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Learning Plan

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Learning Plan

As a student, the core reason for attending college is to get a diploma certificate. The course I am pursuing will give me a competitive advantage in the job market. Secondly, I have attended college to widen my professional networks. Another critical reason is to secure a job in the future.

Next semester I will learn a business foundations course. I am to score 85%. I will also learn accounting courses to understand the basic concepts. Lastly, I will learn professional presentation skills to become competent in my work presentations.

I am expecting to graduate in 2021. Some factors may hinder my dream—for instance, failing in any course. I have put effort into ensuring that I pass all my classes. The other factor is calling off to do work. I will request for leave so that I can finish my sessions on time.

Since the first year, I noticed that I have been wasting a lot of time in college. To reduce the time lost, I developed a timetable that I have strictly followed during the semester. Next semester, I will enroll in a French class to learn the foreign language to reduce the time I waste in college. This semester I was involved in Seneca through online courses. I learned that online courses could be done effectively through google classrooms.

This semester, I developed active listening skills. The skills are of great use when in discussion with my friends. I also developed problem-solving skills that help me make sound decisions when faced with a problem.

I chose this picture because it reflects my success in college. Secondly, the upward trend of the success graph is motivating. Lastly, I chose the picture because it is simple to understand and analyze. This image is retrieved from kTGDNIJeHZI3d7yQloqb4gmA5O2A&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj0tfrL34nrAhWx8uAKHU1pC6EQ9QEwDHoECAYQCQ&biw=1366&bih=667#imgrc=ZvuKyAet_kkU1M


Gary Hamel said that “A noble purpose inspires sacrifice, stimulates innovation, and encourages perseverance.” I chose this quotation because I am that person who likes learning new things that require sacrifice and perseverance, and the Seneca studies are new to me. The quote teaches us that all we need to achieve our goals is sacrifice and determination. Thirumalai Prabakaran. (2015, December 12).Top 10 Never give up Quotes on perseverance. [Video]YouTube

I read an article titled “10-Simple-Motivation-Tips-for-School-and-college-students.” I found this article useful to me as a college student because my goal is to pass in my studies. Another reason is that it clearly states the tips for success and motivation, and lastly is because it explains how we can motivate ourselves as students and set clear goals. This article is retrieved from

I watched a YouTube video titled “Habits of Highly Successful Students.” I chose this video because it is short. The second reason I selected it is that it uses simple language, and lastly, it explains the best habits for a successful student. A student will watch this and learn the best practices and do away with bad habits.

My personal goal for two years from now is to have a GPA of 60, and my career goal is to intern with a big company. My two steps are proper planning of my study time and early application in the big companies.

My personal goal for five years from now is to enroll for a degree course, and my career goal is to start my own business. The steps to take are first graduating with a diploma certificate and applying for a degree course and saving money to start a business.


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