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MATRIC NO. : 1720940____________________________________

COURSE CODE : MGT 2010____________________________________

SECTION : 03____________________________________


Question No.Marks







  1. Name a real organization. Explain all the five(5) steps in the goal-setting process in the organization. (10 marks)


In the organization, there are five steps in the goal-setting process that  Managers should follow

  1. Study the mission, or intention, of the organization.

The first point is stressing the importance of setting specific targets; specific. Avoid goals that are too general or less detailed. The intention must not be ambiguous, must be clear. An organization must identify from the mission or objectives of the organization itself because The mission is the underlying justification for an organization’s existence.  The mission statement of the organization, especially at the business unit level determines the limits and purpose of the company’s business activities and broad explanations of the organization’s goals that provide overall guidance for what the organization members consider essential. The manager must review the mission beforehand to write goals because the goals must reflect that mission. Thus from this mission will make an organization capable of producing quality products and services that Meets the customers ‘ desires, wishes and aspirations.


  1. Evaluate available resources.

This second point emphasizes that the target must be realistic and achievable, meaning that the target should not be made too easy (for your team’s regular performance). Still, also it should not be too tricky, so it seems impossible to achieve. To make the  target achieved,  need to:

Assess whether the goals that have set can be achieved or not, by measuring them from team workload, team knowledge and abilities or other supporting resources. If not, then we can set different goals that can achieve in the present. Attainable targets will also answer questions, such as: Do the Company already have a strong commitment to achieving our goals? Are there other larger targets that want to make?


  1. Determine the goals individually or with input from others.

Set goals individually or with input from others. Make plans to achieve those goals. Setting goals is essential, but it also decides how to achieve it. The project is like the goals, must be short and long term. Having and using a worklist can be productive. Targets reflect the desired results and must align with the organization’s mission and objectives in other areas of the organization. These goals must be measurable, specific, and include a time frame for achievement.




  1. Write down the expectations and connect to everyone who wants to know.

Without the support of team members, the goals will not achieve in the future. Writing and teaching goals force people to think about them. Written goals are also tangible proof of the importance of working towards something.


  1. Review the results and whether the objectives achieved.

Review the goals regularly. Are the goals still appropriate? If the goals not achieve, change as needed. Once goals have been set, written, and communicated, a manager is ready to develop a plan to achieve the goal. In this evaluation vase, it can see whether everything is going well or not.


Goal-setting Process in Islamic Perspective is essential to determining and achievement of an objective. It reinforces proper, positive planning by achieving the goals of an organization. “ Does Islam in the Qur’an teach and study this planning problem?”


In Qur’an explained in surah al an’am 38,

وَمَا مِن دَآبَّةٍ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ وَلَا طَٰٓئِرٍ يَطِيرُ بِجَنَاحَيْهِ إِلَّآ أُمَمٌ أَمْثَالُكُم ۚ مَّا فَرَّطْنَا فِى ٱلْكِتَٰبِ مِن شَىْءٍ ۚ\ ثُمَّ إِلَىٰ رَبِّهِمْ يُحْشَرُونَ
And there is no creature on [or within] the earth or bird that flies with its wings except [that they are] communities like you. We have not neglected in the Register a thing. Then unto their Lord, they will be gathered.

There is also in (surah al- hasyr, verse 18,

يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ ٱتَّقُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ وَلْتَنظُرْ نَفْسٌ مَّا قَدَّمَتْ لِغَدٍ ۖ وَٱتَّقُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ خَبِيرٌۢ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ
O you who have believed, fear Allah. And let every soul look to what it has put forth for tomorrow – and fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do.


In this verse explains that God as the creator, Allah as the planner of all creatures, Allah is the Most Planned. Managers or leader must have many concepts about management, including planning. A great leader holds a mission and vision to builds. Both of these things to run according to the common goals. The result of proper and mature planning. Besides, the word pay attention according to Al-Ghazali’s Faith implies that humans must pay attention to every deed he does, and prepare (plan) always to do the best for tomorrow.







  1. “One should include ethical considerations in analyses of an organization’s internal and external environments.” Do you agree with this statement? Take a position (agree or disagree).  Explain your answer with two(2) points. (10 marks)

Nowadays, we currently understood that organization is a gathering place for a group of people to work together to achieve a particular goal. With a statement stating that “One should include ethical considerations in the analysis of an organization’s internal and external environments.” From that statement, I agree that the organization should consider an internal and external investment. Because first, the purpose of the analysis is to find essential aspects of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats within a company and the second reason is to provide an investigation aimed at describing the situation that is being faced or might be lived by the organization.

Internal and External analysis of an organization is a fraction of SWOT analysis. SWOT analyzes are useful strategic planning tools to determine strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. From the four components above, the SWOT analysis can divide into two factors, namely internal factors and external factors.

; external factors include opportunities (threats) and threats (threats) The environmental scanning of specific and general environments to identify opportunities and threats.

S: Strength. This component is a characteristic (unique) that can provide advantages or advantages compared to the others.

W: Weakness or weakness. One of the characteristics that can determine the gaps that exist in the company.

while Internal factors include strengths and weaknesses,

O: Opportunity or opportunity. By using this component, we will find out what possibilities can be utilized for the company to develop later.

Q: Threat or threat. This component is to find out what threats the company might face, which can hamper the development of the  Company.





Firstly, SWOT Analysis aims to find essential aspects of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in a company. By knowing these four aspects, is expected to maximize strengths, minimize weaknesses, reduce risks, and build opportunities in the future. SWOT analysis does as a re-evaluation of business products offered when experiencing a product life cycle (life cycle product) So that the business products offered in the right marketing strategy. SWOT assessment is not an analytical tool that able to provide an appropriate solution for all problems that exist in the company.


Secondly, provide analysis aimed at describing the situation that is being faced or might be lived by the organization. With SWOT analysis, the company has the aim of making the company more focused on its business activities, Because of the SWOT analysis made to be a comparison of thought of business activities from various perspectives. In both in terms external ( business strengths and weaknesses )and internal (business opportunities and threats).

To sum up, I agree that the statement use swot analysis is essential in forming the organization’s style—the findings of the SWOT analysis. The company can determine whether new projects realize or not. If the project realized, the company must prepare additional resources and actions to make the plan successful.

SWOT analysis in life, in one of the verses of the Qur’an, Allah says in Surah QS. Al-Hasyr Verse 18,

يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ ٱتَّقُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ وَلْتَنظُرْ نَفْسٌ مَّا قَدَّمَتْ لِغَدٍ ۖ وَٱتَّقُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ خَبِيرٌۢ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ

O you who have believed, fear Allah. And let every soul look to what it has put forth for tomorrow – and fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do.

When we pay attention, this is a question from God that requires us to think and understand what we have or will do in life so that we can use a branch of management by using management strategies. If we describe SWOT one by one, then the first thing that will discuss our strength as Muslims is faith. Considerable capital and not everyone gets this guidance. Then another advantage is health, the ability to think, opportunities to do possible things and a little wealth. Our weakness may not have enough knowledge, because, in Islam, a science must precede charity. At the same time, challenges in life include issues of life patterns that have very fulfilled with materialistic thinking patterns that much glorify the pleasures of the world.



  1. Do you think that most managers in real-life use a contingency approach to increase their leadership effectiveness? Take a position (yes or no). Explain your answer with two(2) points. (10 marks.)


Yes, I do, the most effective managers do use the contingency approach in real life as well. Contingency approach: a management approach that recognizes organizations as different, which means they face different situations (contingencies) and require different ways of managing.

Most successful leaders do not agree that a one size fits all solution. Subconsciously most managers will use the situational leadership theory. They will change the way they lead specific employees in one on one situation. As managers participate in mentoring, development training, networking, and on-the-job experience, they should be more comfortable and comfortable in their use of a contingency approach to increase their leadership effectiveness. Organizations that offer leadership training include contingency approaches.

In contingency theory, some elements influence leadership style, namely the relationship between leaders and subordinates (leader-member relations), the involvement of subordinate. Their respect to the level of quality of relationships that occur between leaders and assistants and the attitude of assistants to perspectives personality, character and leadership skills, the form of tasks (task structure), associated with work situations that describe the functions arranged. The trends, and the role of leader, It was related to authority that displayed leadership of subordinate.

Leader’s Islam is a mandate, entrusted by Allah, not something that is requested, let alone pursued and cont. Sted because leadership breeds power and authority that used solely to make it easier to carry out the responsibility of serving the people. The higher the power of a person, the more should improve services to the community. Not the other way around, it is used as an opportunity to enrich oneself, act wrongfully and arbitrarily. The real reward leader is only from Allah in the hereafter, not to increase the wealth and luxury in the world. Effective leadership at least has 4 (four) characteristics/characteristics in carrying out its direction, namely: Siddiq, Tabligh, Amanah and Fathanah.

1) Siddiq is honest so that he can be trusted;

2) Tabligh, namely the transmitter or the ability to communicate and negotiate;

3) Trust, which is responsible for carrying out their duties;

4) Fathanah is intelligent in making plans, visions, missions, strategies and implementing them.





The characteristics of Islamic leaders are serving and not being served and helping others to progress. Therefore, the leadership can be said to be effective, if with the characteristics of having the nature of being honest, trustful, straightforward, friendly, responsible and devoted to Allah SWT. Having various kinds of skills such as being able to influence and move others, ready to solve problems, be smart, creative, have a vision ahead, flexible and have social skills so they can achieve goals.



































  1. Brieflyexplain the job characteristics theory. (10 marks)


Job characteristics were first developed by Hackman and Oldham (1976) through the job characteristics model (JCM), which explains how work structures affect employee behaviour and their attitudes towards work conditions.

The job characteristics approach is a follow-up to the work design process. This job characteristic model seeks to explain the situation and practical design work for individuals using a contingency approach. In general terms, the core dimensions of practice are general characteristics found at various levels of employment. The core dimensions of these job characteristics further described as follows:

  1. Diversity of skills (skill variety) is the degree to which the job requires individuals who can perform various tasks that require them to use different skills and abilities.
  2. Identity of the task is the degree to which a job requires completion of the entire process of the identified job part.
  3. The meaning of the responsibility (task significance) is the level to which the work has a substantial influence on the life or work of other individuals
  4. Autonomy: the degree to which a job provides freedom, independence and significant discretion for individuals in planning work and determining the procedures that will use to carry out the work.
  5. Feedback is to what degree an individual has gets clear and direct knowledge about the efficacy of his work through the execution of the work activities.


In the Islamic perspective, the work ethic of a Muslim is a passion for walking the right path. AL Quran teaches beliefs related to commitment to work. It does not allow ethical work behaviour such as begging, lazing, not making the best use of time and engaging in unproductive activities. Explains the Islamic work ethic is a human character and habits about work, emanating from the Islamic faith system or aqeedah, which is an essential life attitude towards it. The concept of the Islamic work ethic based on the ideas of faith and righteous deeds so that the Islamic work ethic has the characteristics of work which constitutes a translation of worship, work based on knowledge, and work by imitating Divine attributes and following His instructions. With a high Islamic work ethic will also produce high productivity and will also affect performance. Someone well aware of this will always be motivated at work so that he can achieve success in the world and the hereafter (Falah).








“Ethical communication includes all information, is true in every sense, and is not deceptive in any way.” Do you agree with this statement? Take a position (agree or disagree). Explain your answer with two (2) points. (10 marks)

As a social role, we certainly know ethics, including the essential things in human life. Ethics itself is the main branch of science that discusses the values ​​of right, wrong, good, bad, and responsibility which become the standard and moral judgment in society or society. “Ethical communication encompasses all information, is true in all respects, and is not deceptive in any way.” Therefore, I agree with that statement because ethical communication is necessary. After all, it is essential, and everyone’s ethical communication can help misunderstandings.

First of all, communication is an essential aspect of human relations. The importance of ethics in conversation should not be overlooked because some people may be needed by communicating using standard language – such as not caring about starting a conversation or writing what needs to be said. We must be good at filtering sentences before talking about how to talk to others who ask for help with the state. Communication ethics is also needed to help clarify considerations so that the right decisions are made to be useful tools in the dialogue process. With the existence of ethical communication, can complete all the information needed.

Essential characteristics of Ethical Communication are as follows:

  1. Conveying ideas without offending the audience. Delivering an accurate message is the fundamental purpose of business communication. Besides, it is essential to send the news in a way that does not offend the audience or cause negative emotions.
  2. Maintain a relationship with the audience. Maintaining relationships is related to keeping all communicators at the same wavelength—the connection based on trust and the relationship between them.
  3. Avoid holding back essential communications. Information is necessary for decision making. Therefore it is crucial to convey information correctly and completely, without holding back essential parts.
  4. Building a well-organized value system. This value system relies on mutual respect and honesty or other values ​​that are shared by the communicator.










Second, without ethics can cause mistakes. Because humans, in general, are social creatures, it means that humans cannot live individually, in other words, communication that can communicate as a flow of mutual information from individuals to other individuals makes no misunderstanding between the two individuals. People who do not use ethics in a conversation called unethical communication, which can distort the truth or manipulate the audience in various ways. Cause our relationship with others to be wrong. Of course, it will have adverse consequences, because we also need social that always needs and is needed by others.

Besides, I believe that all information is used in ethical communication, is accurate in any context and is not in any way misleading because communication is vital in human life.

In an Islamic perspective, communication is an inseparable part of human life because all our steps are always in contact. Communication that is approved is Islamic communication, that is, moral or ethical communication. Transmission with morality means a connection that originates from AL Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet.

Islamic communication is the process of delivering Islamic messages using the principles of communication in Islam. Then Islamic discussion emphasizes the message that is not explicit, namely the message or values ​​of Islam, and the way, how it is about the style of speech and use of language (rhetoric). Islamic messages conveyed in Islamic communication encompass all Islamic teachings, containing creed (faith), sharia (Islam), and morals (Ihsan). The Islamic messages transmitted referred to as da’wah. Da’wah is work or speech to increase the ability to accept Is.















  1. Every individual employee in an organization plays a role in controlling work activities.” Do you agree with this statement? Take a position (agree or disagree). Explain your answer with two(2) points. (10 marks)

The organization is an association of people who have a common goal to meet their needs. Organizations differ from just a group of people because they have specific goals and have a more formal structure, formed when several people join, carry out and coordinate tasks and responsibilities for particular purposes. There is a statement that “Every individual employee in an organization plays a role in controlling work activities.”, In this case, I agree with that statement. Mostly everyone wants to contribute, and the manager is to lead.

Firstly, everyone wants to contribute; everyone needs the opportunity to use their unique talents for the benefit of the company and wish to make a difference. Remove employees from the chance, and they will become unproductive and miserable. Besides, a person must have a role in the organization. Humans will learn while doing. There are no opportunities for employees to learn and grow if they do not have control over the process because there is no point in hiring an expert in anything the company’s interests.

Secondly, the manager’s job is to set goals, communicate the results the company needs, provide the necessary support by helping employees overcome obstacles. The manager is required to give advice and evaluate according to the needs of his career. The manager also needs to take responsibility, so that the best employee will be kept in the circle. The employee should have the opportunity to contribute themselves, but managers give firm direction when they know something is not going to fly. Managers must manage the big picture, other stakeholders in a project, so they often understand sensitivity and politics better than employees who generally do not care about themselves with these problems as part of their daily work routines.

The manager is at the highest level in the company. There is interdependence between the team and the manager. Nevertheless, that does not mean that managers know everything about the company. Each employee brings a unique set of skills and different perspectives through a challenge, so as a leader who wants to achieve the best results, not giving voice to others so we can explore the problem from every angle? Where is Creativity, innovation, if only one person has the opportunity to contribute?

Play an integral role in various forms of human interaction. As a comprehensive religion, Islam regulates all aspects of life as an integrated system that clearly emphasizes the importance of values and practices to gain the pleasure and mercy of Allah SWT.



The role is significant in Islam. Nevertheless, do not forget to bring the elements that we have taught. These elements exist at the personal level, such as Creativity, honesty and trust, personal fulfilment, commitment, motivation and job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. There are also elements at the organizational level, such as emotional development and spiritual competence, encouraging holistic ways to work, developing the community at work, empowering the workforce and human society, avoiding risk and ethics, stress management and career development.










































PART B: Answer ALL TWO (2) questions in the answer book provided. Please be organized, precise, concise and coherent. (Total marks = 40)


Tan Sri Shahril said: “We will be announcing other voluntary measures to enable flexible work arrangements for those remaining in the company, including reduced workweek, permanent work-from-home and sabbaticals.” 

Based on this statement, explain two (2) structural issues might arise in managing employees’ flexible work arrangements. (20 marks)

Flexible work arrangements are schedules that allow caricature to maintain flexibility in working with personal responsibility. Such as,

  1. Telecommuting (Working from home with links to the workplace using technology),
  2.  Compressed workweek (Working for more extended hours per day but fewer workdays),
  3. Job sharing (Practice of having two or people share a full-time job)  Flextime ( Scheduling system that requires employees to work certain hours a week with flexible variations on those hours within certain limits). 4. Flexible working can reduce conflicts between work and family, reduce work stress and affect individual performance.

The issue of equality arises because in global companies and those who hold employment relations with this flexible workforce, are not on the same parameters in providing facilitation and convenience for workers to carry out work. Not to mention the welfare problems that are following the needs of the workforce itself (and with their families).

The disadvantage is not only that; if we look at the organizational structure that can be a win is Communication and Inadequate. Cooperation with Colleagues because Not necessarily the work schedules of employees are the same with each other. So the possibility of miss-communication and cooperation there are certainly not good ones—made worse, especially if the working hours between employees in one work team are very contradictory. How can the employee work well together with a teammate if working hours are against each other?

Besides, there are no differences in the work and home environment. Sometimes the flexibility of working hours does not lead to a positive career and personal life. Indeed, home is a place for people to rest, but people now use it for work. That way comes the not-so-kind assumption of the Surrounding Environment because the Neighbors can think of that as an unemployed person. After all, we have never seen going to work as an employee in general. From here, there is no longer a difference between life and the work environment or home. Even in personal life can interfere with this policy.




On the other hand, the Loss of Flexible Work Hours can see from the side of the company’s structure. The company also suffered losses due to flexible working hours. Likewise, managers or superiors find it challenging to hold work meetings with complete team members due to differences in working hours. Many employees take advantage of working hours to do things other than work, such as watching, travelling or lazing. Managers who are accustomed to supervising Employees work directly in the office must adjust and find ways to be still able to maintain the productivity of their employees. Employees who work in the workplace used to are inefficient when forced to work at home disruptive, and the customer has trouble getting in touch with the staff.

In Islamic perspective, this news arises because of the effect of the corona domain, the flexible work arrangement. Like the Hadith that the Messenger of Allah recommended to Stay at Home During the Plague,

عن عائشة زوج النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنها أخبرتنا أنها سألت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عن الطاعون فأخبرها نبي الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه كان عذابا يبعثه الله على من يشاء فجعله الله رحمة للمؤمنين فليس من عبد يقع الطاعون فيمكث في بلده صابرا يعلم أنه لن يصيبه إلا ما كتب الله له إلا كان له مثل أجر الشهيد

“(the wife of the Prophet) that she asked Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) about plague, and Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) informed her saying, “Plague was a punishment which Allah used to send on whom He wished, but Allah made it a blessing for the believers. None (among the believers) remains patient in a land in which plague has broken out and considers that nothing will befall him except what Allah has ordained for him, but that Allah will grant him a reward similar to that of a martyr” (HR. Bukhari, Nasa’i dan Ahmad).


The Prophet gave guidance during the plague that did not leave the house, the sentence “then he refrained at home” is a sunnah exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad when an outbreak of disease. The #stay at home is one method of deciding the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic, because if the crowd is not limited, surely the range of Covid-19 will be increasingly massive. Therefore, the existence of a flexible work arrangement becomes the solution.














Recommend two (2) ways to Tan Sri Shahril as President and CEO of Sapura Energy to manage global structural issues due to coronavirus pandemic and subsequently to lay off full-time employees. (20 marks)

The consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic or coronavirus is profoundly painful. One of the affected by the emergence of the coronavirus is the economic sector. Many companies cannot run their business as usual. They are causing the company to experience a decrease in revenue, even if there is no income at all. With the decline in revenue makes the company must think so that the company can survive in the current conditions. Various ways companies carried out so that their businesses can survive, ranging from implementing a system of working from home to mass layoffs, cutting workers ‘wages, and delaying paying workers’ salaries.

The methods carried out are hazardous for the company because it can violate existing legal provisions. Businesses should remain calm when facing this coronavirus pandemic. So companies can take the right steps. In addition to dealing with calmly, business actors must think more creatively. That way, business actors can make decisions for the company wisely. What should do to employees in these difficult times regarding the status and obligations of employers? Honest and transparent We recommend that the company be fair and open to its employees related to the conditions they are experiencing. That way, the company can negotiate what steps are best for employees and the company.

Determine the business strategy. If the business strategy that is being carried out by the company can still run, then we should keep it. However, if it cannot survive the company can use pivoting from the core business. Pivot itself means searching for other business models, but still being in the same division as the company. The company can also run both together. The Directing employees according to current needs After determining the business strategy, the company must direct its employees so that the business strategy can run and according to requirements, for those whose contract status, if it expires, it does not need to be extended. If the company has employees whose contract status will expire, it should postpone the extension first. If it felt that the employees are working well, and the company does not want to let go of the employees, then the solution is to become a partner/distributor/reseller/freelance.






If cash flow bleeds, then negotiate with employees through bipartite. Companies that experience heavy cash flow, the company can negotiate with employees through bipartite. Bipartite is a negotiation between workers or trade unions and companies to complete industrial relations. The company should negotiate a new agreement on the current conditions. Do the employee have to lay off or do no work, no pay? If there are unproductive payments, we should negotiate the time, amount, and method of payment if the sum is constrained by.

Force majeure, the company can collect evidence and make a new agreement. Do we have to sell the same goods/services as the current legality? The company must be able to adapt. Companies can utilize existing resources to sell goods/services needed by consumers today. If the goods/services sold by the company do not meet the current needs of consumers, the company can produce or distribute products. For production, adjust the needs of today’s consumers. As for distribution, companies can help sell products that are needed today. Related to legality, we should use the current validity in the company.

The company should focus on revenue first. However, if the legality is related to licensing products/services sold, the company should immediately take care of it. As much as possible, the consideration is whether the costs that come out have the potential to generate revenue for the company. Companies can also collaborate with other companies whose products are needed by consumers today so that it can make a win-win cooperation agreement. Besides, this collaboration can maximize existing resources and do not require capital anymore. They are maximizing existing resources and all-new expenses directed to be a cos variable.

Islamic perspective, the work agreement in Islamic sharia classified as a lease agreement, namely a person or several people who work for a particular person and musytarak, those who work for the benefit of many people). At the same time, people who benefit from work (employers) are called musta’ir.In Islam, dismissal of ministers is permitted provided there is an apparent reason for being given severance pay.

Al Baqarah verse 233,

۞ وَٱلْوَٰلِدَٰتُ يُرْضِعْنَ أَوْلَٰدَهُنَّ حَوْلَيْنِ كَامِلَيْنِ ۖ لِمَنْ أَرَادَ أَن يُتِمَّ ٱلرَّضَاعَةَ ۚ وَعَلَى ٱلْمَوْلُودِ لَهُۥ رِزْقُهُنَّ وَكِسْوَتُهُنَّ بِٱلْمَعْرُوفِ ۚ لَا تُكَلَّفُ نَفْسٌ إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا ۚ لَا تُضَآرَّ وَٰلِدَةٌۢ بِوَلَدِهَا وَلَا مَوْلُودٌ لَّهُۥ بِوَلَدِهِۦ ۚ وَعَلَى ٱلْوَارِثِ مِثْلُ ذَٰلِكَ ۗ فَإِنْ أَرَادَا فِصَالًا عَن تَرَاضٍ مِّنْهُمَا وَتَشَاوُرٍ فَلَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيْهِمَا ۗ وَإِنْ أَرَدتُّمْ أَن تَسْتَرْضِعُوٓا۟ أَوْلَٰدَكُمْ فَلَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيْكُمْ إِذَا سَلَّمْتُم مَّآ ءَاتَيْتُم بِٱلْمَعْرُوفِ ۗ وَٱتَّقُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ وَٱعْلَمُوٓا۟ أَنَّ ٱللَّهَ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ بَصِيرٌ





Mothers may breastfeed their children two complete years for whoever wishes to complete the nursing [period]. Upon the father are the mothers’ provision and their clothing according to what is acceptable—no person charged with more than his capacity. No mother should harm her child and no father through his child. And upon the [father’s] heir is [a duty] like that [of the father]. And if they both desire to wean through mutual consent, there is no blame upon either of them. And if you wish to have your children nursed by a substitute, there is no blame upon you as long as you give payment according to what is acceptable. Moreover, fear Allah and know that Allah sees what you do.



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