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Leadership Behavior

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Leadership Behavior

Leadership is a subject that has a long excited interest in a significant number of people. The effective leadership behavior article by Gary Yukl describes the hierarchical of various behaviors and the lack of precise results concerning dynamic behavior. The author aims at explaining what is known about effective behavior and operation in an organization. He reviews what has been understood concerning effective leadership behavior after research conducted for more than half a century (Yukl, 2012). Additionally, the article integrates results from a vast number of studies with various ways of both grouping and measuring leadership behavior through developing behavior taxonomy. As the report starts, it explains the way decades of behavior research gives the basis for the hierarchical arrangement using broad meta-categories and 15 specific components behavior.

The article uses factor analysis of behavior description questionnaires as a method to identify categories of leadership behavior. It is a useful method when clear and when relevant items are selected for the first question, and the respondent can remember the leader’s past behavior and give the correct ratings. The article provides the shortcoming associated with this method and the potential extension of the hierarchical taxonomy. The factor analysis method is not applicable in a situation where a behavior category has various alternative ways of achieving similar objectives. This limitation helps explain the substantial difference in leader behavior taxonomies (Yukl, Gordon & Taber, 2002). The author describes various conditions that control the impacts of such behaviors and the reason why more research concerning them is v. Therefore, this article’s observable leadership behavior is presented differently from skills, values, and personal characteristics. Future studies should major in explaining how various types of constructs jointly describe the kind of leader control in work performance and other outcomes.
























Yukl, G. (2012). Effective leadership behavior: What we know and what questions need more attention. Academy of Management Perspectives26(4), 66-85.

Yukl, G., Gordon, A., & Taber, T. (2002). A hierarchical taxonomy of leadership behavior: Integrating a half-century of behavior research. Journal of leadership & organizational studies9(1), 15-32.


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