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Information Systems Management/Corporate Strategy and IT Governance

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Information Systems Management/Corporate Strategy and IT Governance

Architecture and Strategy Report











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Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Enterprise Architecture Framework 3

Current routine and architecture 5

Current Information system Architecture 6

Future Information System Architecture 6

SWOT Analysis 7

Gap Analysis 8

Adoption Strategies for Transformation of Current Situation 10

Processes Self Reflection 11

Conclusion 12

References 14


























Enterprise Architecture and IT strategic planning are important concepts used by the organisation. Strategic planning aligns purpose, goals and plans are executed for information technology systems (Akbarifar & Hamdi 2016, pp. 1734). Whereas, enterprise architecture refers to principles, methods, and models to design corporate structure, business process, and information system architecture (Ibrohim & Girsang 2019, pp. 879). However, these concepts can also be applied in a personal situation. Aim of this report is implementing concepts of enterprise architecture and strategic planning. This report will also develop information system strategic plan for information technologies. I will also take TOGAF enterprise architecture framework to understand the current business process for information systems. Physical activity and fitness have become an important part of personal life. The use of technology for tracking fitness is very popular and used through several devices like laptops, mobile, and tablets. Thus, the report will provide information system strategic plan for fitness process.

The structure of the report has several sections; section II discusses enterprise architecture framework related to the current system. Section III covers the outline of the current information system architecture. Section IV discusses future information system architecture followed by SWOT analysis and Gap analysis. Section V demonstrate adoption strategies after five years transition. Lastly, section VI determines self-reflection for the business process and outcomes after evaluation.

Enterprise Architecture Framework

TOGAF stands for The Open Group Architecture Framework and used for enterprise architecture to design, plan, implement and govern EA for information technology processes. TOGAF is an effective tool that assists in the acceptance, production, use and maintenance of architectures (Josey et al 2016). I will use the TOGAF framework for fitness activities because it is structured and organized. Four types of architecture which I required is also present; like, data, application, technology and business (White, 2019). Hence, this report implements TOGAF’s all the sub-set architectures. Firstly, business architecture will describe strategies and existing processes for fitness activities. Application architecture demonstrates how I will use wristband after five years. Data architecture state data storage devices like laptop and mobile. Finally, the technical architecture will describe IT structure which I am using. The information system architecture is based on TOGAF framework. It was found related to the current situation of the business process.

The TOGAF framework has nine phases that are used for designing future information system architecture. I will use to adopt change through stages like preliminary, vision architecture, business architecture, information system architecture, technology architecture, opportunities and solutions, migration planning, implementation governance, and architecture change management. The diagram below demonstrates all these phases of the TOGAF framework.

Source (Taleb & Cherkaoui 2012, pp. 47)


Current routine and architecture 

I consider fitness an important aspect after losing weight from the past three months. My fitness and physical activity routine are very simple. I get up early in the morning at 5:30 and go for a walk of one hour. Further, I come back at 6:30 and do simple stretching exercises for weight balancing. However, for this process, I currently use applications present on mobile phones for fitness and exercises. My current process involves staying fit and doing exercises regularly for weight balance. I check weight balancing through fitness mobile applications and YouTube. For this day-to-day activity, I am using information technology. Current information system architecture revolves around the storage of information related to fitness activities.

As far as technology is concerned, I have a laptop and mobile as a primary information source. I am using iPhone 10XS as current mobile technology and HP laptop with Intel i5 core processor as current computer technology. Additionally, for a storage device, I use Sandisk USB storage device to save exercise videos in the laptops. This device can store data up to 16 GB memory space. I also use them for storing information about fitness-related activities like calorie count, and diet chart plan and other balancing physical exercises. As the iPhone is connected with the app store, I have installed a couple of fitness tracking applications such as MyFitnessPal, GymBook and Lifesum. Further, the storage of information on these apps is saved on the cloud too. These apps are found quite useful for gathering information related to fitness tracking. Besides I use YouTube app for tracking fitness and diet chart information to balance weight.


Current Information system Architecture 

My current information system architecture is based TOGAF framework. Business architecture is explained in context with fitness activities. Application architecture is based on new information system architecture proposed in the next section. The data storage devices such as Google Drive, Sandisk USB storage, and mobile forms data architecture. Lastly, technical architecture describes IT requirements after five years in the new proposed system. Therefore, the EA framework is very useful to demonstrate business processes, data management, technical and application requirement. Thus, my current information system architecture uses mobile and laptop as an information storage device. However, in the current system, I put everything manually in apps for tracking physical activities.

Future Information System Architecture 

As there are problems in the current information system architecture I am using is fitness apps. These apps require put information manually through the keypad of the mobile phone. I found this very difficult and time consuming whether calculating calories or searching exercises in the YouTube search bar. Therefore, I want to transit the current system with wearable bands available in the market. However, currently, this technology is still underdeveloped due to lack of good and appropriate features. Hence, in future, I will use wearable and link them the iPhone XS. This will record information related to my health and generate an automatic response. Also, I can download diet plans effectively with the help of such technologies successfully.

Specifically, I want to use wristband watch that will address basic information like cholesterol, calorie intake, heartbeat, and much more. The sensors will determine information by considering body weight. Besides, fitness apps have lots of problems when installing on the mobile phone. After five years technology will expand and bring innovation in the market. I can hopefully buy such device for maintaining weight balance. I feel the manual issues could be replaced through advanced and innovative technologies shortly.

The working of such technology follows a simple process. For instance, personal activity fitness tracker tracks information like several walking steps, distance, and other activities. To name a few, it can be used to log food intake, monitor heart rate, assess skin temperature and perspiration to acknowledge calorie bun and monitoring sleep. Furthermore, devices can be present in any type however, I will choose the wrist band and synchronized it through a laptop and iPhone. Further, SWOT analysis and gap analysis for future technology were done below. They have also provided current and future desire for this proposed future information system architecture. Henceforth, future technologies will be advanced and remove current issues of storage, and manual input for information.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis collectively stands for strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. Further, SWOT analysis provides a framework to evaluate the use of a business’ competitive position and development of a strategic plan to address these areas (Bubenik 2019). The SWOT analysis for future information system architecture is demonstrated below. As I am going to transform current mobile fitness apps into one of the wearable technology. This analysis demonstrates the use of wearable in the next five years and how they can help me in tracking fitness and weight balance.


Ø The rapid development of information technologies

Ø Wearable technology will have innovation (Casselman, Onopa & Khansa 2017, pp. 1013)

Ø Offer new facilities like sensors in applications

Ø Investment available for implementing new technologies


Ø Privacy and security issues with personal information

Ø Lack of interoperability for the new wearable device (Casselman, Onopa & Khansa 2017, pp. 1013)

Ø The competition will increase with new platforms

Ø Electric power consumption for the device will increase


Ø Health tracking will be useful for gaining weight knowledge

Ø Automatic information for diet plan with be generated

Ø Replace manual work into an automatic process

Ø Sensors could track body movements approximately


Ø Security and privacy threat to personal data (Casselman, Onopa & Khansa 2017, pp. 1013)

Ø The product cost will increase

Ø Replace gym industry and fitness clubs

Ø Increase addiction to technology devices



Gap Analysis

The gap analysis will identify current information system architecture and future information system architecture to determine what business requires more. It can be defined as, the examination of current system performance to identify the difference between current business state and where it should like to be. I will perform a gap analysis to understand the issues in the current information system architecture. Additionally, to gather what do I need in future to overcome current problems. The gap analysis has the following steps which are demonstrated below with each process step.

  • Current State of Business Process

The current state for my fitness tracking is done through mobile applications and storage devices. I use fitness apps like MyFitnessPal, GymBook and Lifesum to track my steps, calorie intake, and what kind of diet plan should be followed. Besides, the YouTube platform to seek some guidance on exercises. I store all the information present for mobile of Apple’s cloud and laptop on Google drive. Further, the tracking data in apps is feed through a manual input system. Hence, the current information system architecture submits information through manual work.

  • Desired State of Business Process

It has been clear that I store everything on mobile and laptop and use fitness apps. However, I need something that could input health information automatically. The desired state requires the use of wearable which has a higher quality of services. Further, sensors could sense my body’s health-related data and generate automatic notifications and diet plans for being stable. The manual process is not good and does not bring approximate results. Hence, I want to purchase a wearable technology that could track data through sensors and other higher quality of services.

  • Identify Gaps

There are three gaps in the current information system architecture. Firstly, manual information is time-consuming for tracking calories and other data. Secondly, wearable does not offer better services in the current time. Lastly, I am using iPhone XS that does not support some of the apps services.

  • Design Action Plan for Improvements

To improve gaps, I will require a set of an action plan for current information system architecture. The action plan is simple; replace fitness apps with some wearable band available in the market. Additionally, connect and synchronize them with iPhone for fitness tracking and management.

Adoption Strategies for Transformation of Current Situation

I will implement TOGAF phases as the adoption strategies for the transformation of current into future architecture. The preliminary phase is the first step through which initiation activities are implemented to gather architecture principles. The need for wearable is seen in the first step where the current system offers manual work rather than automation. Architecture vision is the second step through which the scope of the process is analyzed. The scope for future requires the replacement of the current IT system with newer ones. I am the only stakeholder involved who want to balance weight through wristband sensors in future. Next, business architecture third phase determine processes through the previous scope. The fourth phase is information system architecture which will data storage activities for fitness process. Here, I will synchronize iPhone XS and HP Laptop with a wristband to record activities and storage health-related data. The fifth phase is technology architecture which develops IT-related services. I will buy new equipment in this phase. The next phase address opportunity and solutions for future IT architecture. The next few phases are migration planning, governance, change management and requirement management activities. Lastly, these activities will collectively help understand future architecture and changes required. Henceforth, TOGAF was helpful in implementing and adopting new changes in the proposed future information technology architecture.

Processes Self Reflection

Fitness is an important task that requires to be tracked in everyday activities. My routine is much simpler for staying fit and following it properly from past three months. I get up early in the morning and then go for a walk for at least one hour every day. I use my iPhone XS and HP Laptop to track fitness and exercise routine. The apps are useful and track my total steps count and analyse how much calories are burned. I think the process adopted for gathering information on how the body needs weight balance is correct. The issues with what I eat and how much should I eat has become simpler through fitness tracking apps. Besides, I have a couple of YouTube videos that guide health-related issues. However, I do everything manually by putting information in apps.

To justify my current information system architecture, I explained how the process is currently working for me. Furthermore, in five years I want to transform the current system into a newer one through wearable wristband watch. This will monitor information from sensing my body movements. It could be helpful to gather finesses related information automatically. According to 2013 market research,  approximately 97 per cent increment is seen in the development of fitness devices such as a wristband, smart glass, and another smart wearable (Mukhopadhyay 2014, pp 1324). Henceforth, the market is still working on making a device with advance sensor developments.

The process adopted was on good practise as our architecture was based on a famous ER framework. Enterprise architecture such as TOGAF helped understand the processes step-by-step. There was some of the conflict found on the knowledge shared in this report. For instance, some of the advance technologies were already present in the market, however, the success of such technologies are still not found in any research. I was apprehensive to use it due to some knowledge available for sensors and some for not. Hence, to resolve this conflict I used research papers and evidence to gather information available. The outcomes of this process were important because I now understand what is required in my current information system and storage management. Although Fitness apps are useful they don’t analyse exact health problems. Therefore, I require something advanced and offers a solution for my fitness tracking process and exercise-related activities.

The stakeholder involved in this process was solely me because of some personal activity involved. I have found this process very effective to gather how information technologies are storage devices are useful in ordinary lives. Health is a bigger concern now and it can be resolved through mobile applications easily. Now, I can gather what my body is going through after balancing weight. Furthermore, the outcomes of this process were positive. I have learned that information technologies and storage management activities are quite helpful. Further, through IT strategic planning future goals can be addressed effectively. Additionally, activities in a personal situation can also be assisted through such processes. Personally, now I can relate my problems through the gathering of current and desired processes. Therefore, business processes can be implemented with the help of IT strategic planning and enterprise architecture frameworks.


To conclude, my process was based on fitness activities which I used with the help of information technologies and storage devices. The current information system architecture includes my HP laptop, iPhone XS mobile phone and Sandisk USB storage device. Furthermore, I also use three fitness apps like MyFitnessPal, GymBook and Lifesum as well as YouTube. They are used to track information about steps, calorie intake and other activities. I found them very helpful but they store data manually. My future information technology architecture is based on wristband watch known as wearable. I will use Apple’s watch for tracking data in future after five years. The sensors will be helpful to calculate everything related to health and weight. Furthermore, I have used TOGAF enterprise architecture for the current process. It is based on a four-sub architecture that applies to this process. Besides, adoption of new technologies can also be used through TOGAF nine phases described in the diagram. The SWOT analysis and Gap Analysis also define needs in future of information technologies. The learning’s from the current process is also demonstrated above for self-learning. Henceforth, Information System Strategic Plan for my fitness process is defined in this report effectively and successfully.













Akbarifar, I & Hamdi, K 2016, ‘IT Strategic Planning with the Approach of Enterprise Architecture’, International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (IJHCS) ISSN 2356-5926, vol.1, no.1, pp.1733-1746.

Bubenik, S 2019, Gaining a Competitive Edge By Conducting A SWOT Analysis On Your Workforce, Forbes, viewed 17 October, 2019, <>

Casselman, J, Onopa, N, & Khansa, L 2017, ‘Wearable healthcare: Lessons from the past and a peek into the future’, Telematics and Informatics, vol 34, no. 7, pp.1011-1023.

Ibrohim, M & Girsang, SA 2019, ‘Designing IT Blueprint With TOGAF for Information Technology Development,’ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, vol 10, no. 3, pp. 837-854.

Josey, A, Harrison, R, Homan, P, Rouse,FM, Sante, TV, Turner, M, & Merwe PV 2016,TOFAG Version ® 9.1 – A Pocket Guide, Van Haren Publishing, Zaltbommel

Mukhopadhyay, S.C 2014, ‘Wearable sensors for human activity monitoring: A review’. IEEE sensors journal, vol 15, no. 3, pp.1321-1330.

Taleb, M & Cherkaoui, O 2012, ‘Pattern-oriented approach for enterprise architecture: TOGAF framework,’ Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, vol 5, no. 1, pp.45-50.

White, SK 2018, CIO, United States, viewed 17 October, 2019, <>

Wright, R & Keith, L 2014, ‘Wearable technology: If the tech fits, wear it’. Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries, vol 11, no. 4, pp.204-216.

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