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Individual Written Argument Source Tracker

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Individual Written Argument Source Tracker


NOTE: As per the instructions for Performance Assessment Task 2, at least two stimulus sources are to be used to identify and explain the relationship of your inquiry to a theme or connection among the stimulus materials.  Additionally, one of these stimulus sources is to be used in your argument in such a manner that if removed from your argument would alter your essay.


Source 1

  • This is the first of at least two stimulus sources to be used to identify and explain the relationship of your inquiry to a theme or connection among the stimulus materials.
MLA Citation

Greene, Caitlyn, and Jon Kasbe. BIG DADDY’s LAST DANCE. Trailblazer Studios, 2016.


The video directed by Caitlyn Greene and Jon Kasbe revolves around the funeral procession of one of the jazz counterparts. The video starts with a brass band that performs as friends and family escort the dead to the burial while conducting solemn dirges and matches. Moreover, in the process, the band engages in more upbeat as well as swinging numbers as mourners and onlookers join into the extensive music and dance. As a result, the video captures all the aspects of the jazz funeral, expressing its jubilant glory and reverent.


Perspective Represented/How does it connect to other perspectives

The video indicates different perspectives of traditions of the jazz funeral that occurs as standard practice in New Orleans hence which offers their local people happiness and motivation about this kind of music.


Implication or Limitation

The video possesses some of the limitations, such as concentration on one particular audience, such as jazz lovers who get happiness in listening to such music. As a result, it only motivates the jazz fans due to the satisfaction gained.



Source 2

  • This is the stimulus source to be used in your argument. To earn full points for row one of the scoring rubric, this source is used in a manner that, if removed from your argument, would alter your essay.
  • In addition, it is the second of your two stimulus sources to be used to identify and explain the relationship of your inquiry to a theme or connection among the stimulus materials.
MLA Citation

Chopin, Kate. The story of an hour. Jimcin Recordings, 1981.


The Story of an Hour occurs as one of the early feminist literature in the united states indication women struggle in social matters such as sexuality, marriage, love, and family. While Louise Mallard rests at home with her sister called Josephine, they receive news about the terrible train accidents. Moreover, friends confirm to Louise that her husband Brently Mallard died in that accident. As a result, she sobs with grief and leaves to her room to synthesize such sad news. Despite being sad news from her, Louise had another high emotion building inside her as she realized a great sense of relief from her husband. Louise feels happy due to freedom and joy to makes her own decisions and desires as she looks forward to personal living life. But things change when Brently comes home alive, causing Louise to collapse and die.


Perspective Represented/How does it connect to other perspectives

The story directly relates to different perspectives, such as motivation in daily lives. As witnessed in the story, Louise’s happiness motivates her to live a life of her own decisions and desires. As a result, life events that offer happiness results in motivations from different life aspects.



Implication or Limitation

The source offers short-lived happiness of the character hence not offering the motivation part of it. Furthermore, the story exists as extreme feminist literature, making Louise get happy hence she receives the news about the death of her husband.


Source 3

Hassanzadeh, Ramzan, and Galin Mahdinejad. “Relationship between happiness and achievement motivation: A case of university students.” Journal of Elementary Education 23.1 (2013): 53-65.


The article comprises the study conducted among boys and girls aimed at the identification of the association between happiness and motivation. The study employed questionnaires to get the require i9nformation from the students. A defined by the author, happiness occurs as the pleasant feeling of an individual resulting from fortunes life events. As explained in the resource, joy comprises essential components like negative and negative affection as well as life satisfaction.  Furthermore, motivation exists as personal desires aimed at accomplishing particular objectives. The study concludes that motivation makes individuals happy and successful.


Perspective Represented/How does it connect to other perspectives

Based on the article, the motivations make individuals to progress in which the achievements gained would make them happy more so when concentration on the goals that give them happiness. On the same note, motivated people would continue top works towards people’s goals and objectives that result in happiness in their life.


Implication or Limitation

The study never focused and included some of the factors that contribute to happiness. Future studies should focus on other elements of happened other than academics achievements in the school system like rewards and academics trips.





Source 4

Gaskins, Robert W. “Adding legs to a snake”: A reanalysis of motivation and the pursuit of happiness from a Zen Buddhist perspective.” Journal of Educational Psychology 91.2 (1999): 204.


The paper explains various theories of motivations and as well as relevant current research on this topic. The article explores many principles of self-motivation, such as autonomy, competence, and relatedness. The authors apply the Zen Buddhist concepts to the educational implication on various theories of motivations. Furthermore, the article describes the relationship and differences between motivation and contentment. Contented people get motivated, which leads to happiness. Happiness would lead to target higher achievement in life, such as those in educational goals.


Perspective Represented/How does it connect to other perspectives

The sources offer various concepts of motivations in more so in the education scenario. Achieving education gaols among the students would result in individual happiness. As a result, the students get motivated to achieve higher goals to increase or maintain real satisfaction about their success. Based on these facts, the article presents the role of happiness in daily activities towards motivation. Furthermore, the motivation theories discussed in this source significantly connect to the perspectives of the relationship between happiness and motivation and vice versa.


Implication or Limitation

The article faces some setbacks in using the Zen Buddhist principles concerning the theories of motivation as the two concepts possess some differences. Furthermore, some of the Zen Buddhism assumptions on the nature of human beings from issues like perplexity and anxiety as well as pure contradicts human nature. Naturally, people persist in an anxiety system that makes humanity discontented in all aspects.



Source 5

Stangor, Charles, and Jennifer Walinga. “11.3 Positive Emotions: The Power of Happiness.” Introduction to Psychology (2019).



The article explains various positive emotions that result in happiness as well as how to find happiness. Through individuals’ positive thinking, people could achieve their goals and cope with challenges faced in life hence keeping themselves healthy and happy.  The article explains that positive thought such as optimism and self-efficacy contributes to the positives thinking that enables people to navigate in different stressing moments in their lives. On the note, the authors posit that social support and interaction with people around would result in personal happiness due to the creation of the “positive social relationships.” Moreover, what makes people happy differ from individual to another.

Perspective Represented/How does it connect to other perspectives

The article explains various concepts of happiness, such as sources, which in turn impact people in a diverse manner. The authors explore changes that occur among people due to joy and how they focus on the activities of their daily lives. Positive thinking results in the determination of the people in life to achieve particular goals, which makes them happy when completing their missions and gain their achievements.

Implication or Limitation

The article limitations originate from the fact that scholars conducted secondary research hence lacking the first-hand information since they used mainly the primary sources in writing the paper.



Source 6

Wang, Rong, et al. “Will materialism lead to happiness? A longitudinal analysis of the mediating role of psychological needs satisfaction.” Personality and Individual Differences 105 (2017): 312-317.


The paper discusses the relationship between materialism and individuals’ happiness. As per the article, materialism forms a crucial part of human life in which individuals continue to seek pleasure and motivate to extend their socioeconomic status as well as appearance goals. Based on the self-determination theory, as discussed in the article, people’s satisfaction based on competence and autonomy results in personal well being. The study was conducted among Chinese students.  Moreover, in some cases, materialism leads to depression due to over-focus by people more so when they fail to achieve what they wanted. The psychological needs satisfaction of individuals could result in happiness or depression, depending on the targets of a person.



Perspective Represented/How does it connect to other perspectives

Materialism makes people happy. However, achieving one goal of materialism, people get motivated to achieve more such purposes in society. Achieving such goals gives individuals happiness. Moreover, when individuals fail to meet the goals of materialism, they encounter depression.


Implication or Limitation

The study never incorporated the extents to individuals who encounter depression as a result of materialism. On the same note, desire for materialism differs from one person to another hence contentment of materialism would also vary from one individual to another.


Source 7

Öztemel, Kemal, and Elvan Yıldız-Akyol. “The Predictive Role Of Happiness, Social Support, And Future Time Orientation In Career Adaptability.” Journal of Career Development (2019): 0894845319840437.



The article explains various roles that social support, as well as happiness, plays in the future career adaptability among the young generation. The paper investigates and analyzes how the career adaptability of young adults gets shaped by the social support they receive, which creates happiness. The study was conducted among the young adults in Ankara turkey. The results from the research work indicate that social support offered to the young generation results in happiness, resulting in positive attitudes on the daily activities that could make their future career brighter.  Furthermore, people who develop under the perception of positive social support from friends, relatives, and parents get focused on their career development.


Perspective Represented/How does it connect to other perspectives

The presented perspective of social support, which results in happiness in individuals, connects with other perspectives such as motivations. An individual that receives positive social support gets joy making them get motivated on their career adaptability.


Implication or Limitation

The study should considers two sides, which include those individuals who can lack social support but get happiness or lack happiness but still stay focused on their career development and goals.



Source 8

Wu, Zhen, et al. “Motivation counts: Autonomous but not obligated sharing promotes happiness in preschoolers.” Frontiers in Psychology 8 (2017): 867.


The study explains that prosocial sharing consequently results in emotional rewarding hence leading to more prosocial activities. The research was conducted among Chinese children, age three and five. Based on the article, children who shared stickers expressed more happiness than those who kept the stickers. The study posits that activities of prosocial sharing offered the children with positive moods. Furthermore, the results from the research indicate that the preschoolers’ affect benefits originate from the motivations in their prosocial behaviors. The study concludes that psychological systems that result in the high level of generosity among the children result in positive feelings hence affective benefits due to motivation for sharing.

Perspective Represented/How does it connect to other perspectives

The standpoint of prosocial behaviors in this study results in a high level of generosity hence sharing making happy as well as offering good moods to the preschoolers. As a result, they get motivated to continue of prosocial actions of sharing, which continuously makes them more comfortable.


Implication or Limitation

The age of the participants in the study results in some limitations based on decisions made in sharing scenarios hence researching older generations like seven to ten would result in more accurate results and conclusions.


Source 9

Zhao, Yitong, Qing Wang, and Jingyi Wang. “Valuing happiness predicts higher well-being: The moderating role of acceptance.” PsyCh journal 9.1 (2020): 132-143.


The research involved 266 participants on the role of valuing happiness (VH) as the significant contributor to the individual’s well-being. Furthermore, the paper explores how VH impacts personal well-being based on the profoundly interdependent cultural system. The results of the study indicate that VH influenced and predicted the positives affect and personal satisfaction among the Chinese sample. Similarly, the association of VH with acceptance highly contributed to the psychological well being of participants.

Perspective Represented/How does it connect to other perspectives

From the article, motivation by happiness value leads to the development and growth of individuals well being more so those existing in the interdependent system.  Such acceptances enables the individual to gain personal happiness based on  VH motivations.


Implication or Limitation

The limitation of the study originates from the fact that implication discussion was conducted based on the light of motivation procedures engaged in personal happiness pursuit.


Source 10

Van den Bosch, Ralph, and Toon Taris. “Authenticity at work: Its relations with worker motivation and well-being.” Frontiers in communication 3 (2018): 21.


The article explores the relationship between the three aspects that involve workers like well being, motivation, and authenticity. The paper explains that high authenticity should proportionally relate to the level of the individuals well being in workplaces. The study involved 546 participants, and results indicated that self-determined and organized motivation employees show positive relationships with authenticity in workplaces. Notably, self-motivation, controlled and determination formed part of the mediators in creating relationships with well being and authenticity in the organization.

Perspective Represented/How does it connect to other perspectives

The standpoint of authenticity relates directly to the motivation and well being of workers. On the same note, authenticity forms part of intrinsic motivation which leads to individuals well being and happiness.


Implication or Limitation

The research employed the use of the self-report measures that could possess some biases in standard method variance.  Furthermore, the study experienced the lowest acceptance of the external influence on the three dimensions of authenticity.



Source 11

Emadpoor, Leila, Masoud Gholami Lavasani, and Seyyed Mahdi Shahcheraghi. “Relationship between perceived social support and psychological well-being among students based on the mediating role of academic motivation.” International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 14.3 (2016): 284-290.


The study investigates connections of perceived social support to the happiness of students, which contributes to the psychological well being based on its role in individuals’ academic performance. The research was conducted in Tehran, Iran, involving 372 female students form second and third gear high school. The results of the study indicate that social support offered to the students by different parties acts as a positive influence on individuals well being as well as academic motivation. On the same note, social support provided directly impacts the student’s psychological and happiness hence acting as a motivator in academic work.


Perspective Represented/How does it connect to other perspectives

Based on the perspective of social support for the well being of students presented, it results in academic motivations as well as achievements. The social support contributes to the psychological well being of the students hence get motivated academically, leading to higher performances.


Implication or Limitation

The limitation of the study originates from the variations in which academic motivation predicted 37%, while observed social support described 13% of academic motivation.



Source 12

Oerlemans, Wido GM, and Arnold B. Bakker. “Motivating job characteristics and happiness at work: A multilevel perspective.” Journal of applied psychology 103.11 (2018): 1230.

The article covers aspects of employees’ motivation leading to happiness in their daily activities at workplaces. The study employs the job characteristic theory (JCT) as well as a multilevel strategy to forecasting the motivation variations related to the workers’ happiness in their daily work.  Similarly, as explained by the source, employees who possess positive affect get motivated in their duties at any level, which results in personal happiness.


Perspective Represented/How does it connect to other perspectives

The perspective of employee motivation based on various factors leads to happiness when they achieve their goals. Highly motivated workers worked hard and focused on an organization at any level aiming to achieve bigger goals, which makes them happy. Furthermore, individuals that hold high positive affects would get motivated in their daily activities.

Implication or Limitation

The research work contains a limitation that requires further studies such as other personal factors that result in motivations among different employees.


Source 13

Yusuf, Muhammed. “The Differences Between Subjective Happiness, Hope, And Achievement Motivation Of Remedial Students.” Langkawi International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference. 2019.


The paper mainly focuses on the variations between subjective hope and happiness concerning the student’s achievement motivation on the cumulative grade point average (CGPA) in various institutions across Malaysia.  The article explains that educational achievements possess close connections with psychological aspects like positive psychology, which comprises happiness and motivation.  Based on the results of this study, joy and hope among the students boosted the academic performance in the remedial individuals. Similarly, motivations and satisfaction in achievements play a significant role in their educational concerts since those students with higher achievement possess higher motivations.



Perspective Represented/How does it connect to other perspectives

Happiness and hope result in motivations among the remedial students and presented by the article. Improving subjective happiness would result in achievement motivation and, consequently, high academic performance among the students.


Implication or Limitation

The study requires further scientific research to get more information on the subject in covered regions, which misses in this paper.



Source 14

Haase, Claudia M., Michael J. Poulin, and Jutta Heckhausen. “Happiness as a motivator: Positive affect predicts primary control striving for career and educational goals.” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 38.8 (2012): 1093-1104.

The article explores various aspects as theories of happiness as a motivator in the field of education and on the individual’s career. The paper concentrates on the positive effects of happiness as well as personal well-being. Such definite concerns result in the success and achievement of the long term individual’s goal, which makes people get more motivated. Educational and carer goals occur as relevant to every individual around the world, more so the young generation. As explained by the article, positive affects act as the primary resource in striving for higher goals as described by the “motivational theory of lifespan development.” The research work used a two-wave longitudinal research design from four different schools before graduation. The study concludes that positive affects enhance the individuals’ motivation to invest more effort and time in aiming at achieving educational and career goals despite various challenges students encounters.



Perspective Represented/How does it connect to other perspectives

The positives affect gained in educational and career goals significantly motivates individuals to work and aim higher. Happiness in achieving primary academic and career goals acts as a motivator factor in focusing on higher targets in life.

Implication or Limitation

The study possesses various limitations that require implications for the future and further studies. For instance, persistence among the student never exists uniformly adaptive since some people fail to attain some of the academic and career goals seven after trying in many ways.  On the same note, the future study should concentrate and explore the comparison between the impacts of goal-unrelated and goal-related positive concerns.




Source 15

Taquet, Maxime, et al. “Hedonism and the choice of everyday activities.” Proceedings of the national Academy of Sciences 113.35 (2016): 9769-9773.



According to the scholars or the article, good moods act as excellent motivators for people in different filed. The study employed the mobile app in data collection as well as incorporating varied theories such as the hedonic principle to explain the relationship between happiness and motivation and vice versa. Based on this concept, as described by the article, people concentrate on minimizing negative concern effect and maximizing the positive affect. Furthermore, people tend to make decisions on daily activities based on the patterns of mood they possess. As per the article, people engage in activities that would enhance their positive feelings hence emotions significantly influence and shape individuals’ actions.



Perspective Represented/How does it connect to other perspectives

Based on the information provided by the data, people considerably concentrate on the positive concerns that would enhance happiness in their daily lives. Similarly, achieving the goals of the mood-enhancing activities always results in the motivation of the individuals, which gives them happy in different conditions hence directly connected with motivation perspectives.


Implication or Limitation

Despite the paper presenting the theory and data from the study, the methods of data collection through mobile apps possess a limited chance of accessing accurate information as compared to the interviews. People in person would significantly improve this source and get credible and precise information.







Perspective Represented/How does it connect to other perspectives

Implication or Limitation

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