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Is there any scenario that can justify a rape case?

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Is there any scenario that can justify a rape case? Rape victims live a traumatized life full of low self-esteem and disrespect. Worst consequences include serious grudge against the opposite gender or even depression. Where, how and why the rape cases occur is subject to forms of interventions. In the public domain, people argue that some ways of dressing could evoke actions that were never planned for. Others argue that visiting a group with a high drive of sex could cause sexual assault! In the formulation of laws in the Oregon constitution, more emphasis was put in favour of rapist. We understand the basis of human rights that guides on the nature of punishment charged for the different types of crimes. But I must say that I am not satisfied with the operating law as far as rape is concerned.

First, rape is a violent crime where sexual actions are forced by a person or a group to another. It is therefore not accidental but an action planned for and consciously executed. In my own words, I can define rape as taking advantage of someone in a violent way. I agree that some people dress seductively, but it does not explain why a sober mind cannot control temporally desires.  A person who is capable of raping you is capable of doing anything, including murder. Before I propose on the term to deal with first-degree rape, I would like to review the following forms of rape cases in Oregon. What is the right punishment for a person who assaults a person under the age of twelve years or an aged person? Why should we be partial when dealing with incest where minors are involved? Marital rapes are increasing by day where spouses have a misunderstanding. Which is the right action that should be set as a punishment for partner rape? It will be only fair when the punishment is more serious in Oregon so as to minimize the rape cases. I disagree with options for any bill given to rapists who assaulted victims after drugging them.

Rapists must be destroyed in Oregon for the sake of freedom to all. Standing for the advocacy of justice to all, I feel that the following petition should be included in the Oregon constitution. For a normal person caught with a rape case in the first degree, the offence will be punishable with death. I am therefore proposing a bill that will be applicable to the normal adults who will be proved guilty for rape cases. The bill will have the following specifications.

  1. Sexual intercourse with another person is a rape case in the first degree that is punishable by death if either of the following transpires:
  • When one forces sex with another person by posing murder threats or other forms of physical assault in cases of incompliance.
  • Where one uses drugs on the targeted individuals to make them unconscious or unresponsive during the intercourse
  • If a person is caught in a sex act with a child under the age of twelve years
  • Sexual intercourse with a person who is incapable of consent by reason of mental defect, forms of mental incapacitation, mental torture, and any kind of physical disability
  • Taking advantage of the underage or the overaged where the victim is helpless, particularly those who are not able to describe the rape situation.


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