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INTRODUCTION: Purpose of your speech

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  1. INTRODUCTION: Purpose of your speech
  1. Attention-Getter: Emotive allusion to gain the attention of the audience
  2. Bond: Link-to Audience: What might be important to your audience
  3. “Credentials” of Speaker (Credibility):
  4. pretend that you have credentials or have a personal story that links you to your topic
  5. Destination / Objective Sentence:
  6. what is the objective of your speech.
  7. Today I want to make you realize that ………………..


  1. Explain your Map to your Destination: Speech Preview:

Eg. Today I plan to

  1. Introduce the issue
  2. What started the issue
  3. What terrible things are happening now and potentially in the future
  4. What needs to be done.

Transition: So firstly, let’s consider….

  1. BODY of your Speech

Social & Ethical

  1. Main Point #1: Consider which SHEEEP factor is most important to your stakeholder… why?
  2. Connect to audience: why should your specific audience care about this factor? Consider how you might appeal to their values.
  3. Explain relevant pieces of research that justify your opinion.
  4. Consider opposing opinions from another stakeholder and offer counterarguments to their beliefs or solutions to their concerns.


Transition: Next I want to discuss with you the information gathered…




  1. Main Point #2: Consider which SHEEEP factor is next important to your stakeholder… why?
  2. Connect to audience: why should your specific audience care about this factor? Consider how you might appeal to their values.
  3. Explain relevant pieces of research that justify your opinion.
  4. Consider opposing opinions from another stakeholder, and offer counterarguments to their beliefs or solutions to their concerns.


Transition: Finally I want to say…

  1. Main Point #3: Consider which SHEEEP factor is next important to your stakeholder… why?
  2. Connect to audience: why should your specific audience care about this factor? Consider how you might appeal to their values.
  3. Explain relevant pieces of research that justify your opinion.
  4. Consider opposing opinions from another stakeholder, and offer counterarguments to their beliefs or solutions to their concerns.



  2. Call-to-Action: what can your audience do to help resolve this issue.
  3. Re-visit features of your Introduction
  4. A final thought for your audience to ponder…. A question? A challenge? An emotive story?






  1.  Make sure you appeal to pathos, ethos, logos and kairos.
  2.  Utilize emotive language throughout your script (strong adjectives, powerful nouns, euphemisms and imagery)
  3. Keep your specific audience and purpose constantly in mind as you script your piece.


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