Keys to SMS marketing strategy.
As an entrepreneur, choosing a cost-effective, reliable, and effective marketing strategy is key to
success. Mobile phones are becoming a basic necessity globally and sending text messages is a
popular means of communication. The rise of mobile phones has seen mobile marketing
emerging as an effective marketing strategy. It is used to increase brand awareness,
engagement from customers, and boosting sales. This strategy is preferred because, in relation
to others, it is fast and has a higher opening rate and engagement rate than email. Outlined
below are keys to SMS marketing strategy.
#1. Clear messages
To maximize your customers' attention span, go straight to the point quickly. You ought to
keep your messages short, precise, and relevant by minimizing the number of characters used,
thus reducing ambiguity. Strictly restrain from using abbreviations, all caps, emotions and open-
ended sentences for effective communication. Always add a link or follow up with an email to
allow the client to get more detailed information on the subject matter.
#2. permission
Your customer's permission is crucial for effective communication. You may want to start by
telling them the kind of text messages they should expect from you. Opt-ins can be achieved by
the call to an action method or a customer, including their mobile number via the web. Include a way
for customers to opt-in and out with every message.
#3. Using an SMS marketing tool
Although some prefer to use manual texting, an easy-to-use mass text messaging software is
recommended. Sending manual messages to your customers is bulky, prompting their
replacement by Bulk SMS service providers and software. It is easier, flexible, and fast, sending
the bulk messages using the software.
Bottom line
SMS marketing strategy ensures that you get most customers from many mobile users. This
strategy is gradually being accepted by both service providers and customers due to their
dependence on mobile phones. Investing in SMS marketing strategy is very important to your
marketing campaigns regardless of the type of business.