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The definition of knowledge is things humans learn in theory and lessons gained from personal experiences. It includes being familiar, having awareness, and understanding of things like new skills, information, and illustrations derived from education and experience. Accumulating knowledge is a multifaceted process since it includes not only reading different books but also undertaking new ventures to acquire different experiences. Compared to the extreme variables in the rest of the world, the knowledge gained from books is minute. For an individual to acquire expertise in a field, they need to understand how that world exists as much as the creator. Inadequacy of these fundamentals reduces knowledge already possessed to a superficial level. As part of being human, we need to make efforts to understand God so that we understand how to decipher right from wrong.

Basis of Ethics

The definition of ethics is the moral principles that guide one on how to conduct themselves, especially when performing various activities. These principles dictate how one treats their obligations, deliver services for society, practice fairness, among other rights and virtues (Velasquez, Andre, Shanks, Meyer, 2010). The basis of my ethics decrees that regardless of our diversity, all humans deserve a fair chance and equal opportunity. The root of diversity includes the difference in languages, physical appearances, gender, levels of education and ethnic backgrounds. In several instances, I have seen people from the same region treated unfairly in healthcare amenities and that sort of discrimination goes against every fibre of my being. I find no justification for biased behaviour on people based on their different race or challenges they may have physically or otherwise. Personally, equality is a universal obligation in the field of nursing as well as education and even engineering. Possessing spiritual beliefs enables a sincere bond between nurses and those they are meant to serve.

The Purpose of Existence

The reason for my existence is to strive for success by achieving desirable accomplishments by performing everything to the best of my ability for my creator. All creations owe their existence to God, and therefore in appreciation, we ought to perform our obligations to ourselves and others very well. For instance, caring for our families and assisting the needy in society. Correspondingly, God gave humans the duty of procreation and I feel it pertains to the obligation of taking care of family members in tough times.


A practising nurse must understand the universe. It is vital to comprehend our being, our coming to be, and the rest of the world. The responsibilities of nurses entail monitoring patients and providing them with the right medication. Moreover, the nurses have a moral responsibility to spiritually process the reason as to why patients are there in the first place. The spiritual bit allows the nurses to be fulfilling to their patients on the road to recovery in both mental and physical capacities. It also fosters beliefs in God that improve the nurses’ perspectives on how the universe works. Eventually, the nurses experience better outcomes for patients and stronger relationships between patients and nurses.


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