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London International Music Festival

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Case Study: London International Music Festival













Music festivals have played a significant role in the growth of music even amidst a decline in revenue that comes from the sale of single hits and albums. The reason why there is a decline is the development of applications such as Spotify and apple music. The development of these sites has made music more accessible to the public and hence affecting the sale of music. The music industry has made a shift to festivals because they generate much more revenue for the artists and enable them to be exposed to the public (Quinn, 2006). It is important that during the planning of these events managers consider factors such as sustainability, management of crowds, sponsorship, management of people, safety as well as public relations. The London International Music Festival offers an international experience where music can be experienced at world class quality. It provides an opportunity where people can experience London which is one of the most cultured cities in the world. While musicians can interact from all over the globe, they can develop their talents through this interaction.

The London International Music Festival

Music festivals have grown to become a very vital part of the entertainment industry. This is because it provides economic and social benefits. When planning a music festival, it is important to focus on issues such as sponsorship. Organizations sponsor events in a bid to move their own companies forward. When it comes to sponsorship it is important to pick on an organization whose ideals are similar to those of the events (Getz, 2000). For instance, Xerox will be the main sponsor for this event. This is because the organization has a similar mission to that of the London International Music Festival. The organization promotes diversity as well as equal opportunities for all. The organization is also a supporter of LGBTQ rights. This means that any talented musicians will feel welcome no matter what sexuality they identify with.


Sustainability is also an important concept when it comes to large events such as the London International Music Festival. This includes ensuring that sustainable options are picked when it comes to the details of the planning. This includes transportation methods and waste management. This is because festivals involve a lot of littering. In order to reduce wastage and protect the environment then event managers have to look into ways through which they can conserve the environment (Pan et al., 2014). In the London International Music Festival making use reusable cups will help reduce the clutter that will occur after the festival is over. Making use of green couches will also help reduce the pollution that will come as a result of the vehicles. When it comes to crowd management, then an event organizer is responsible for the control of crowds (Mowen et al., 2003). This includes keeping aisles clear and without obstructions at all times. Crowds should be prohibited from standing of sitting near these aisles or any paths that lead to the exit. The capacity of the venue should be known in order to ensure that safe distancing is maintained. Exists should remain without obstructions to assist in evacuation in event of an emergency that required immediate evacuation (Chiu and Zheng, 2007). When a particular venue reaches capacity then crowds should be prevented from going in to ensure that capacity regulations remain in place. When it comes to seating arrangements, it is important to pick a space that can handle the expected attendance. It is recommended that ushers be used in controlling crowds and maintaining the maximum number of people per venue. Making use of tickets to track attendance is critical for events that are expected to be full to capacity. Overcrowding may result in event cancelling as it is a violation of crowd management regulations.

Safety involves the use of security guards. They ensure that any challenges that occur shall be controlled by the authorities. In events, it is mandatory to have security for the safety of attendees as well as the staff in case of an emergency (Taylor and Toohey, 2005). Security also prevents any crowds from causing trouble and people without tickets from getting into the venue. For safety the event will require security guards to maintain the peace among the crowds and control any trouble makers. Public relations are critical when it comes to event organization. They create a strategic communication process between companies and the public (Harris, 2004). Event organization is one component which develops the public relations of a company. With the rise of the use of social media platforms, keeping tabs on both posts and comments in social media allows the organizers to monitor how they publicize the event. It is critical for all stakeholders to engage one another through marketing channels to monitor any false information that might be spread on social media as well as ensure all the details of the event go smoothly.

The London International Music Festival is an event that encourages musicians from all over the world to interact and grow they talents. In order to plan such a massive event organizer must pay attention to concepts such as sustainability, crowd management, safety, sponsorship as well as people management. The intended sponsors should have similar values to those of the events. As for sustainability, it is important to make plans that ensure the conservation of the event. This includes placing garbage cans all over the venue and making use of reusable eating material.


In conclusion, the London International Music Festival receives hundred of attendees every year. It requires that the event fulfil certain concepts including sustainability, management of people and crowds, safety, public relations as well as sponsorship. Making use of transportation that is safe for the environment is critical to having an environmentally sustainable event. Sponsorship allows that the event is supported by various companies which ensure that all its needs are met (Dos et al., 2014). Public relations allow stakeholders to get feedback on what the public thinks about the event. Safety is vital when it comes to events. This is because big crowds are a target fir terrorism and challenges are likely to occur in relation to safety.


Chiu, Y.C. and Zheng, H., 2007. Real-time mobilization decisions for multi-priority emergency response resources and evacuation groups: model formulation and solution. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 43(6), pp.710-736.

Dos Santos, M.A., Moreno, F.C., Rios, F.M., Valantine, I. and Emeljanovas, A., 2014. Destination image of a city hosting sport event: Effect on sponsorship. Transformations in Business & Economics, 13(2A), pp.343-360.

Getz, D., 2000. Developing a research agenda for the event management field. Events beyond, pp.10-21.

Harris, V., 2004. Management practice event management: A new profession?. Event Management, 9(1-2), pp.103-109.

MOWEN, A.J., VOGELSONG, H.G. and GRAEFE, A.R., 2003. Perceived crowding and its relationship to crowd management practices at park and recreation events. Event Management, 8(2), pp.63-72.

Pan, B., Huan, T.C. and Yuan, Y.Y., 2013. Adding environmental sustainability to the management of event tourism. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research.

Quinn, B., 2006. Problematising ‘festival tourism’: Arts festivals and sustainable development in Ireland. Journal of sustainable tourism, 14(3), pp.288-306.

Taylor, T. and Toohey, K., 2005. Impacts of terrorism-related safety and security measures at a major sport event. Event Management, 9(4), pp.199-209.


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