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Liam post

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Liam post

For my final topic, I chose to compare Influenza and Covid-19 by carefully examining policy and regulations present at their respective times. Because globally people are still feeling the effects of Covid-19, I feel like my audience is anyone who is concerned with the pandemic and how humanity has handled them in the past. I realize it’s obvious, but also everyone in the class (including Dr Macdonald) is a part of the audience and probably the most important because you’ll be the first ones to read my paper. Furthermore, my paper will also appeal to those in the political science field and those interested in politics due to the cross examination of legislation during each of these times.

The way I wish to conduct my virtual exhibit is through a podcast style auditory piece dubbed over a visual presentation. In essence, a fancy, yet educational, YouTube video. The video would include a PowerPoint with imagery from both eras as well as brief documentation to show the differences between Covid-19 and Influenza. This best fits my audience because it would allow for more creative expression, which would, in turn, capture the audience’s attention. Focusing more on my classmates, I think an out-of-real-time Kahoot game would be useful because I think it’s safe to assume almost everyone here likes Kahoot. These two formats I think are the best way to get my entire audience involved and interested in my topic.

Reply to Liam post

Liam post targets the general public and any of his classmates and their teacher as the audience. This is a perfect target since Liam research project aims to compare influenza and COVID-19 pandemics that have created great attention globally. Hence, many people will be willing to be audience to such a research project. Further, the use of virtual exhibit through youtube will make it easily accessible to many of Liam’s audiences.

Jarod post

The target audience of my project is young people who are interested in social change and activism. The goal of my project is to hopefully get other young people engaged in activism and learning about social change. Now is a time where we have a perfect example of history repeating itself, and to prevent these issues from coming up again, activism is a necessary first step. I hope to engage everyone by making the content interesting, entertaining, and interactive. On the website for Mount Vernon, you can take a virtual tour of the estate, and that inspired me to have an interactive tour of a protest from both movements. This will create a more engaging way to learn, which will hopefully be entertaining and informative.

Reply to Jarod post

Jarod’s post target young population as the main audience for the project on social change and activism. Although the age of the young people that Jarod post is targeting is not clear, it seems as if he is targeting youth as his key audience. This is a perfect target of the audience because most of the activities such as Martin Luther king junior became activities at a young age. Use of interesting and entertaining content will also attract many youth audiences to Jarod’s project.

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