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Instagram Profile Picture Perception Methodology

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Instagram Profile Picture Perception Methodology

Methods in research outline key aspects which help provide a unique concentration on important research concepts that define the underlying research objective. The study focuses on determining respondents perception of whether the type of selfie predicts narcissist behavior. The effective focus on these processes provides a greater commitment to underlying concepts which provide a strong integration on research development (Coolican, 2018). The methods and research procedures identified in this case provide a greater emphasis on research that was conducted. Therefore the major elements that are considered in this case include participants, materials and procedures, results and discussion. Effective identification and discussion of these concepts provide a strong emphasis on the need to identify effective research outcomes based on the research objective identified.


Participants include the sample population that was included to help determine appropriate research outcomes. The recruitment of participants in research is a crucial process which must be effectively undertaken to ensure a high level of validity and reliability of the research outcomes. The research process is undertaken systematically to help create a greater emphasis on the ability to replicate the research outcomes (Treasaden, 2013). Defining greater change provide a strong emphasis on crucial concepts which define important elements which can be considered to create a strong research outcome. Therefore in order to obtain efficient results, the study focused on (n = 141) as the sample population which ensured that there is a greater emphasis on perception on Instagram profile photos. Therefore from the 141 sample population, 48.6% (n=67) were male while 51.4% (n = 71) included female participants. This analysis shows that there were more female than male who participated in the study (see appendix 1). The youngest participant in the study was aged 17 years while the oldest participant was 53 years. Thus the research included both young adults and older adults which ensured that the information obtained provided a clear perception of the understanding between both young and older adults. The average age (M = 27) highlighted that majority of the respondents were young adults (Vaux, 2012).

In addition when evaluating the racial profiles of the participants, 58.2% (n = 82) were Hispanic, 19.9% (n = 28) were Caucasian, 9.9% (n = 14) were African American, 3.5% ( n = 5) were Asian Americans while 2.1%( n = 3) were Pacific Islander. Therefore the study included all racial profiles although the Hispanic population constituted more than  50% of the participants. Hence, they are more likely to influence the outcome of the research (see Appendix II). The findings from the analysis also showed that 45.4% ( n= 64) of the participants were FIU students while  54.6% (n = 77) of the participants were not FIU students. Majority of the participants  66%( n = 93) had English as their first language and thus effectively understood the research questions and provided accurate responses to specific questions. Therefore only 34% ( n = 48) did not have English and their first language (See Appendix III). The participant’s social media use prevalence was assessed where it was determined that 61.7% ( n = 87) of the participants in the study post on social media at times while only 0.7% (n = 1) post on social media constantly (See Appendix IV).

Materials and procedures

Materials and procedures are critical and provide a strong emphasis on important elements which help maintain a strong evaluation of key outcomes which help define improved outcomes. Therefore effective identification of methods and procedures ensures that the study is conducted in a more organized manner to achieve the intended research goals. Therefore the research objective, in this case, is to determine the perception of participants on a user posts on Instagram profile image. It highlighted the understanding of whether the photo that a user uploads on her profile determines an individual’s narcissistic traits. The three images that were being evaluated include selfies, groupies and professional photo. The understanding of research outcomes helps define important processes which help provide a unique emphasis on the underlying changes which help define strong outcomes based on the research objective (Research Methods and Statistics, 2017).

Therefore the study focused on evaluating the Instagram account screen of Emma Wood who wanted to update her profile picture including the three different images. The study incorporated three different survey questionnaires including each different image to provide a strong emphasis on key concepts which help define improved outcomes. The survey research questions included in the analysis provided an understanding of the level of understanding among the participants regarding the concepts that were being reviewed. The participants were required to choose from the three different pools including selfies, groupies and professional photo. The basis of the research aimed at understanding the aspect that the type of image an individual upload as a profile picture has a  strong influence on their personality and thus can be used to evaluate research outcomes. The questionnaires included five parts which provided varied information on participants impression based on the choice of the profile picture.

The first section of the research questionnaire included assessment of Emma Wood’s activities since she opened her Instagram account and thus the participants were expected to select from the three images, the image that they would prefer as a profile picture. The images included in the analysis were labeled A, B and C. Each of the image types has three different groups from which the participants were required to select one option based on their own preferences and understanding. Most of the research aspects included in the research were based on a Likert scale. The assessment on the last time Emma Wood updated her profile picture was based on a 6 point Likert scale where 0= never and 5 = constantly (Moore, 2018). The frequency at which Emma Wood posts her thoughts and pictures on Instagram was also evaluated based on a 6 point Likert scale where 0 = rarely and 5 = constantly. The integration of Likert scale responses is crucial considering that the responses evaluated in this case are based on individual perception hence makes it difficult to be certain with the responses provided. There is a specific evaluation of room of error which ensures improved research outcomes.

The second section of the survey questionnaire provided information based on the general impression of Emma Wood which was evaluated based on ten factors. Each of the ten factors was evaluated based on a 6 point Likert scale where 0 = strongly disagree, and 6 = strongly agree. The third section focused on participants own assessment regarding their preferences regarding posts on social media. Different individuals have different traits which influence their personality. Attaining better outcomes provide a strong assessment where it is important to understand the responses that are given by different participants. Thus the assessment of the participants owns perception was crucial in understanding the specific elements which influence their research outcomes. The analysis of this section also included 10-factor elements which were evaluated based on a 6 point Likert scale (0 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree) (Hand, 2012).

The fourth section of the survey questionnaire focused on the participant’s demographics. Demographics are crucial in understanding the overall development where it is possible to achieve the underlying research outcomes. The demographic factors that were evaluated in this case included age, nationality, ethnicity, gender as well as the frequency of posting on social media. The fifth section of the survey questionnaire provided an understanding of each participant overall perception of Emma Wood with a specific focus on narcissist behavior. The individual perception provides a greater understanding of vital factors which also influence their own development. The integration of these concepts is crucial in having a strong understanding of research development.

The results

The analysis of the results provided a strong assessment on important concepts which played a crucial role in understanding important elements which help define a greater emphasis on important concepts which can help define better analysis based on the research concepts included in the findings. A chi-square analysis was conducted to determine whether there was a statistically significant association between the condition and age of the participants. Therefore the results highlighted that X2(2) = 97.691, p < .001(Appendix VI). This means that there is a statistically significant association between the condition and the age of the participants. Thus an increase in age results in a higher focus on the condition considered in the analysis.

The consideration of Emma’s behavior based on the choice of  Emma’s profile picture was based on narcissistic, down to earth, helpful, egotistical selfish, shy, happy, generous, smart and self-absorbed. Therefore analysis was conducted aimed at determining whether Emma’s actions were considered narcissistic, happy or egotistical. The association between these concepts provide a strong evaluation of the underlying concepts which help provide a unique emphasis on underlying measures which help achieve improved outcomes. Therefore the research findings based on a chi-square test highlighted that there was a statistically significant association between the condition and impression at X2(2) = 34.318, p < .001(Appendix VIII). There is a greater number of participants who consider Emma’s actions as being narcissistic based on the profile picture uploaded.

Consequently, there is a need to understand whether there is a statistically significant difference in the profile picture chosen based on a narcissistic general impression of Emma wood. This analysis will provide a strong evaluation where it would be possible to determine whether there are differences depending on selfie, groupie or professional images chosen as Instagram as a profile picture. Therefore the analysis shows that  F(2,138) = 15.661, p<0.001 (see Appendix IX). The analysis results show that there is a statistically significant difference between the three groups included in the analysis. Therefore in order to examine the exact difference between the groups, a post hoc analysis is essential. The post hoc analysis will provide an understanding of multiple comparisons between the groups included in the analysis which are selfie, groupie and professional. Thus based on Tukey post hoc analysis, the selfie group had a statistically significant mean difference from other groups. Thus the findings show that the participants who selected selfie condition considered Emma wood’s general impression as being narcissistic (See Appendix X).

Therefore there was also need to understand the existing association between demographic factors and the condition choice in understanding some of the factors that influence participant perception on the image chosen by Emma wood in updating her profile picture. The demographic factors that have been considered in this analysis include gender and race. The analysis shows that the majority of male participants (n = 24) preferred groupie as a profile picture, ( n = 22) considered selfie. However, the majority of female participants (n = 27) preferred professional while (n = 23) preferred selfie. The test of association between condition showed that there was no significant association between gender and condition. The analysis based on the race of the participants highlighted that there was a statistically significant association between the condition and race of the participants. Therefore the findings show that race is a factor in determining the preference of participants in reflecting their choice on the image considered as a profile picture for an Instagram account.

A one-way analysis of variance analysis will also be evaluated to determine whether there is a statistically significant difference between the conditions based on the age of the participants. This will provide a greater understanding of whether age is a factor in determining the choice of profile picture to upload. The analysis shows that there was no statistically significant difference between the conditions based on the age of the participants at F(2,138)= 1.516, p = 0.223.


The analysis created an understanding of crucial aspects which help provide a reliable evaluation of important changes which help define improved outcomes. The groups that formed the basis of the research included selfie, groupie and professional photos. Therefore the analysis showed that participants who chose selfie groups consider Emma Wood general impression as being narcissistic. These findings provide a greater understanding of the choices that individuals make which have a more significant influence on their perception and ability to make better decisions. A narcissist behavior is associated with self-love and thus selecting a selfie as a profile picture is an indication of self-love.

There are different factors that influence individual development; hence it provides a reliable assessment of significant changes which are included in the analysis which offer a reliable evaluation of the outcomes. The race was considered as a substantial factor in the choice made by the participants regarding the choice of profile picture with Hispanic having a more excellent choice for a selfie as a profile picture. The Hispanic racial group has been defined with a high level of narcissism which influences their choice regarding the decision made in this research.












Gender (1 = M, 2 = F)
FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Appendix 1: gender of the participants

FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent
Native Indian21.41.479.4
African American149.99.989.4
Asian American53.53.592.9

Appendix II: Race of the participants

FIU Student (1 = Y, 2 = N)
FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Appendix III: FIU students


English (1 = Y, 2 = N)
FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Appendix IV: Participants First Language


How often do YOU post to social media?
FrequencyPercentValid PercentCumulative Percent

Appendix V: Participants posting on social media

Chi-Square Tests
ValuedfAsymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square97.691a62.003
Likelihood Ratio120.26262.000
Linear-by-Linear Association1.5891.207
N of Valid Cases141
a. 93 cells (96.9%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .32.
Appendix VI: Age association with condition


Chi-Square Tests

ValuedfAsymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square177.889a4.000
Likelihood Ratio176.8704.000
Linear-by-Linear Association85.8071.000
N of Valid Cases141
a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 14.04.

Appendix VII: Association between  participant assertion  and condition

Chi-Square Tests
ValuedfAsymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square34.318a8.000
Likelihood Ratio34.2458.000
Linear-by-Linear Association20.2881.000
N of Valid Cases141
a. 3 cells (20.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.28.

Appendix VIII: Narcissistic association with condition

Part II: Emma seems narcissistic
Sum of SquaresdfMean SquareFSig.
Between Groups26.034213.01715.661.000
Within Groups114.704138.831

Appendix IX: ANOVA


Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable:   Part II: Emma seems narcissistic
Tukey HSD
(I) Condition (1 = S, 2 = G, 3 = P)(J) Condition (1 = S, 2 = G, 3 = P)Mean Difference (I-J)Std. ErrorSig.95% Confidence Interval
Lower BoundUpper Bound
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

Appendix X: Post Hoc analysis



Condition (1 = S, 2 = G, 3 = P)Total
Gender (1 = M, 2 = F)Male22242167

Appendix XI: Gender analysis


Chi-Square Tests
ValuedfAsymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square.857a2.651
Likelihood Ratio.8582.651
Linear-by-Linear Association.2581.611
N of Valid Cases138
a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 21.85.

Appendix XII: Chi-square


Condition (1 = S, 2 = G, 3 = P)Total
Native Indian0112
African American75214
Asian American0145

Appendix XIII: Race


Chi-Square Tests
ValuedfAsymptotic Significance (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square18.395a10.049
Likelihood Ratio22.73710.012
Linear-by-Linear Association.8861.347
N of Valid Cases141
a. 12 cells (66.7%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .64.

Appendix XIV


Sum of SquaresdfMean SquareFSig.
Between Groups346.0832173.0411.516.223
Within Groups15748.910138114.123

Appendix XVI: ANOVA

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