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Introduction to the assessment and management of acute and long term physical and mental health conditions

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Introduction to the assessment and management of acute and long term physical and mental health conditions

case study scenario:care of a patient with stroke. Patient Joan ,a 65 year-old widow who lives with her only son. Past medical history. joan has been a smoker for 40 years, on overage, she has around 10 cigarettes a day. she has no other relevant past medical history. Family history; hypertension. Current medication:none, over the counter medication for coughs, headaches and cold. Present situation,joan presented to your GP branch surgery at 08;30 she is seen by the practice nurse as no GP was available.she reported that she had numbness of her left side, which woke her from her sleep.this started at around 02:00,she did not want to bother anyone so she waited till the morning to attend the GP surgery.following assessment, the GP called the ambulance service to transport her to the A&E for further investigation. Her Dr at the A&E noted her slurred speech,left sided facial drooping, and difficulty holding her left arm up, for more than a few seconds. The A&E team has transferred her to your ward due to a diagnosis of stroke, she reports that it was very difficult using her left side, she is currently not in any pain, although she feels quite tired. her initial observation are: pulse,112b/min BP 189/112mm/hg Resp;23c/min spo2 95% o/a Temp 36.oc Investigations: her resting ECG is normal,CTscan confirmed left hemiplegia. Using this case study, write a 2000 words essay please follow the essay guide line.\

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