individual Assignment – Persona
This week, I’m asking you to give your first shot at developing a persona. Review the slides provided from Monday’s lecture, and feel free to borrow the presentation style of the Amy persona from that slide deck.
Your task is threefold:
- 1)Pick a product, tool, or service, either real or imaginary, and write a brief 2 sentence description of it. Think about who the company behind your choice would be marketing to, who their users would be, and the use cases and scenarios involved in your selected focus.
- 2) Develop a Persona.Completely make this up. Fill out the various fields in great detail, your imagination is the only limit here, but keep in mind that this is a practical tool for design purposes. Take it seriously. Include a bio paragraph, a quotation, and at least 5 bullet points for each field (Characteristics, Pain Points, Needs, and Ideal Features). Include whatever data points are pertinent to your selected tool/service similar to the Amy persona in the presentation.
- 3) Write at least 2 paragraphs describing how this Persona can be used.Take the perspective of a HCD employee at this company and discuss how you can use this persona to inform the design of your product/service/etc. Yes, these personas are made up and not based on real research, but that’s not the point of the exercise. Come up with some insights based on the content of your persona. Does your persona really enjoy audio feedback in their applications? Write a quick sentence about how you can relay this to your development team and have them create sound assets for various push notifications and menu options. Is your persona struggling with lowering their carbohydrate intake? Maybe you decide to create a smart feature in your shopping tool that suggests to the user that they get some more low-carb replacements for items on their list.
This is due to me as a PDF submission. You may follow any classification/data scheme you desire as long as your persona itself is a one page visual tool for analytical design thinking.