Individuals with disabilities are people at a disadvantage compared to those without disabilities. After a survey of the town center, it was evident that the local government has invested in numerous technologies and simple devices to allow disabled individuals’ easy movement. Some of the identified technologies include audible street signals that usual auditory cues to aid blind cross-broad streets or board buses. Some of the local businesses have also included brailed signs that allow the blind to identify their location. They have also included ramps and designated parking areas for the disabled at school and numerous other buildings. There are numerous areas where disability signs are placed to help those with disabilities take advantage of systems or aids. They are also present in the public transport system, where the rear doors open, allowing individuals with wheelchairs to board. Few stores did not have disability accessible features, but it was mainly due to their age and construction design.
Based on the assessment of the town center and businesses, areas of worship, and entertainment, accessibility was present. Numerous businesses and organizations offered disability accessibility features; they included ramps and elevators. Therefore, the local government attempts to limit accessibility barriers for the disabled. Additionally, it also identifies the recognition of disabled individuals as abled people who can be independent. By offering access to various areas or services, the government promotes independence and appreciation of the difficulties faced by disabled people. From a personal perspective, the number of aids and accessibility features should be increased. The number of people with disabilities is increasing, and it is an ethical requirement of the government to aid their daily activities. Such endeavors are vital as they reduce the psychological stresses experienced by disabled individuals attempting to access public or commercial building or service