Introduction Thank you for dedicating a little of your time, knowing the slogan or philosophy of the University of Western Guatemala, it is very important as those who study at said university oh as those who are about to enter. “In Libertate, Progressio” in its translation is “Where there is Freedom, There is Progress” in the words of Saint Thomas Aquinas. This phrase shows us two fundamental parts, freedom as human beings we have free will and progress, as people in having an advance in development. But you have to take into account that they are not absolute rights in their entirety, you have to have a measure of what is being done. Development The western university and its philosophy wants to guide and train its students so that they can become successful professionals in the companies where they go to work, leaving a good presentation of both the university and their person. Progress in Guatemala is a situation that limits many people who cannot get out of poverty, it is up to you to progress and get what you want. The university helps you and wants to train professionals who can settle and keep in mind that philosophy where there is FREEDOM and there is PROGRESS. The foundations that the university has are philosophical principles and economists taking into account Manuel Ayau Cordón, also Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich von Hayek, Austrian economists that the exemplars of the university take into account in the fundamental aspects of economics and politics that allow a place in society and have greater progress for all. Conclusion For the students who are part of the university institution, this technical and scientific basis is very important, it is the way to help them in their academic process, AND to develop a progressive and entrepreneurial spirit, and that they have a good result in their university career implementing competitive strategies and academic programs. So the slogan and philosophy of the University of Western Guatemala “In Libertate, Progressio” are part of each student inside and outside and to be able to fulfill our goals that we have in mind. The human relationship and biblical faith are the basis for achieving goals. And all those goals can be met thanks to the freedom and progress that the academic institution offers us, a pleasure and a privilege to be part of this university in western Guatemala.