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Learn how to Add YouTube Subscribe Button to your Website

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Learn how to Add YouTube Subscribe Button to your Website

Meta-description: you need help on how to embed a YouTube subscriber button on your website? Worry no more, this article address all steps to follow in adding free YouTube subscribe button to your website.

Do you have a YouTube channel? Would you want to boost your YouTube subscriber numbers right from your website? Great thanks to the embedded subscription button! It is possible to facilitate your website visitors to navigate and subscribe to your YouTube channels.

In this article, we have taken a clear look at how to add this useful button on your website, customizing it in a manner that suits the style of your website.


There are three different designs of the subscriber button from which you can choose for your website. The three buttons include; the basic one which is the default, the full layout that shows the entire YouTube channel and the third is the one with an avatar image. It is upon you to decide which will suit you best. From there, head over to your YouTube developer tools page and get the required code.

Code snippet

In the process of generating code, you need to add the free YouTube subscriber button to your website. From there head over to the configure button section. ensure to fill in the name of your YouTube channel. From there you will be required to click on the two drop-down menus that will help you decide the layout and theme to add. After following that procedure, the code will get generated automatically in the box on the right side. By copying and pasting it into your website, you will have a live, embedded clickable button.

There are two methods that you can employ the code snippet. The first one is when you are directed to configure a button page and selecting the right one.

The second step entails visiting the word press dashboard, clicking on the appearance than to the available widgets choose the right HTML, and paste the code in the preferred content area.


Alternatively, it is possible adding a youtube subscribe button using the plugins. However, it has never been easy doing it with the wordpress website. All you need to do is go to the plugin and add new. From there search for your youtube subscribe plugins, install then activate them.

From there, go to the appearances, and click on the widgets. Make sure you find the right youtube subscribe from the available widgets, drag and drop them to your widget area. Also, ensure to add correct information in regards to the title, channel id by checking the preferred options.

Terms and conditions

Youtube has stipulated a new condition when it comes to shiny new buttons. It is important to show all the buttons clearly. Its all because you cannot incentivize clicking on the subscribe buttons and yet track on the user’s data.


It is a great chance. it helps convert the people who browse through your website content to your youtube channel subscribers. It is possible doing that by just adding the subscription button on your website. And from the article, it is such an easy thing to do!

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