I agree with Carr’s claim that the internet is making people dumber. First, the use of the internet results in a low rate of information retention. The ability to recall what was read by those who use the internet is significantly low. On the other hand, reading classical texts creates a specific stimulation that enables one to retain information for an extended period. This is because the stimuli allow the brain to move information to long-standing memory from short-term memory. Apart from the long-term memory being a “schemas” that enable an individual to organize concepts and thoughts, it also facilitates the storage of the random facts. On the other hand, little information is transferred to long-standing memory when one reads the internet texts.
Secondly, reading a traditional text facilitates critical thinking as one tries to analyze the information during the reading process. This also ensures that various concepts are linked, with the aid of information from long-term memory, to generate an idea. Reading on the internet only results in the transfer of little and disorganized information. The internet does not allow people to assimilate the information in a meaningful manner, as there is little coordination among various brain memories. This has made people be mindless internet data or information consumers (Muller, 2000).
Finally, the internet can alter how the brain functions. It wires the human brain is such a manner that one becomes dependent on the internet. This makes reading traditional text difficult, as one can view it as monotonous and time-consuming. Some internet texts are usually accompanied by exciting photos or videos that can lead to less concentration on the main content. Therefore, the internet does not only make people dumber but also myopic.