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Library Classification System

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  1. Discuss the following library classification system

(a)The library of Congress Classification System.

(b)Dewey Decimal Classification System.



In the quest for knowledge different systems have been put in place. A library classification is one of the systems of knowledge created in improving knowledge delivery. It involves the organization of library resources. The organization is done according to a common genre such as in the order of subjects and topics in the library. The system enhances the learning system making it convenient and effective. There are three classification systems but in this essay, the discussion will be focused on the two main categories namely the library of Congress Classification System and Dewey Decimal Classification System as shown below.

  • The library of Congress Classification System.

It is one of the commonly used library systems. It was first developed between the late nineteenth and early twentieth century to aid in organizing book collections of the Library of Congress. It was invented by Herbert Putman just before he assumed the librarianship of Congress.

Due to its diversity, the Library of Congress System uses about 21 broad categories which are identified using the letters of alphabets. However, some letters such as W, X, Y, I, and O are not used in the identification. The system also uses sub-topics which are seen after mixing of the alphabetic letters. The call numbers are used in the system. The 21 broad subjects are used in getting the best call numbers of the relevant books. Therefore, locating books from the catalog is easier and more efficient. In addition to that, the system is commonly used in research and academic libraries in the United States and other countries.

  • Dewey Decimal Classification System

It was first published in the United States by Melvil Dewey an American Librarian, in 1876. It is based on the arrangement which has a division of 10 categories and where each category uses 100 numbers. More subdivisions are done in the system to provide a more specific subject group. It is mainly used in marking and arranging non-fiction books in the library.

It represents figures beginning with 000 going to 999. Therefore each number designates a special topic and arranged in the library shelves with its unique call number. The call number entails the author’s name, division, and subject of the book. It as well as decimal points used in separating the call numbers of the books in the library. Typically, it is used in most public school libraries since it is learners’ friendly and library effective in getting resources easily from the library catalog. The system is advantageous since it is developed and maintained in a national bibliographic agency that is the Library of Congress.


      A library classification is a good initiative since it aids the librarian to provide the necessary books efficiently. Also, it leads to libraries having well-arranged documents in a manner that helps the readers acquire learning resources. Eventually learning at large is improved due to the library system used.


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