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Influencing Others as a Leader Start Within

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Influencing Others as a Leader Start Within

Mission Statement

My mission is to be an inspiration for others by letting them know that regardless of one race, sex, or background, that anyone can overcome any obstacle that is put in their way with the right guidance and healthy determination.

Vision Statement

I want to lead by example to others with my determination and my willingness to achieve, and hopefully, it will encourage others to follow me and support any decision that I believe is the right one. The same way that I was in a position where I had to follow someone that made decisions that would benefit the team and not the individual, I want to be someone that others would emulate out of respect.

Personal Strengths

  • High technical skills with a firm grasp with proper insight into broader issues that create innovative solutions.
  • Promoting equality as gender egalitarianism with a sense of fairness and create a collaborative environment
  • People person. Creating and maintaining more productive relationships in the workplace
  • Exhibit independent, critical thinking, and actively engaged with any organization.

Personal Weakness

  • Focus on taking the emotion out of a decision. Duty Ethics often require difficult decisions that often have severe consequences. Focusing on doing what is needed and not the results will help when making a Duty-Ethics decision.
  • Tends to avoid risk and seldom ventures into the unknown.
  • Create and maintain effective relationships with what is important to their followers to influence their followers better.
  • Currently have difficulty influencing followers from a high-humane orientation culture


Anyone can become a leader with enough hard work and dedication, but success is usually harder for people with a more introverted personality than for people with a more extroverted personality. Leadership has no ideal trait that every single person has to follow, as there are different types of people in the world today. Even though many people have proven that they can lead in a more personal and emotional way, some critics will belittle the way that someone acts toward their subordinates and how they envision success.  Many supporting ideas can attest that with the right morals and values, anyone can become a leader despite any weaknesses that may face along the way.


Role of Team Leader

Team leaders have roles, such as overseeing all the team activities as well as involved in the creation of various strategies and plans to accomplish various tasks. Furthermore, the team leader acts as a communicator hence sharing relevant information to the members and stakeholders (Woodcock, 2017). Notably, team leaders significantly participate in keeping and structuring different tasks, documents, and workforce and further setting the goals that members would work towards. However, in any institution, leaderships plays a significant role in its success or failure (Woodcock, 2017). On the same note, leadership plays a crucial role in solving conflicts and effective decision making in an organization hence smooth running of activities.  Equally, leadership helps in communications of the necessary information at all levels in cases of arising issues; hence the system remains effective and organized (Woodcock, 2017). Nevertheless, leadership helps in introducing various changes within the groups of the entire institution and training of the workforces or team members.

Qualities of a Good Leader

Excellent leaders possess various characteristics and skills based on he or she handles different issues such as communication and decision making among his team members or in the entire organization.  Firstly a good leader should have excellent communication skills, which enhances the effective sharing of the information among the team members and stakeholders (Dewan & Myatt, 2008). Secondly, good leaders, souls have a high level of integrity and honesty, making them concentrate on the values of the company. Thirdly, excellent leaders should possess a high level of confidence and ready to inspire others hence focused on achieving the same goals together (Kotagal & Pellegrini, 2018). Furthermore, good leaders in the organization should be the innovative, creative, and high ability of decision making that ensures concentration on the matters of developing the groups of the institutions (Kotagal & Pellegrini, 2018). Similarly, a good leader should have abilities in problem-solving and introducing permanent solutions as well as practicing accountability and transparency while delivering duties and responsibilities.

How Good Followers Make Good Leaders

The behaviors of the followers or the team members play a significant role in making a good leader. For instance, being followers develops awareness of various needs and requirements of the leaders (Muteswa, 2016). It enhances the awareness of various audiences in the organizations that include the customers, coworkers, stakeholders, and colleagues (Kotagal & Pellegrini, 2018). Excellent followers would help the individuals in reading and comprehending what motivates or upset them, which exists as one of the qualities of a good leader. According to Muteswa (2016), good followers learn critical collaboration skills that would assist their leaders in achieving particular goals and help them as leaders. Nevertheless, a good follower would have a high level of courage, which makes a good leader (Muteswa, 2016). Such follower gets engaged and pay attention to all the groups or organization activities and could speak while the wrong things are done.

Experience as Marketing Manager

I had a great experience and the marketing manager in the J&B Company. Personal duties, as mandated by the organization, was the management of the marketing operations. Possessing excellent communication skills and analytical knowledge significant helped in delivering quality leadership in the department. Furthermore, my team members were cooperative hence achieving the marketing strategies and building the customer relationships, which enhances the growth of the company revenues. On the same note, I was profoundly focused on the workforce management and engagements, which ensured the smooth running of the daily activities in the departments and in the entire organization, which aided identifications of the new market opportunities.

Effective Communication by Successful Leaders

All leaders can communicate. However, it takes various skills for effective communication between the leaders and the workforce as well as stakeholders. As per Dewan and Myatt (2008), effective communication should be specific and personal instead of communicating the message of the corporation. Leaders should narrow down to the specific team or department while communicating different issues. Furthermore, communication should be in a relentless manner hence passing ideas and thoughts frequently keeping the relevant individuals informed. Listening from a critical part of effective communication by the leaders on which they get information from individuals in an organization and make necessary decisions.


The marketing manager significantly affected the personal style of leadership as well as others in the organizations. The position was involving. Hence I had to get engaged with various employees as well as stakeholders, which significantly improved my communication skills and decision-making abilities. I had to make personal adjustments on leadership behaviors based on the culture of the organization, which affected my leadership style. For instance, I had to focus on departmental and group level and limited in getting involved in the operations of the entire organization. As a result, the position improved my leadership quality based on communication and decision-making capabilities gained in the process. Moreover, the personal leadership style in the company influenced various team and departmental members hence focusing on achieving the company goals. Some of the leaders incorporated the style of communication and decision-making processes.


The introverted leaders such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, inspire many individuals in different ways. Firstly, these leaders are humble, which a character of few leaders in the world. Being humble makes them manage and serve people at different levels, which inspires other people in this field. As per Kuofie, Stephens-Craig, and Dool (2015), humbleness makes these leaders in advocating for providing different assistance in achieving the common objective hence acting as a source of inspiration. Secondly, introverted leaders such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs listen to when others speak, which acts as the quality of an excellent leader. According to Kuofie, Stephens-Craig, and Dool (2015), they listen and appreciate the contributions of each individual, which motivates and inspires people. Introverts work in solitude, as seen in the cases of Billy Gates, but they are always ready to receive suggestions originating from their proactive workforce (Kuofie, Stephens-Craig & Dool, 2015). Equally, the introverts occur as excellent problem solver hence handling different challenges in their organization until they find permanent solutions which make the employees productive.

Based on the personal mission statement, being a great leader would enhance inspiration for others in this field. Furthermore, going through various challenges in different leadership positions and roles would help in staying focused, which would inspire individuals around.  Notably, vision statements would help achieve my ambition of becoming someone that others would emulate out of respect based on the quality performances witnessed.

Leadership Assessments

Based on the personal assessments, I still have various areas of improvement that possess different weaknesses. I have emotional weaknesses while dealing with various situations and cases. Controlling my emotions and being strong significantly improve personal performance as a leader in various circumstances. On the same note, identifying the emotional makeup with those I work with would limit personal weaknesses in offering diverse leadership duties and responsibilities.

Differences between Introverted and Extroverted Leadership

Introvert and extrovert leadership differ based on the socializing aspect. For instance, extrovert leaders are more social and engage in group discussions. At the same time, introvert counterparts rarely show up in on business gatherings but acknowledge the lives of people as well as enjoying one to one conversations (Farrell, 2017). Furthermore, introvert managers possess close relationships with limited numbers of a friend as compared to the extroverts who have more friend but weak connection bonds. Kuofie, Stephens-Craig, and Dool (2015) posits that introvert leadership significantly struggles with changes in the company as compared to the extroverts who comfortably accept the developing changes. Besides, extrovert managers get involved in quick decision making, while introverts involve critical thinking and reflection before making particular decisions. Nevertheless, introvert leaders prefer working in isolated and quiet places with limited attention from the people (Farrell, 2017). On the other hand, extrovert leaders prefer getting attention and working in open places.


Description of Path-Goal Theory

The theory specifies the leader’s particular style or character that is beneficial to the employees and workplaces to achieve the common goal. Farhan (2018) suggests that the achieved goals act as a source of motivation, satisfaction, and empowerment, which ensures the workforce become and stay productive in the company. As per Phillips and Phillips (2016), the model further explains that individuals would work based on the expectations and attractiveness of the intended outcome. Based on this concept, leaders would isolate certain behaviors that can work excellently to the workforce needs and the existing environment to attain the daily objectives (Farhan, 2018).  Notably, the model identifies four styles of leadership behaviors like supportive, directive, participative, and achievement-oriented.

Impacts of Low Four Styles

Have low supportive, directive, participative, and achievement styles would negatively affect the growth of leaders as well as limiting in creating relationships with others in workplaces. For instance, the low directive style would result in limits the leaders in knowing what is expected of them in terms of specific tasks and deadlines, which limits result in poor development of leaders (Phillips & Phillips, 2016). Furthermore, in such a situation, managers would find a difficult time in building relationships with the workforce and management. Equally, a low supportive style in a leader would hinder the development of the leadership characteristics due to a lack of concentration on the well-being of the employees, which further results in poor relationships with individuals in workplaces (Farhan, 2018). On the same note, the low participative style would negatively affect the leaders in developing due to a lack of learning and understanding of the workforces. Hence, difficult to create relationships due to a lack of interactions with the workers or team members. Nevertheless, low achievement-oriented would negatively affect the growth of leaders to limited chances of challenging goals in daily activities (Phillips & Phillips, 2016). Low levels of such leadership styles would hinder relationship-building due to limited time with employees’ engagement.

Benefits of the Four Styles

The achievement-oriented style ensures the employees achieve the challenging tasks under the monitor of their team leaders, which encourages continuous improvement and motivation of the workers. Similarly, the participative style includes consultation and discussion hence incorporating individual decisions and opinions, which helps in the decision-making process. Equally, directive leadership helps in the inexperienced workforce that requires guidance and regular supervision (Farhan, 2018). Finally, the supportive style focuses on what team members need hence focusing on their well-being through being friendly, which acts as a source of motivation to the workers and high productivity, more so in those facing various challenges.

Improving the Styles

Directive leadership would get improved through the development of the confidence in myself as well as those I work with which by offering required guidance and supervision. However, they would use support through close interaction with employees to comprehend their needs and welfares that would enhance motivations and high productivity. Through the participative leadership styles, I would encourage engagement of the various opinions and views from the employees and incorporate them in various decision making. Building relationships with others would significantly help in getting feedback from the workforce hence knowing positive response and those individuals who would display excellent work and achieving the set objectives.



The model of the leadership focuses on the followers or team members. Bastardoz and Van Vugt (2019) explains that good followers have to have desirable behaviors in which they play a significant role in the progress and growth of the organizations. Kelley identified two main categories of followers, namely “independent and critical thinking at one end” and “dependent and uncritical thinking on the other end” (Bastardoz & Van Vugt, 2019). Based on the above concepts, Kelly identified five types of followers an alienated, conformist, passive, pragmatist, and exemplary.

Benefits of Middle-of-Road Mentality to the Company

The concept significantly helps in engagements by workers aiming at achieving the same company goals.  Furthermore, the model critically helps in taking the duties and responsibilities with determination by the followers, even in the absence of the leaders (Bastardoz & Van Vugt, 2019). On the same note, the concepts possess various benefits to the organizations through the active participation of followers in various innovation and transformation programs, which enhances the success of the company (Bastardoz & Van Vugt, 2019). The leadership style enhances collaboration, thus working together, aiming at achieving the set targets.


Pragmatic fellowship style has various strengths in leading the workers in an organization. According to Bastardoz & Van Vugt (2019), the style focuses on the workers who play a significant role in the progress of any company. Such strength makes limited contacts with leaders since followers make the work to on smoothly.


Behavioral theory in leadership exists as the “leadership theory that considers the observable reaction and reaction of the followers and leaders in an organization” (Nawaz & Khan, 2016) the model focuses on the characteristics of the leaders which act as the excellent predictor of the leadership influences and skills which determines his or her success. As per Nawaz and Khan (2016), the theory further assumes that leadership abilities can be learned instead of being inherited, which involved response to particular stimuli. Furthermore, the theory looks at how leaders monitor their behaviors and those of surrounding individuals and look at how the change in behaviors can result in successful performance.

Personally, getting low task scores would lead to high motivation for me and others to get a higher score in the next task. Such low scores would result in calling upon the team members to work together towards aiming higher task scores. The moderately high relationship can results in high performance due to cohesiveness and focus on the common goal.

Improving short-term goals would concentrate on daily activities in delivering professional duties. Setting and meeting short, mid, and long term goals would significantly improve my experience in both personal and professional life (Nawaz & Khan, 2016). Staying focused on the personal mission and vision statement would result in improvements in personal goals. On the same note, taking in various professional socializing strategies would help in improving the creation of an effective relationship with individuals from different organizations and levels.



Leadership ethics involves a type of leadership that the leaders demonstrate conducts and codes that are acceptable and appropriate in every aspect of life in workplaces. As per Yasir and Mohamad (2016), the concepts of ethical leadership comprises doing the right thing as per set standards, values, or customs of the organization as well as the individual’s principle. Ethical factors in leadership include integrity, humane, honesty, respect, exemplary communication, and being champion in the significances of ethics within the organization (Yasir & Mohamad, 2016).


Ethical leadership significantly improves the health of the organization and its employees. According to Yasir and Mohamad (2016), a positive, creative attitude results in respecting each other as well as their opinions hence creating a productive environment in the workplace. Equally, ethical leadership ensures the well-being of the individuals in the organization due to the excellent attitude created (Yasir & Mohamad, 2016). Furthermore, ethical leaders enhance boosting the working energy and morale of the employees due to relationships created among the workforce.


Ethical leadership has various challenges and weaknesses, such as requiring significant support from the entire organization for its effectiveness, high cost of implementation requires consistency without failure, and clarity has to be offered throughout.

Benefits of scoring high of Both Justice and Duty ethics to companies

High scores in such aspects in the organization possess potential benefits such as creating trust with the employees, hence high chances of retaining skills and experienced employees (Yasir & Mohamad, 2016). Furthermore, such high scores result in company reputation and brand building, which increases the revenues and attraction of the customers.




Such relationships result in high productivity due to favorable conditions created in the workplace. Furthermore, such relationships create employee loyalty to the organization hence the retention of skilled workers (Qiu & Dooley, 2019). Equally, close connections result in reduction cases of conflicts due to understanding of each other from the strong associations.


Such close relationships between the leaders an employees could result in communication complexity due to disadvantages channels of communications and decision making (Qiu & Dooley, 2019).  On the same note, close relationships could result in difficulties in making corrections to the employees when they do wrong things.

While offering various personal expertise, knowledge, and experience to the workers or coworkers, I would be helping both the individuals and the entire company. Individuals would use that information in quality production, which contributes to the growth of the organization.


Focus on taking the emotion out of a decision. Duty Ethics often require difficult decisions that often have severe consequences. Focusing on doing what is required and not the results will help when making a Duty-Ethics decision. Analyzing the situation before emotional reaction and subsequent decision making would ensure I overcome the emotional weakness I have and affects my leadership qualities. Moreover, to create a relationship with an individual in professional and personal perspectives, I would consider various strategies. For instance, I would first identify the need for the relationship, schedule time for creating that association while staying positive. Furthermore, I would manage my boundaries, thus appreciating the person’s views and responses. Moreover, based on analysis and assessments on personal leadership style, I have preferably used Path-Goal and behavioral leadership theory.


To conclude, anyone can become a leader with enough hard work and dedication, but success is usually harder for people with a more introverted personality than for people with a more extroverted personality. Personal leadership can result in great achievement and meeting both personal and company goals, which improve my benefits. Moreover, my leadership analysis and assessment would offer opportunities to recognize my weaknesses and strengths, which would help in developing my leadership style. Notably, I still need to develop further leadership skills, such as effective communication and decision making.


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