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Lifetime Exercise

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Lifetime Exercise

  1. Aerobics exercise and balance exercises are two types of lifetime exercise within resistance training and weight lifting.
  2. In reference to the components of Health-Related Physical Fitness, the two lifetime exercises can be evaluated as follows. First of all, balance exercise refers to the practice where the standing quads are completed. The standing quad stretch keeps and improves my mobility and flexibility. The arm string stretch, on the other hand, keeps my shoulders and neck relaxed as I bend forwards from my waist. Aqua aerobics is a tremendous therapeutic workout that training keeps me healthy and functional. When it comes to the balance exercises, it is essential to point out that they keep the body balanced and relaxed at the end. As a lifetime exercise, it is indicative of highlighting that this exercise is necessary when it comes to increasing muscular strength. Furthermore, my preference for this exercise is witnessed by the stance that it actuates flexibility. Research evidence shows that the aerobics exercise is good as it necessitates sculpting in the quadriceps and hamstrings. Although it is often aligned to the beginner athletes, it is desirable for lifetime exercise. When it comes to balance exercises, they inculcate a stance where the body is raised and lowered by the use of arms. It is indicative of the movement in pectoral muscles and the mid-section.
  3. My potential ‘lifetime’ exercise is ‘complete’ throughout my lifespan. My lifetime wellness activities include aerobics exercise and balance exercises. I believe that utilizing these exercises will enable me to age with a healthy physique as well as be smart since it engages significant mental capacity. Pragmatically, research evidence points to the stance that engaging in physical activity activates the mind as well. I am sure that these exercises will last for long as their relevance is unquestionable.



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