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Kia Rio 5-Door Overview.

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Kia Rio 5-Door Overview.

The Kia Rio was released into the 2020 Kia Class and came with a market price of $16,790. It has a powertrain that provides the users with a great value in its segment. The car comes in with a new Gamma at 1.6L MPI with a 120 horsepower and 112 lb.-feet of torque engine. It’s an improvement that replaces the older Gamma carrying 1.6LGDI engine. The all-New IVT transmission has replaced the 6-speed automatic.

It further improves the popular subcompacts and gives it reasonable fuel consumption. The car’s fuel consumption in the city roads is 33 mpg, while on the freeway, the car consumes 41 mpg. On both routes, the vehicle consumes at least 36 mpg.

It has a very comfortable and stylish cabin that has plush seats. The seats can accommodate up to five passengers. The driver’s seat can be manually adjusted in six different ways. The cargo area of this car is 17.4 cubic-feet. The back seats can be folded to create more cargo space. Its infotainment has a 7-inch touchscreen, an Apple CarPlay, and Android auto.


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