laboratories.
  • Survey of building materials obtained around the site. These results relate to the quality and quality of the material transportation system that will be used or can also be sought by suppliers who wish to support material procurement.
  • Equipment survey to find and determine the equipment to be used, besides that it is also needed to determine the mobilization system and other contractor services that can support the use of the equipment and determine the repair system.
  • Observation of the surrounding environment is also important enough to recognize the adaptation of the local community, its safety, weather conditions, working water and existing communication and transportation.




  • Regarding capital, efforts should be made to seek capital support from local banks, building material stores, or branch capital.
  1. Laboratories Survey


Through trials in an effort to achieve / find quality alternatives required for the use of building materials, so as to get the lowest possible price and be able to account for its strength.

Investigations in the laboratory were also carried out on soil samples from borring experiments to find out:

  • Groundwater content


  • Soil Specific Gravity (Gs)


  • Soil volume weight (ﻻ)


  • Ground shear angle (Angle of Internal Friction C and θ)


  • Grain Size Analysis


  1. Filter Analysis


  1. Hydrometer Analysis


  • Consolidation (Cc, Cv)


From sondering experiments it can be seen the carrying capacity of the soil, which includes:


 Value of Sodir (Conus resitence) Kg / cm2


 Total Friction Kg / cm


 Local Friction Value Kg / cm²


  1. Volume Check


To recalculate the volume of work to be performed in accordance with the provisions of the implementation drawings in the specifications.




This volume will be binding, the changes in volume increase and decrease that has been approved.



2.1.3 Planning Phase


In determining the design of a building requires a variety of considerations through the data collected, then planned in detail. Then formulation is held for further planning by determining:

  • Wide traffic with sidewalks.


  • Favorable bridge spans.


  • Foundation type.


  • Bridge bridge.


  • Duration of implementation.


  • Budget and others.


Then construction calculations, plan drawings and details are carried out and the budget and implementation requirements are completed






To determine or choose a type of pedestrian bridge we can see in terms of benefits such as economical, durability of construction, maintenance, safety and feasibility for bridge users.

The bridge is designed to be a full composite, in this case in accordance with the above criteria namely technical and economic aspects and also the bridge is made or planned to be useful for the long term.

Composite bridge is a combination of concrete construction on the vehicle floor and steel construction on the main girder and diaphragm. Concrete on the bridge floor is supported by the main girder with its wings and to hold concrete and steel a shear connector is provided. Steel and concrete are a homogeneous entity so that they can jointly withstand the forces that arise. Bridge construction is divided into 2 (two) main parts, namely:

  1. Upper Structure


 Vehicle floor.


 Sidewalks.


Dia Diaphragm girder.


 Main Girder.


 Andas Roll and Joint.


  1. Sub-structure


 Abutment (Bridge Head).


 Foundation.




 Pillar.



  1. Vehicle Floor.


Is part of the bridge construction which carries the burden due to the traffic lane directly to then be distributed to the construction underneath. This floor must be given a good channel to drain rain water quickly. For this purpose the road surface is tilted at 2% towards the left and right edges of the road. The vehicle floor for the composite bridge is supported by an elongated girder and strengthened by the diaphragm.


2 Sidewalks.


Is part of the bridge construction that is on both sides of the traffic lane. This sidewalk functions as a pedestrian path and is made of mashed concrete, which blends and is homogeneous with the vehicle floor plate and also functions as a vehicle floor plate hardener beam.

  1. Diaphragm Girders.


It is a transverse girder that has the function to bind or stiffen between elongated girder. This diaphragm girder bears the profile C.

  1. Elongated Girder.


This longitudinal girder is the pedestal of the vehicle floor plate in the elongated direction. This girder is used by the IWF profile.

  1. Placement (Andas).




Placement (andas) is a pedestal foundation or girder foundation on the Abutment. This foundation consists of a roll runway and a runway foundation. The joint base is used to hold and accept vertical or horizontal loads from the longitudinal girder, while the roll foundation is used to receive vertical loads as well as vibration loads.

  1. Abutment.


Abutment is the support of a bridge girder at the end of the concrete or the charge given to the abutment from the top. Bridge loads are laid on the foundations below which are then passed on to the ground.

  1. Pillars.


The pillar is a pedestal footstool located between the two abutments, where the aim is to divide the two spans of the bridge in order to get a spans of the bridge that are small or not too long to avoid a large drop in the upper building.

  1. Foundation.


The type of foundation is determined after knowing the condition of the underlying soil through the results of the sondir or boring data used. The foundation construction must be sturdy or strong enough to accept the burden on it or dump it on the hard soil underneath.

In addition to being determined by technical factors, the system and foundation construction were also chosen which were economical and the cost of making and maintaining it was easy without reducing the robustness of the overall building construction.



In planning this bridge used pile foundation considering the location of the hard soil that is too deep.



2.2.1 System Structure


The structural system is the Indonesian bridge system and in the book “Indonesia Steel Bridge Proyec”, the Bridge is divided into 3 (three) types:

  1. Class A.


  • Number of Paths = 2 lanes


  • Track Width = 2 x 3.5 m


  • Pavement = 2 x 1.0 m


  1. Class B.


  • Number of Paths = 2 lanes


  • Line Width = 2 x 3.0 m


  • Pavement = 2 x 0.5 m


  1. Class C.


  • Number of Paths = 1 lane


  • Track Width = 4.5 m


  • Pavement = 2 x 0.5 m



2.2.2 General Imposition


Based on, “Load Regulations for Highway Bridges” No. 12/1987 article 1.




3.1 Upper Structure Planning


  1. Data Structure Above

width of the road (traffic lane) B1 3.5 m

B2 sidewalk width 0.5 m

Total bridge width B1 + 2B2 4.5 m

the distance between the S girders is 2.33 m

Girder Dimension:

girder b width 0.4 m body width

girder height h 0.84 m

diaphragm dimensions

diaphragm width bd 0.3 m

HD diaphragm height 0.4 m

thick slab bridge floor ts 0.244 m

asphalt layer height + overlay ta 0.05 m

high rainfall of 0.05 m

side area height 2.5 m

number of diaphragm beams along L nd 9

the distance between the diaphragm beam up to 3.75 m



bw 0.4 billion

c1 0.844 M

c2 0.15 M






K-350 concrete quality

concrete compressive strength of 28 mpa

elastic modulus Ec 24870.06232 mpa

poisson number v 0.2

shear modulus G 10362.52597 mpa

coefficient of expansion length for concrete 1.00E-05 / degree C

Steel quality

for steel reinforcement with diameter <12 mm 32

steel melting voltage fy 320 Mpa

for steel reinforcement with a diameter> 12 mm 24

steel melting stress of 240 Mpa

specific gravity

wc reinforced

weight 25

heavy reinforced concrete w’c 24

heavy asphalt solid ws 22

specific gravity ww 9.8

  1. Structural Materials


3.1.1 Self Weight (MS)

Ultimit load factor kms 1.3


Self weight is the weight of the material and the part of the bridge which is a structural element, plus the non-structural elements which it bears and is permanent. Weight alone is calculated as follows:



Girder L span length 30 m

weight of one diaphragm beam Wd 2.7261 kN

the number of diaphragm beams along the span L nd 9

the diaphragm load on the Qd girder 0.81783

No. type width thick weight load

1 floor plate 2 0.2 25 10

2 girders section 2 0.3 1.3 25 9.75

3 girders section 3 0.3 1.3 25 9.75

4 girders section 4 0 0 0 0

5 diaphragms 0.81783

Qms 30.31783 kN / m


Shear forces and moments on the girder due to own weight (Ms)


Vms = 0.5 (qms) (L) 454.76745

MMS = 1/8 (qms) (L) ^ 2 3410.755875




3.1.2 additional dead load (PMA)



Ultimate load factor: KMA = 2

An additional dead load (superimposed dead load), is the weight of all material which causes a load on the bridge which is a non-structural element, and may vary in magnitude over the life of the bridge. The bridge analyzed must be able to shoulder additional burdens such as:

L 30 girder span length



extra dead load on the girder

No. type width thick weight load

1 asphalt layer 2 0.05 22 2.2

2 rainwater 2 0.05 9.8 0.98

Qma 3.18






girder shear forces and moments due to additional dead weight (MA):


Vma = 1/2 (Qma) L 47.7

Mma = 1/8 (Qma) L ^ 2 357.75







3.1.3 traffic load

  1. “Td” (TTd) lane load

ultimate load factor Ktd 2



intensity of q q 9 for L <30 m

9 * (0.5 + 15 / L) for L> 30 m

intensity p p 49

distance between girders s 2.33

for span length, L = 30

hence, DLA 0.4 for L <50m

QTd 20.97

PTd 159,838


girder shear forces and moments due to “D” lane load

Vtd = 1/2 (Qtd (L) + PTd) 394,469 kn

Mtd = 1/8 (Qtd (L) ^ 2 + 1/4 PTd (L) 3557.91 knm


  1. “T” Truck Load (TT)

Summit Ultimit load factor 2

live load on the bridge floor in the form of load

double wheels by trucks that amount of T 100

dynamic load factor for DLA 0.4 loading

truck load of Ptt 140


a 5

b 4

L 15.44


shear force (kN) moment (kNm)

p y v v * p p x m m * p

1 15.44 1 1 1 9 4.5 4.5

1 9 0.05 0.05 1 5 2.5 2.5

0.25 14 0.778 0.1945 0.25 4 2 0.5

total v * p 1.2445 total m * p 7.5


girder shear and moment due to “T” truck load

Vtt = total (v * p) * ptt 174.23 kn

Mt = total (m * p) * ptt 1050 knm












3.1.4 brake force (TB)

ultimate load factor KTb

brake force for

L <80 Htb 250

80 <L <180 Htb 250 + 2.5 * (L-80)

L> 180 Htb 500

L 30 girder span length

the number of girders n girders 2

250 Htb brake force

distance between girders S 2.33

brake force for span L TT 125


brake force can also be calculated as 5% “D” lane load without dynamic load factor

  1. 20.97

Sign 114.17

About 37.1635


taken brake force 125

arm towards the center of gravity beam y 2.27

moment load due to brake force m 283.75


shear force and maximum moment on the beam due to brake force

Vtb = M / L 9.458333333

Mtb = 1/2 * M 141,875


3.1.5 influence of temperature (ET)


The shear forces and moments on the Girder due to the influence of temperature are calculated on the forces arising from temperature movement on the elastomeric bearing with a temperature difference of:

T 20 degrees C

coefficient of expansion length for concrete a 1.00E-05 / degree C

girder span length L 30 m

shear stifness of elastometric bearing k 15000 kN / m

movement temperature d 6.00E-03 m

the force due to the temperature of the movement Fet 9.00E + 01 Kn

girder height h 1.5 M

eccentricity e 0.75 M

moment due to the influence of temperature M 6.75E + 01



shear forces and moments on girders due to temperature (ET) influence

Vet = M / L Vet 2.25E + 00 KN

Met = M Met 6.75E + 01 KNM







3.2 Lower Building Planning





weight of long segment abutments by 10.44 concrete weight of 25 wc

ground weight 17.2 ws

  1. b h shape A Xo Yo AXo AYo heavy

1 0.3 0.25 1 0.075 1 4.13 0.075 0.30975 55.5

2 0.5 0.75 1 0.375 0.9 3.5 0.3375 1.3125 277.5

3 1.1 0.25 1 0.275 1.2 3.13 0.33 0.86075 203.5

4 0.35 0.5 0.5 0.0875 0.88 2.67 0.077 0.233625 64.75

5 0.75 2.25 1 1.6875 1.38 1.88 2.32875 3.1725 1248.75

6 1 0.25 0.5 0.125 0.34 0.83 0.0425 0.10375 92.5

7 1 0.25 0.5 0.125 2.08 0.8 0.26 0.1 92.5

8 2.75 0.75 1 2.0625 1.38 0.38 2.84625 0.78375 1526.25

4,8125 6,297 6.876625 3561.25



X’n = 1.308468 notation description (m)

Y’n = 1.428909 length of abutment By 10.44

Thick wing wall hw 0.4


volume weight ws 175 KN / ^ 3

phi friction angle of 40 degrees

cohesion of c 0 degrees


wc concrete weight 25 kN / m ^ 3

soil weight ws 17.2 kN / m ^ 3

Self weight Abutment Qms 3561.25

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